
The objective of this deck is pretty simple: You're going to take everything from your opponents. You're going to use your opponents' capabilities against themselves. You'll take their creatures. You'll take their hand. You'll take their library. Ad when you're done abusing those, you'll take some of what they have lost from the graveyard to use against them again. And if you don't want to abuse can make them lose it.

You have plenty of ramp and card draw to get the ball rolling. You have cost reductions in the form of the Familiars to attempt to overwhelm your opponents. You have plenty of removal, as well as reusable removal so you can destroy creatures that are not use to you at the moment or are a big threat...then you can resurrect them immediately with the likes of Adarkar Valkyrie or later on with things like Dimir Doppelganger and Chainer.

With creatures, auras and enchantments that can untap, you can abuse the stack and priority to steal multiple creatures without destroying any of them. If the opponent attempts to steal Merieke from you or found another devious means to make you lose control of their creatures, you can retaliate by sacrificing them to various things to draw cards to gain the upper hand.

Abilities such as Liesse ensure you can permanently remove creatures that may pose a threat to you that you will not want to control. That which isn't useful to you can easily be discarded.

You don't need to have big powerful creatures directly at your disposal when you can simple take what is already available, courtesy of your opponents.


Updates Add

Alright, so not much has changed besides the following:

Opposition Agent was removed, as I want it for a different deck. In its place I put An Offer You Can't Refuse, which increases the Removal count.

Toxrill was removed and Avacyn, Angel of Hope Added. The group I play with was finding Toxrill be to very stifling and not fun to contend with so I put Avacyn in. She is excellent in this style of deck where untapping my commander means I will not lose the creatures I take control. I think this will, overall, create a more positive play experience as the other players will feel they can play their stuff and not immediately have it removed.

Mind you, it just lets me set up for immediately stealing the object and keeping it. But let's not tell them that.


Date added 1 year
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Gold, Shapeshifter 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Commander, Cool Decks
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