Does this look infected?

Modern sad_2980


Moosh528491 says... #15

Sideboard could use some beefing up - maybe some graveyard hate ( Grafdigger's Cage , Rest in Peace , Surgical Extraction )? Also, 4 of of Ornithopter is maybe unnecessary. I know you want to get the ability off of Puresteel Paladin but even so 4 is a lot, you could probably cut it down to 2 and be happy with 2 extra mainboard slots.

October 21, 2019 4:36 p.m.

sad_2980 says... #16

Moosh528491 Thanks for the suggestions. The sideboard is definitely a work in progress. I haven't had any great ideas for what to add with the mono-white/artifact theme. Any suggestions are appreciated, and I will definitely add some graveyard hate. The Ornithopter is useful to buff Cranial Plating and can be equipped with Argentum Armor or Cranial Plating to do flying damage if the infect creatures don't come out quickly. That being said, I think it would be the first to get cut to add some sideboard cards. I've also been considering adding more removal to the mainboard and 2 Ornithopters could be the first to go. I'm concerned that the deck won't do very well against control. It is susceptible to counters and removal.

October 22, 2019 1:28 a.m.

Moosh528491 says... #17

Hmmm, maybe a few Leyline of Sanctity s in the sideboard? I don't know if Silence sees much play but it might be something to consider here...?

October 22, 2019 7:18 a.m.

exalted_k1d says... #18

October 22, 2019 8:07 a.m.

enpc says... #19

Since you don't have any trample-esque effects, I would recommend loking at white's many protection options to help close games out:

Apostle's Blessing , Gods Willing , Emerge Unscathed , Shelter (if you want some card draw).

Perhaps a few Inkmoth Nexus 's for some flying infect.

you also have the new Winds of Abandon to clear the board for lethal.

October 23, 2019 10:04 a.m.

sad_2980 says... #20

enpc Love the Inkmoth Nexus ! I like the idea of the protection spells too, but I'm not sure what I would cut. Thinking about using them in place of Path to Exile and 2 Ornithopters.

October 23, 2019 1:34 p.m.

enpc says... #21

Personally I like the Path to Exile . I would maybe go down to 3 Argentum Armor s and drop 2 thopters.

October 23, 2019 5:50 p.m.

wallisface says... #22

Some thoughts:

  • I would have thought you'd be able to get away with less lands, like 20, instead of 22. Personally i'd be dropping 2 lands and a Brass Squire for the remaining Sigarda's Aid and Steelshaper's Gift you currently have in the sideboard (they just seem like straight-up improvements, and must-haves for mainboard).

  • I'm surprised to see you running Plague Myr instead of Necropede. I would have thought you'd be wanting to swing with the infect creature every turn, and so the mana the Myr provides isn't great? I could be wrong?

  • I was expecting to see some Apostle's Blessing in the sideboard to protect your dudes.

  • I don't think you need to run more than a single copy of Argentum Armor, as you can search for it when needed, and there's just too many times you're going to get stuck with it in hand. I'd go down to a single copy so that you can run a more toolboxy weapon-set to best deal with the current situation. Both Maul of the Skyclaves and Sword of Light and Shadow both seem like strong other cards to run in the deck as 1-ofs.

  • How much value does Brass Squire actually provide? They seem quite slow in a deck that should be trying to close out the game fast. At the fastest, they can equip something on turn 4 (3 with ramp), when your opponent has probably already stabilized. I think Giver of Runes could better suite this slot, although to keep your artifact count high for Cranial Plating maybe some mix of Signal Pest and Welding Jar works better.

May 18, 2021 1:02 a.m.

sad_2980 says... #23

wallisface Love the suggestions! Brass Squire and Plague Myr are in the list because I thought the added mana utility could be a nice bonus at times, but I like your suggestion of using something with more immediate utility. Think I'll replace the Brass Squire with Necropede to keep the artifact and infect numbers up. I also like the idea of using a more tool-boxy set of equipment. Going with less than 22 lands makes me nervous, but I might give it a try. It may take a little while due to cost, but I think I'll probably incorporate most of your suggestions in some way over time. Thanks!

June 27, 2021 2:23 p.m.

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