pie chart

MagicalHacker - List of All Steady Card Draw

Commander / EDH*


+1/+1 Counters (5)

-1/-1 Counters (2)

Adventures (1)

Artifact Destruction (1)

Artifact Tapping (1)

Artifacts (5)

Aura (1)

Auras (4)

Big Commander (2)

Big Nontoken Creatures (8)

Big Token Creatures (7)

Big Tribal Eldrazi (1)

Biggest Commander (2)

Biggest Creature (2)

Buff (1)

Casting From Graveyard (2)

Clash (1)

Coin Flip (1)

Colorless (2)

Commander Attack (1)

Defenders (1)

Discard (5)

Double Strike Enablers (12)

Double Striker (1)

Embalm (1)

Enchantment Creatures (1)

Enchantress (7)

Equipment (3)

Equipment + Aristocrats (1)

Eternalize (1)

Evasion Enablers (4)

Evasive Artifact Creatures (1)

Evasive Commander (2)

Evasive Creatures (14)

Evasive Creatures + +1/+1 Counters (1)

Evasive Double Striker (11)

Evasive Merfolk (1)

Evasive Ninjas (2)

Evasive Nonhumans (1)

Evasive Slivers (1)

Evasive Warriors (1)

Exploration (1)

Fight (2)

Fight Club (1)

Flash (6)

Flash Burn (1)

Flash Enchantments (1)

Gates (1)

Goad (3)

Goodstuff/Value Decks (2)

Graveyard Hate (1)

Green Creatures (1)

Group Slug (1)

Hellbent (9)

Hellbent + Evasion Giving (1)

Heroic (5)

Instants (6)

Landfall (5)

Legends (3)

Library Manipulation (7)

Library Manipulation + Tribal (1)

Lifegain (6)

Lifegain + Creatures (1)

Lifegain + Hellbent (1)

Lures (2)

Mass Burn (2)

Monocolored (1)

More Big Creatures Than Opponents (1)

More Dying Creatures Than Opponents (1)

Morph (3)

Multicolored (1)

Mutate (1)

Noncreatures (3)

Nontoken Creatures (9)

Not Playing Lands (1)

Party (1)

Pillow Fort (2)

Pillow Fort + Evasiave Creatures (1)

Pillow Fort + Evasive Commander (20)

Pillow Fort + Evasive Creatures (19)

Pillow Fort And Lifegain (1)

Pingers (2)

Proliferate (7)

Renown (1)

Return To Hand (1)


Sacrificable Food (1)

Sacrificable Lands (2)

Sacrificable Nontoken Artifacts (2)

Sacrificable Nontoken Black Creatures (1)

Sacrificable Nontoken Creatures (13)

Sacrificable Nontoken Permanents (2)

Sacrificable Saprolings (2)

Sacrificable Scarecrows (1)

Sacrificable Token Artifacts (2)

Sacrificable Token Black Creatures (1)

Sacrificable Token Creatures (13)

Sacrificable Token Permanents (1)

Sacrificable Treasures (1)

Sacrificable Walls (1)

Sacrificeable Nontoken Creatures + +1/+1 Counters (1)

Sacrificeable Token Creatures + +1/+1 Counters (1)

Sacrificing Aetherborn (1)

Sacrificing Berserkers (1)

Sacrificing Clerics (1)

Sacrificing Elves (3)

Sacrificing Enchantments (1)

Sacrificing Food (1)

Sacrificing Kithkin (1)

Sacrificing Lands (1)

Sacrificing Nontoken Creatures (10)

Sacrificing Nontoken Creatures (One Tribe) (1)

Sacrificing Nontoken Creatures + +1/+1 Counters (1)

Sacrificing Nontoken Creatures + Counters (1)

Sacrificing Token Creatures (7)

Sacrificing Token Creatures (One Tribe) (1)

Sacrificing Token Creatures + +1/+1 Counters (1)

Sacrificing Token Creatures + Counters (1)

Sacrificing Zombies (1)

Sagas (2)

Self-Discarding Noncreatures (1)

Self-Flickering Commander (2)

Self-Mill (1)

Small Commander (2)

Small Nontoken Creatures (4)

Small Token Creatures (3)

Spellslinger (3)

Spellslinger, But Not Control (1)

Theft (1)

Token Creatures (3)

Tokens (1)

Tribal (3)

Tribal + Sacrificing Nontoken Creatures (1)

Tribal + Sacrificing Token Creatures (1)

Tribal Allies (1)

Tribal Ally (1)

Tribal Beasts (1)

Tribal Cleric (1)

Tribal Dragons (1)

Tribal Druid (1)

Tribal Dwarves (1)

Tribal Elemental (1)

Tribal Merfolk (1)

Tribal Rogue (1)

Tribal Spirits + Auras (1)

Tribal Warrior (1)

Tribal Wizard (1)

Tribal Wizards (2)

Tribal Zombies (2)

Vehicles (3)

Wizard Commander (1)

Zombie Commander (1)

List of all pertinent "slow and steady" draw spells in EDH.

What this includes:

  • Creatures and auras that can reasonably, even if only within the right theme/archetype, give you 2 or more nonland cards from the start of one of your turns to the start of your next turn (this is known as "a round of the table").
  • Noncreature, nonplaneswalker, nonaura permanents that can give you 1 or more nonland cards in a round of the table, even if only within the right theme/archetype.

What this doesn't include:

  • Cards that cost 6 mana or more to cast, since having that much mana being a prerequisite for card draw sets you up for not having enough mana to cast your card draw which you need in order to get more mana.
  • Cards that cost an additional 3 mana or more per card drawn.
  • Cards that won't let you draw even one card until you've paid at least 7 mana.
  • Cards that require you to have 7 or more cards in your hand to classify, because those cards don't help when you need card draw the most.
  • Cards that only let you draw cards if you have a certain life total.
  • Cards with the severe downsides, such as skipping your next untap step, sacrificing more permanents than you draw, etc.
  • Cards that cost 2 or more life per card drawn, except if you're playing a Lifegain deck (because otherwise, that's a highly inefficient use of that resource).
  • Necropotence, because the life loss combined with the increased attacking at you makes people lose the game a lot, making this card more likely to push you more often towards losing rather than winning.
  • Cards that let your opponents draw cards for free, since the purpose of card draw is to have more cards than opponents, and symmetrical draw defeats the purpose of drawing cards in the first place.
  • Anything strictly worse than Mind's Eye, because you really shouldn't be playing more than one card at cmc 5, and Mind's Eye is the best 5 drop colorless card that works in all themes.

Please suggest steady draw spells that fit these parameters, ask about my other helpful resources for EDH, or check out this link to my scryfall search for steady draw spells.


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Revision 48 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Realmwalker main
-1 Vizier of the Menagerie main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #52 position overall 4 years ago
  • Achieved #25 position in Commander / EDH 4 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

35 - 0 Mythic Rares

156 - 0 Rares

103 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 309
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Assassin 1/1 B w/ Haste, City's Blessing, Clue, Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Food, Goat 0/1 W, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C, Saproling 1/1 G, Soldier 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Spirit 1/1 W, The Monarch, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Resources, EDH Stuff, Commander staples, Good references, Just Plain Awsome, Useful Stuff, EDH Card Lists, Commander Ref, resources, Resource Lists
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