MagicalHacker - List of All Anti-Board Wipe Cards

Commander / EDH* MagicalHacker


stoivanich says... #2

Oops missed this comment: "Hey everyone, I've updated this list, using only cards that can save tokens (since, let's be honest, those are the decks that need this list the most)."

Though I feel there should be a category for things that protect things other than creatures (like Faiths reward/Cosmic intervention) and even things that just protect creatures

March 7, 2021 6:17 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #3

Since you already have your list broken up into different categories, I don't see the point in excluding cards that don't save tokens, when you can just put them in their own list...

Also worth consideration are: Elspeth, Knight-Errant Flawless Maneuver Glorious Protector Akroma's Will

May 5, 2021 5:11 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #4

Also, while briefly mentioned above, as long as you are prepared to activate it, Jolrael, Empress of Beasts will prevent board wipes until it's removed, which means it should be on the list somewhere, if even in its own category. Frankly, anything that will make an opponent NOT cast a board wipe should be considered "anti-board wipe", even if it's not going to necessarily be 100% effective at all times... just put it in its own category of "riskier" cards that are still worth consideration. You never know which direction someone is building their deck in, and therefore which kind of anti-wipe will fit in the best.

Another card to consider is Null Brooch , which I tend to run in mono-red. If someone is wiping the board because my board state is too powerful, then it's likely worth discarding my hand to keep my board intact (if I even have any cards in hand). Plus it can protect itself against one removal spell per round, assuming you don't mind discarding your hand.

May 5, 2021 5:25 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #5

And just for the sake of argument, there are tons of very powerful decks that don't run creature tokens, but do run creatures they DON'T want removed. So only including cards that can save token creatures is being waaay too restrictive. My Merieke deck has only one card that creates tokens, but I steal creatures all the time, so my creature board state gets dominating. I give no cares about saving tokens, but only about preventing my creatures from disappearing into my grave.

Anything that responds to a board wipe by preserving most/all of your board state should be considered an anti-board wipe.

May 5, 2021 5:34 p.m.

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