MagicalHacker - List of All Mass Answers

Commander / EDH* MagicalHacker

SCORE: 305 | 69 COMMENTS | 198917 VIEWS | IN 158 FOLDERS

MagicalHacker says... #1

Fennek11, yes, I like it! I've added all the X-cost board wipes (see description) even though they can't kill hexproof/shroud creatures.

Lord_Khaine, thanks!

November 30, 2017 4:26 p.m.

jpsuchecki says... #3

Ignore Elspeth

December 6, 2017 4:56 p.m.

ChaoticNeutral says... #4

Does Ezuri's Predation count?

December 20, 2017 2:24 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #5

I've chosen to only include board wipes that can kill even creatures with 6 toughness since most playgroups have creatures like Sun Titan, Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Sheoldred, Whispering One, Grave Titan, Rune-Scarred Demon, Consecrated Sphinx, Wurmcoil Engine, Soul of the Harvest, Rampaging Baloths, etc. which definitely need to be included in the kill count for board wipes (and it applies to my spot removal as well).

So 6 is the cutting off point for my lists, since the number of highly played creatures (according to edhrec) has drastically fewer creatures with toughness 7 than toughness 6 (which surprisingly has more creatures than with toughness 5 too). Based on that, it appears that 6 is the most valuable number to set the threshold at (since one does have to be set).

Thanks for the great question!

December 20, 2017 10:58 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #6

jpsuchecki, Chandra Nalaar is what should be in the list instead of Chandra, Flamecaller! I get brain farts sometimes, thanks for the help!

December 20, 2017 3:34 p.m.

Saint1129 says... #7

Thanks! This look very useful and Im definitely keeping it on tab. But maybe add a couple more that you missed including.

Whelming Wave, Engulf the Shore, and Ratchet Bomb.

February 19, 2018 8:49 a.m.

PerfektJade says... #8

Thank you so much for this list! I've been playing MTG for just under a year, so I've still got a lot to learn. I'll definitely be saving this and checking out your other lists.

March 7, 2018 1:13 p.m.

cleandeceit says... #9

Glad this list exists, but it seems to be missing quite a few. Wash Out just being one of them.

March 11, 2018 9:36 p.m.

Chris2684 says... #10

cleandeceit the notes say that he/she purposefully didn't include things that wiped based on color/creature type.

March 24, 2018 12:02 p.m.

I always love it when I find cool whenni find

"Very cheap and white isn't it in more deck cards"

For this case and suggestion for this list

Volcanic Wind

Mass token removal ladies and gentlemen

Or choose all the creatures and take out a couple of big ones

And this is good in the dinosaur tribal with enrage trigger being a thing

May 8, 2018 7:26 p.m.

Rolska says... #12

May 10, 2018 7:15 p.m.

KingofCorns says... #13

Missing Whelming Wave and Wash Out

June 6, 2018 10:42 a.m.

-Arcanity- says... #14

July 11, 2018 4:37 a.m.

Clumsy_Oaf says... #15

I like were this is going and it helped me open to new ideas.

Considering this is for EDH there are always a multitude of ways to do the same thing, it is a given that some cards are better then others. Incidentally there are times you may want the so called "down side" wipes if they play into your strategy such as Mageta the Lion, for decks like Karador. Most decks may have no use for them but others may find them perfect. Either way it is dependent on meta.

Even more problematic then creatures, at times, can be other permanents like artifacts and enchantments. Some colors are proficient at wiping these like Bane of Progress. I just feel they need more representation although there are great universal ones in this list like Oblivion Stone and Nevinyrral's Disk.

July 18, 2018 2:07 a.m.

creepycrawler says... #16

July 19, 2018 12:26 p.m.

creepycrawler says... #17

For Green:

July 19, 2018 12:39 p.m.

Cornonjacob07 says... #18

I think you're missing both Soulquake and Worldpurge.

August 16, 2018 3:16 a.m.

MasterofTacos says... #19

Would Torment of Hailfire be considered a potential board wipe enabler?

August 21, 2018 9:40 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #20

Saint1129, PerfektJade, cleandeceit, Chris2684, TheDeckMaker2300, Rolska, KingofCorns, -Arcanity-, Clumsy_Oaf, creepycrawler, and Cornonjacob07, thank you so much for your commments! I apologize that it took me this long to get back to you (life has been very hectic, from working on maintaining my YouTube channel to breaking two bones in my right foot leading to surgery, and more), but my plan is to address all of your comments within the next 24 hours as I also update my deck with new cards as well.

I want to apologize in advance if this process leads me to change up my requisites, inadvertently causing one of your suggestions to no longer fit within the parameters in the list. It happens very rarely, but I do want to mention this before I even read your comments.

Thank you, and I'm looking forward to responding soon to you all, if all goes according to plan. :)

August 28, 2018 3:33 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #21

Saint1129, thank you for the suggestions! Whelming Wave is sorcery speed, so it's not good enough for this list in my opinion. I have had parameters defined to exclude sorcery speed mass return in the description for a while now. However, Engulf the Shore is a great suggestion. I'll be adding it, thanks! As for Ratchet Bomb, I have clarified with my latest update that there are some limitations to board wipes that are limited by what converted mana cost it can destroy, so based on those clarifications, it is now much clearer that Ratchet Bomb doesn't fit here.

PerfektJade, everyone starts somewhere! :) Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you on your journey of learning.

cleandeceit, regarding Wash Out, Chris2684 is right in that the problem with that card is that it is a sorcery speed mass return spell. Besides that, I'd love to hear your opinions on what other cards should be added here, especially since there are "quite a few".

TheDeckMaker2300, when it comes to board wipes in general, it's important that they are able to destroy 5 or more creatures. On top of that, board wipes that deal damage need to be able to deal 6 damage to creatures, so I find it highly unlikely that a board state will have 30 creatures or more at any given time. Thank you for the suggestion though!

Rolska, unfortunately, due to the nature of the commander format, there are actually more creatures commonly found in commander with toughness 6 than there are with toughness 5 or 7, so it's important that any board wipe be able to wipe away those creatures. This is why Mizzium Mortars isn't good enough for this list. However, Sunscour is great, so I've added it. Thank you for your suggestion!

KingofCorns, as I mentioned to the two previous users suggesting those two cards, I've included parameters in the description that have defined sorcery speed mass unsummon board wipes to not be good enough for quite some time. The reasoning behind that is simple: If you return creatures during your turn, your opponents can simply replay the majority of those cards on their turns. However, if you return them during an opponent's end step, you potentially force that opponent to discard those creatures, but in addition, you provide yourself with two turns without those creatures rather than just one.

-Arcanity-, in the same way that it's important for damage-based board wipes to be able to deal 6 damage to creatures, toughness-reduction-based board wipes need to fill that same requisite. The reasoning has to do with the fact that creatures with toughness of 6 are very common in commander, to the point that they are more played than creatures with toughness of 5 or 7.

Clumsy_Oaf, while it is possible for there to be multiple artifacts and enchantments on your opponents' battlefields that need to removed quickly, artifacts and enchantments aren't inherently threatening like creatures are. Because of that, creature board wipes are much more important to include. In my perspective, being able to destroy all noncreatures is something that a good deck will be able to do, but I would much rather have that ability on a card that also destroys all creatures as well. Playing Bane of Progress is nice, but I'd much rather play Oblivion Stone in that slot since Stone is much less situational and answers the situation that Bane is designed for as well.

creepycrawler, regarding Aetherize, I was prepared to point you to where I wrote that this list does not include board wipes that are limited to attacking creatures, but I realized I forgot to write that! Thank you for bringing my attention to that oversight. (It's a great card on my other board wipe list though!) Regarding Aethersquall Ancient, Coastal Breach, Crush of Tentacles, Devastation Tide, Displacement Wave, Kederekt Leviathan, River's Rebuke, Slinn Voda the Rising Deep, Time of Ice, Upheaval, and Waterspout Elemental, their text can only be played/activated at sorcery speed, so they don't make the list due to the parameter in the description clarifying that sorcery speed mass return is not good enough for this list. (Also, Upheaval is banned in commander.) Regarding Hurkyl's Recall, Rebuild, Back to Nature, Calming Verse, Creeping Corrosion, Essence Filter, Hush, Multani's Decree, Primeval Light, Seeds of Innocence, Serene Heart, Tranquil Domain, Tranquil Grove, Tranquil Path, Tranquility, and Wave of Vitriol, artifacts and enchantments aren't inherently threatening like creatures are, so spot removal is much more suited for them compared to creatures. That said, it's not a bad idea to play cards like Boompile to be able to deal with noncreatures en masse while also wiping creatures. I have clarified my description from simply saying that it includes "Destroying/exiling/etc. all creatures/permanents/nonlands" to saying that it excludes "Cards that wipe noncreatures, unless they also wipe creatures". As for Thousand Winds, another user pointed out that I forgot to add a requisite to exclude wipes that only hit attacking creatures, so that's why it's not a great inclusion.

Cornonjacob07, both of those cards fall under the category of sorcery speed mass return, which isn't good enough for this list because it doesn't get rid of the creatures it wipes except for one turn. Whereas with instant speed mass return, you can use it before a cleanup step to use discard to your advantage, but more importantly, they guarantee you twice as many turns before those creatures lose summoning sickness.

MasterTaco, I would say no based on the previous parameter "Destroying/exiling/etc. X/'any number of' creatures/permanents/nonlands if it can remove 5 or more for 10 mana or less" that was updated in this update. If X=8, is it guaranteed to remove all creatures from a board state more than cause the controllers to lose a lot of life and/or discard cards? In my experience, that is a rare occurrence.

Thank you to everyone who suggested cards, I'm glad that you all were able to give me multiple cards to be added to this list! :D

August 28, 2018 11:49 p.m.

RikuMurasaki says... #22

I have a suggestion that I realize technically falls just short of the "6 damage" rule, but I feel could possibly still be worth noting: Hour of Devastation

I feel like the ability to remove indestructible from permanents, and then burn not only creatures, but planeswalkers too, for still a decent chunk of damage, has come in handy to me at least a surprising number of times. People like their "unkillable" bois. Even if this doesn't finish the job, it opens the field to something else.

September 21, 2018 5:58 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #23

RikuMurasaki, you have no idea how badly I wish I could find a way to put it onto this list! It did a lot of amazing things for my Etali deck on my YouTube channel, but I think that might have more to do with how it often times would clear the way for Etali, Primal Storm to attack.

In your opinion, would it make sense to make a list of cards that hose indestructible or a list of cards that can wipe away all planeswalkers? To me, both of those sound way to situational.

When it comes to the math of it, because EDHREC says that it is way more common for a 6-toughness creature to be played than a 5-toughness creature to be played, if I am trying to set the threshold of damage to a non-arbitrary amount, it has to be set to 6. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Raphstow, unfortunately, as per the fourth point of what is excluded from the list, Harsh Mercy has the same problem as Divine Reckoning in that neither card can wipe away the scariest creature from the board. In mono white, some other powerful board wipes that can be played for 3 mana or less include Planar Collapse, Citywide Bust, Retribution of the Meek, Slaughter the Strong, and Hour of Revelation (if there are 10 or more nonlands on the battlefield). With these available, I don't think it's worth modifying that rule to include a card I think will not do enough in enough situations. Thanks for the suggestion though!

September 26, 2018 9:43 p.m.

Lil_Kalki says... #24

I suggest removing Worldslayer on the grounds that it wipes all other permanents, not just nonland, and thus must wipe lands. Even if it's somewhat situational due to needing a combat connection to go off, it's still breaking that rule.

November 19, 2018 2:16 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #25

That's a great point, Lil_Kalki, I'll remove it during the next update for my lists. :)

November 19, 2018 4:41 p.m.

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