The Bloodhall Season 13 - Medomai the Ageless
Commander / EDH
MagicalHacker says... #3
angrychains because of the summoning sickness, Gomazoa is gonna go. So it's out. I have plenty of effects to do that, so I'm fine just taking it out.
While Fireshrieker is great with Medomai, I don't think it does enough for the rest of the deck. I'm even going to take out Strionic Resonator for the same reason.
Will do, Emeria is awesome.
Lol, not anymore xD
To sum it up: Gomazoa and Fireshrieker out, Sun Titan in.
August 6, 2014 4:23 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #4
Epochalyptik, if you have some free time, I would love to hear any insight you may have about cutting this list down to 63 before lands are added (Emeria, The Sky Ruin , Academy Ruins , and Buried Ruin will be included in the lands if that matters. You are practically famous about your expertise of control in EDH/Commander, so I thought asking you might be worth a shot.
August 6, 2014 11:02 p.m.
angrychains says... #5
the 7 cards i'd cut are condemn, remand, humility, witchbane orb, aegis of the gods, aurification, and memory lapse.
theyre all generally subpar in commander. im assuming that this is a multiplayer list? if its for french your curve is a little too high...
August 7, 2014 3:59 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #6
Thanks for the comment, but here is the reasoning behind each of those cards:
Condemn is a tuck effect, so it is often times more powerful than Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares , especially when used on a commander.
Remand and Memory Lapse are both counterspells that are easier to cast than Counterspell , and can potentially Time Walk an opponent. (Remand is cantrip for you and them on top of that.)
Humility and Aurification shut a lot of decks down (especially aggro/midrange, Humility hits combo decks really hard too).
Witchbane Orb and Aegis of the Gods are Hexproof effects that will stop such a large number of infinite combos from killing me, but are also nice against other things. These two cards specifically synergize with Tezzeret the Seeker , Enlightened Tutor , and Sun Titan .
With that information in mind, do you still feel any of those can be removed, or do you see any other cards that can be removed instead?
August 7, 2014 7:46 a.m.
angrychains says... #7
i made my last post under the assumption that the list is geared for multiple opponents, but i didnt give reasons so:
Condemn : everyone loves this card, but: against a control list that commander will never attack you--and when they do expect a response; in theory its at its most powerful against a voltron list but how many -good- voltron commanders dont have magic proofed triple striking swords equipped when they swing? if you need a strong tuck effect you need one at instant speed--Banishing Stroke and Spin into Myth both go live right around the time people tap out to cast commanders.
Remand and Memory Lapse are both easy to cast counterspells sure--the big thing is they dont actually solve your problem--they just put it on a one turn to find a more permanent solution clock. not to mention the fact that in bi-color you *shouldn't have any color issues. look to Fairy Trickery and Dissipate as your counterspell supplements
fine point about Humility , i would still rather see something else in aurification's place maybe Blind Obedience ? honestly i've just learned not to expect enchantments and artifacts to stick around unless im playing sharuum.
i dont really have anything against the orb and aegis aside from their use outside of that specific scenario--and the fact that playing a heavy control deck means you should have an answer to at least one of the combo pieces at any time.
i think theyre fine cards for a french list--if thats the case your problem is the curve not necessarily these specific cards.
August 7, 2014 2:56 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #8
This is going to be geared for multiple opponents, sorry if I miscommunicated that earlier.
You are very correct about how Condemn relies on an attacking commander to be good, so I'll take it out. The main reason it was in here was because of it's low mana cost, but I'll think about adding Banishing Stroke back in.
Those counterspells are definitely the weakest in the deck, so I'll take them out. I don't feel like Dissipate and Faerie Trickery necessarily have a good enough effect at three mana to warrant their inclusions since they're basically Cancel s against a deck with very little recursion.
With Aurification , people usually choose to answer it later and attack other people for right now. From what I've seen, Blind Obedience tends to just be a general annoyance without any real purpose, that's why I'm probably going to take out Grand Arbiter Augustin IV as well.
With those two cards, having one on the field means a combo deck needs an answer to it before they can win and, hopefully, I'll have answer to their answer. I'll take out Witchbane Orb though, as it will never cost less than four, and curses aren't usually played.
Also, I asked myself why I wasn't running Knowledge Exploitation , and I realized that only Bribery is worth playing of those effects. I'll take Acquire out.
TL;DR Taking out Condemn , Remand , Memory Lapse , Witchbane Orb , Acquire , and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV . I want to try to get just one more card out of here.
August 7, 2014 4:16 p.m.
angrychains says... #9
I think the last weak link in the deck would have to be Day of Judgment : I dont think you need this strictly worse wrath with all the others already in the deck
August 7, 2014 4:56 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #10
But it's only four mana D: at that cmc, I can wipe and then cast my commander for only ten mana. Additionally, regenerate isn't that common, so having two Wrath of God s is pretty good. Also, wraths seem to win games a lot where I play, so I think I want to take out a mana rock instead.
August 7, 2014 5:23 p.m.
angrychains says... #11
sometimes i forget that edh is extremely play group dependent. id say worn powerstone--since youll be adding in sol ring with the lands
August 7, 2014 5:56 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #12
I didn't even see that it comes in to play. Yeah it's good to go
August 7, 2014 6:33 p.m.
angrychains says... #13
Looks like youre good to go? Once you get in a few games then you can make some more serious changes. Link me back--love building edh decks. Also hows the competition going?
August 7, 2014 6:42 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #14
Yep! Looks like I'm done for now. I'll build it early next week and start seeing how it does.
I will do! I also enjoy the thrill of build decks for fun, especially EDH/Commander decks.
It's going well, I need to send some important-ish information to you and the other two judges, so you'll see something from me later today on your wall.
August 7, 2014 6:53 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #15
I suppose I can stop by and offer something.
I don't know if you're aware of this, but you don't currently have a way to get value out of Emeria, The Sky Ruin . You have only five basic Plains and one Hallowed Fountain . In order for Emeria, The Sky Ruin 's triggered ability to trigger, you have to control seven plains plus Emeria, The Sky Ruin .
That brings me to my first major point: too many nonbasic lands. I know two-color decks have a bit more leeway when it comes to the land lineup, but there is such a thing as too much. One of the advantages of one- and two-color decks is that they are naturally resistant to things like Ruination or Back to Basics .
You might also consider dropping the artifact lands (which are only made marginally playable by Tezzeret the Seeker , but are still very vulnerable) and Tolaria West (which is most useful when it can find both Pact of Negation and Mana Crypt as well as key utility lands).
Your selection of planeswalkers is fairly underwhelming. Remember that EDH is an entirely different beast; cards that are good in Standard control decks are not necessarily good in EDH control decks.
Remember that card economy is important. Although some of your instants and sorceries are indeed powerful, but you need to be mindful of your resource consumption.
You might also want to think about how much you're paying for spells like Akroma's Vengeance .
I'm not a fan or retribution effects. They're just expensive speedbumps that deter people from attacking you, but don't really do much if the situation gets out of hand.
Your creature lineup seems to indicate that you're going for a pillow fort style of play -- an assumption that is supported by your choice of enchantments -- but you don't really have any "get there." It seems more like you're interested in slowly wearing your opponents down with one or two attackers per turn, but it doesn't seem super effective to load up on deterrents and only poke people to death. Having played against decks like that, I can also say your opponents won't want to play against this kind of deck because the games will drag.
I suggest coming up with a defined focus and going from there.
August 8, 2014 2:50 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #16
First I want to thank you for stopping by and offering your advice! The focus I had built around for the deck was a control/hoser deck that utilizes other player's wincons against them (Luminarch Ascension is just too good for me to pass up though, even though it does neither). Medomai was really the card that made me want to build this type of deck because, if his trigger resolves, I can tap out for hosers/threats and then leave my mana open during my extra turn for responses.
After pondering what you've said, I definitely agree that I've got too many non basics. These are the lands I want to take out:
- City of Brass , Mana Confluence , and Adarkar Wastes because I don't want to pay life to color fix.
- Glacial Fortress , Seachrome Coast , and Azorius Chancery because I don't like having tapped lands just for color fixing.
- Seat of the Synod because if I've already cast Tezzeret the Seeker , I probably have enough blue mana.
- Emeria, The Sky Ruin because seven plains will probably never happen in an azorius deck.
With those removed, I can definitely add in more basics and feel better about Nimbus Maze . I still want to keep Hall of the Bandit Lord and Tolaria West though, because the Hall can potentially let my commander trigger right away (a land enabling an extra turn seems pretty good to me!) and Tolaria can tutor for a shared piece of the two infinite combos I have (Academy Ruins ).
Do you think those lands are okay to remove?
I agree with you that playing them the way they are played in standard is a bad move.
Elspeth can board wipe or can produce tokens that can eventually win the game. She's more of a versatile control card, and I haven't really seen her perform poorly at anytime in my superfriends deck in EDH/Commander. Being a potentially repeatable board wipe and a wincon in the same card seems really good for a control deck.
Jace has more of a three-fold purpose, but the ultimate is what makes him part of this deck. A free card from everyone's deck in EDH/Commander should win the game right away. Surprisingly in my meta, people aren't afraid of him until it's too late (probably because they think his -2 is the only relevant part about him due to how standard played him). Additionally, his +1 is bonkers with Humility out, which I'll go into more about below.
Both of those planeswalkers are extremely good in this deck, and I would even say most control decks, especially EDH/Commander.
Do you have any other reasons for why they aren't so great in EDH/Commander?
In my meta, I personally have never seen either of these two resolve without that player winning the game. I will keep an eye out for whether or not they are useful, but for right now, I feel pretty confident that these are good meta choices. Everyone I play with overvalues the advantage of ETBs, so Gather Specimens lets me steal the advantage of those abilities.
Akroma's Vengeance is basically another Planar Cleansing , which both may need to be taken out for cards that can destroy all enchantments and artifacts my opponents control (can't think of any off the top of my head though).
Dissipation Field and Aurification are similar effects, but they're great hosers for decks reliant on winning in more than one combat. I'll definitely consider these as options for removal if they prove to have limited usefulness.
Humility on the other hand is just way too good. It's in my superfriends deck, and no one can do anything since everybody relies on creature ETBs destroying artifacts and enchantments. On top of that, creatures are no longer a win con for anybody, voltrons are targetable, cards like Akroma's Memorial are shut down, and infinite combos using creatures don't work anymore. My only two card infinite combo (Academy Ruins + Mindslaver ) is not affected though. Humility is probably my favorite card in here in spite of the fact that it shuts Medomai the Ageless down too.
These are the win cons I have, should I look for more?
- Academy Ruins + Mindslaver
- Buried Ruin + Mindslaver + Sun Titan
- Elspeth, Sun's Champion
- Jace, Architect of Thought
- Commandeer
- Gather Specimens
- Luminarch Ascension
- Treachery
- Callous Oppressor
- Empress Galina
- Memnarch
- Sakashima the Impostor
- Bribery
Again, I want to thank you for your input! I tried to be as openminded as possible, so I want to apologize if I seemed a bit unreceptive to your advice. I think I want to play with the deck at least a little bit before removing any of the nonlands you mentioned, so I hope that that's not off-putting at all...
Additionally, do you have any suggestions as for cards to include? I had to remove Mana Crypt , Jace, the Mind Sculptor , Snapcaster Mage , Cryptic Command , and Moat because of their prices. I'm most likely going to have the majority of this deck proxied for a while, and I want to try to avoid having cards at 25 dollars or higher just because it seems really douchey to proxy cards at that price. (Just a disclaimer; feel free to suggest cards above that price range.)
Thanks again for the help, Epoch!
August 8, 2014 11:28 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #17
I would keep Adarkar Wastes because you only need to pay life so long as you need the color fixing. Remember that life is a resource.
Glacial Fortress is also good because it should usually come in untapped (especially if you're increasing the number of basics you run).
I still advise cutting Hall of the Bandit Lord because it enters tapped and you need to pay 3 life just to tap it for 1 mana.
I strongly disagree about Jace, Architect of Thought being good in EDH as a format. Maybe it's playable in your deck/meta, but it doesn't bring enough value to the table in most games/situations to warrant inclusion in a greater number of decks.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion is more passable, but it depends on the deck. If you're going for a slow control route (which this deck appears to be doing), then it's fine. I'd need to see it in action.
Cards 3-13 in your win-con list can't rightly be called win-cons on their own. Commandeer and Gather Specimens specifically are not close to the level they need to be; they only grab one to a few things each. I suppose they could win you the game sometimes, but they're greatly limited by their costs.
No planeswalker is a win-con on its own in EDH, not even Jace, the Mind Sculptor . You need a lot of support for planeswalkers to be more than utility permanents.
Control effects are also not really considered win-cons because they take one thing, and their usefulness depend entirely upon your opponents' boards.
By all means, continue playtesting. My advice is only that; advice. Some of it comes from having seen or tested certain things, and some of it comes from my understanding of the format and the way it works. I'm not always right, so playtesting should be the final step in determining whether a card is worth including or not.
I do think you should determine whether you want to run more combos or not. I strongly advise against depending on opponents' win-cons to be your win-cons. As I mentioned before, I played against a friend who had a mono-blue deck that was 50 counterspells, 40 lands, and 5-10 ways to steal your win conditions. We stopped playing with him after the first game. I'm definitely not saying this deck is that bad, but a deck should be able to win reliably on its own. I will admit that combo might also not be the best route depending on your meta; many players are biased against combo because it's less interactive.
August 8, 2014 11:54 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #18
True. I figured I have more than enough color fixing, but I guess there's no reason to not include Adarkar Wastes .
I think I still want to take Glacial Fortress out because it can make for an awkward time if I need more blue mana and only plains and other non basics in my hand. If I need more color fixing in my tests, I'll use it for sure.
I'm really not that worried about the lifeloss, but the possibility of giving Medomai haste is one that I really like so I'll keep it in, and I will let you know how the tests go with it.
I think you're right about the Jace. Even though he's got a great ult, he just doesn't have enough usefulness with his other two abilities. I'll take him out for Lightning Greaves because of it's ability to give my commander haste.
I am pretty sure Elspeth will work fine, but I'll let you know if that changes.
I'll also keep an eye out for the usefulness of Commandeer and Gather Specimens and let you know if I do decide to remove them.
I'd actually say that the control aspects of the deck (yay Humility ) are the PW support in this deck. (While JTMS is a great card, it's not the best planeswalker in EDH/Commander in my opinion. I'd probably give that title to Sorin Markov.)
While control effects can sometimes win the game, their ultimate purpose in this deck is to serve as spot removal while granting me permanents that I thought are worth removing.
I understand. I heard an analogy once that is such a great example of people who think a deck is poorly built without the owner feeling the same way: it's as if a customer at a restaurant says a meal tastes disgusting based on the picture in the menu.
Okay, I have no issue playing with infinite combos, so I'll try to find more combos to run. I personally want to stick to two or three card combos where each card can serve a good purpose outside of the combo. The only one I found that I liked for this was Dovescape + Guile , but the fact that both cards were in the same slot as my commander got them removed from the deck. Do you have any you'd like to recommend?
To sum it up...:
Adarkar Wastes not out. Glacial Fortress out for now. Hall of the Bandit Lord not out for now.
I will definitely playtest the rest of those cards to see what cards I can take out.
Any combos you have in mind?
August 8, 2014 2:06 p.m.
biggestmtgnerd says... #19
What about Divine Reckoning ? It can really slow down your opponent, and since, you are taking extra turns, you will be able to lay more stuff and have an overall advantage. Even if they manage to eventually regain an advantage, you could flashback it and regain the upper hand.
August 9, 2014 1:51 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #20
It would interact nicely with Medomai... Hmm I'll consider it.
August 9, 2014 2:10 a.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #21
Alright, right away when I see taking extra turns I automatically think of two things, upkeep triggers, and end step triggers. Some great cards I can think of right off the bat are some with suspend (like Ancestral Vision and Aeon Chronicler ). If you add enough things with upkeep triggers Paradox Haze will be very useful also.
Another notable thing is planeswalkers, two activations before your opponent gets their turn is usually very powerful, you already have some great ones in your "List of cards to think about."
Some other cards I recommend are ones with landfall (since you will be able to drop 2 lands a turn, essentially) like Roil Elemental or maybe even Admonition Angel .
Otherwise, some just simply straight up good stuff to include would be:
Austere Command , It's just straight up the best boardwipe in commander IMO. Council's Judgment is also amazing removal, especially in 1v1. Sphinx's Revelation is as good in Commander as it is in standard, even better because there are better cards to draw with it ;) I do notice that your deck is lacking card draw, which control decks desperately need to keep up with removing threats and playing your own so this will be an important addition.
As far as counterspells go, it comes down to preference, I like counterspells that let you draw cards like Remand and Dream Fracture or that are tricky like Daze and Foil .
This deck could use a lot of trimming and focusing however, the deck seems to be all over the place at the moment and has a lot of redundant effects that don't seem relevant to me (depending on your playgroup of course). Examples of this are Aegis of the Gods , Leyline of Sanctity , I mean unless someone is consistently copying Cruel Ultimatum 5 times on you or Grapeshot ting you for 50 damage, this ability could be much better replaced with a more progressive strategy. Humility is just kind of a scummy, lame card like Necropotence except even worse because it doesn't end the game faster, only slower. Besides, when you have Medomai, True Conviction , and Sakashima out, do you really want to draw something like Humility ? Silent Arbiter doesn't really help that interaction either.
I also feel like Sun Titan might not have enough valuable targets. He's at his best when he is reanimating powerful enchantments or creatures that combo or just do strong things like Eternal Witness , Animate Dead , Phyrexian Arena , Oblivion Ring , Fiend Hunter , or other cards like in my Vish Kal deck Will It Sac?. Bringing back Grand Abolisher on turn 6 more than likely isn't going to make your opponent cringe when he's looking at the turn 7 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (who probably wouldn't be too bad in this deck).
Solemn Simulacrum is someone I am not a fan of in two color decks, he's only in my vish kal deck because reanimating him and sacrificing him over and over is very powerful. He's also in my 5 color deck. Callous Oppressor seems like a less scary Roil Elemental . Proteus Staff seems like a gamble to me, I don't see any for sure way to get value out of it without some Brainstorm like effects. Dissipation Field , Aurification , and Mystic Barrier all seem underwhelming. I've never been a fan of pillow-forting. In a control deck if your opponents are at a point where you are taking significant damage, these cards won't save you. I'd rather drop Austere Command versus a lethal board than Aurification . Luminarch Ascension just gets you killed in multiplayer (or it should), it's okay in 1v1, but really slow, and only gets worse as the game goes on to draw it. Memnarch is really good if you play versus someone with an artifact deck, or make infinite mana, otherwise it's pretty expensive to get value out of. Vortex Elemental is okay, I'd put Stifle in though. You'd be amazed at what a good Stifle can do.
I'm sorry for really tearing this deck apart, but I think you are really on to something, you just need to look for some more synergy in your cards and focus in on your game plan. Like I said in the beginning, you seem to like taking extra turns, so take extra turns! Just try to get the most out of those extra turns with aforementioned effects. I hope I've helped even a little bit! I think I've spent the better part of an hour coming up with all of this stuff, so do what you will with it. Good luck in your deck building ventures, fellow Azorius player!
August 10, 2014 4:34 p.m.
Lloyd156_BLUE says... #22
If you are running with a Empress Galina try using Leyline of Singularity . Why take just their commander when you can take all of their cards? Also works really well if someone in your playgroup has a token deck.
With Medomai the Ageless it should be top priority to ensure the damage goes through, maybe try including a Thassa, God of the Sea or a Traveler's Cloak cards like these to make sure you get those extra turns
Hope this helps out. Good luck with the deck
August 10, 2014 8:26 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #23
Saw Spelljack and Desertion in someone else's deck, and I think I can EASILY remove Gather Specimens and Commandeer for those two! (Epochalyptik might be pleased to hear this; or not; idk)
Gather Specimens and Commandeer out; Spelljack and Desertion in.
Stormbringer007, first of all, I would like to thank you for the fact that you took the time to comment here on my deck. :) One thing I love about tappedout is how it really is a community, and a lot of people put in a lot of effort to help out other players!
That said, with this deck, I wanted to build it more along the lines of a control deck rather than a combo or aggro/midrange deck (totally outside my comfort zones!). So while upkeep triggers, end step triggers, and abilities that can only be used once a turn are going to be completely bonkers with Medomai, I want to run those cards only if they have a purpose in the deck to control the field/my opponents with or without Medomai on the field. Here are my thoughts per each suggestion:
Ancestral Vision was taken out to make room for other cards, but I didn't include it because of the suspend synergy with Medomai; rather, it was a card that I thought would be liked by any control deck because it can be used on turn one (where nothing else important happens anyways) to draw cards to refill the hand when its very needed (turn five). It was taken out because I thought I had too much draw in the deck (Medomai draws me an extra card each turn), but if more draw was necessary, I'd add this card in. BASICALLY, do you think Ancestral Vision needs to be added back in?
On the other hand, Aeon Chronicler has two issues with me. First, it's an expensive effect to just draw cards (always more mana than Blue Sun's Zenith ) that only delays the draw, and when it does finally resolve, it's basically just a Maro . I don't think I want to resort to this card for card draw, but it does raise a good question: Any other suspend cards that would have a control effect in this deck that I should consider?
Paradox Haze is a definite favorite card of mine (TRIVIA: Did you know that it and Wheel of Sun and Moon are the only auras to enchant players that don't have the type "curse"?), so if I do get enough control upkeep effects, I can utilize it. Do you know any non-suspend upkeep triggers that are going to have strong control effects?
I do like planeswalkers, but if there's anything I've learned from my Superfriends deck (shameless plug: Colorful Personalities), it's that planeswalkers =/= winning the game. Tamiyo is one that I really think could do well because of her abilities. Do you have any planeswalkers with strong control effects that you would like to suggest?
I actually have to disagree with you on the point you make about landfall working well with Medomai, and it's because Medomai is such a high drop that I will rarely have two lands in my hand in a row to double up on the landfall ability. Even then, the only landfall I though was worth considering for this deck was Roil Elemental , and I really don't like it and other cards like it that are "removable removal" (Oblivion Ring is another example). The same thing applies to Admonition Angel . In fact, I just looked over the deck, and I see I need to take out Callous Oppressor because of that same reason. Any other landfall cards you would like to suggest?
Austere Command is a card that I added to my list of possibilities this morning because I noticed that I didn't have much to deal with artifacts or enchantments. I really think I need to add it, but I'm worried I have too many boardwipes. Planar Cleansing is very good against multiple threats of the types artifact, enchantment, creature, and planeswalker, so I definitely want to keep it. Akroma's Vengeance trades off the possibility of hitting planeswalkers to give it cycling, so there's no reason not to run it (since it can replace itself if I don't need a board wipe). Oblivion Stone is a board wipe that can be tutored/recurred by Enlightened Tutor , Tezzeret the Seeker , Academy Ruins , Buried Ruin , and Sun Titan , so I feel like it's practically an auto include. Cyclonic Rift is almost universally seen as one of the best cards in blue in edh regardless of the archetype chosen. Terminus and Hallowed Burial are just too powerful against commanders to not run both, and lastly, my three four-drop board wipes are FOUR-DROPS which make it easy for me to cast it before another spell I cast. I think that my board wipe list is so expansive that I want to replace Day of Judgment for Austere Command though. How does that sound?
Council's Judgment and Act of Authority are two cards I tend to group together since they both usually target the same thing, but I realized are so powerful, I need to consider them. I added them to that list this morning, and I think I want to find a spot for them both. Do you think I need these to deal with enchantments and artifacts?
Sphinx's Revelation is nice, but I'd rather have something repeatable or extremely cheap. Honestly, I'd sooner add Ancestral Vision back in first. Now, that I think about it, I really want it for card draw in the deck... What do you think, do I need more draw?
Remand is a card I recently took out, but I don't think that I like the fact that people can play the spell again. I think it's a good tempo card, but I have a lot of stronger cards to use before I have to resort to using that one. I like Memory Lapse too, but it's more mean than Remand without really giving me an effect (while also letting them just recast the card again). Do you think either one of those warrants a spot in the deck?
Dream Fracture is something I hadn't considered, but now that you mention it, I'll add it to that list, and think about adding it in. Do you think that's fine?
Daze unfortunately won't work very well in my playgroup because players place too much weight on ramping in edh. It's good, but not every deck needs it imo.
Foil is one that I'm still thinking about, mostly because it means I can't play an island as long as I want it to be a Force of Will . It could be nice though, so I keep going back and forth about it XD What do you think?
Aegis of the Gods and Leyline of Sanctity are more of just general infinite combo hosers. Often times, people who run infinite combos need to target players to lose, so those buy me a lot of time to get rid of the combo. On top of that, they shut down a lot of other decks too! I can't be targeted for anything, so they are definitely worth two slots in the deck. Combined, they are good with the cards I mentioned for Oblivion Stone , but I had recently taken out Witchbane Orb , although I am considering adding it back in. What do you think about that?
Humility is one of my favorite cards IN SPITE of the fact that it shuts down my commander. It stops combo decks, control decks, and aggro decks all in one go! Especially with everyone in my meta playing ETBs out the butt, this thing is ridiculously good everytime I've played it. I would love to talk more about it, would you like to me to elaborate more on why I think it's such a great control card?
Silent Arbiter is kind of a weak effect now that I think about it. Oblivion Stone means I don't really need it, so I can take it out just fine. Sounds good?
Sun Titan is a card I just can't see myself disliking. Like, at all. It's a part in one of two combos, the other being one it can return half of the pieces with its ability. Do you think I should add in more legal targets to get more use out of him (like Phantasmal Image or Act of Authority )?
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite would definitely be a great inclusion! I'll try to find a spot if I don't have too many high drops as it is XD do you think I have too many high drops to include him?
Without any sac outlets, I think you're right about Solemn Simulacrum , so I'll take it out. Do you think I'm lacking in ramp in this deck or that ramp isnt necessary in this deck?
Proteus Staff will rarely target my own creatures... It's to tuck commanders! :D
dissipation, Aurification , and Mystic Barrier will usually buy me time before and after my board wipes (since I've got quite a few). Do you still think they should be considered for removal?
Luminarch Ascension tends to either draw out enchantment hate from my opponents hands before I get use or after Ive already gotten value out of it. Do you think it will draw hate?
I think youre right about Memnarch so I'll take it out. Sound good?
Vortex Elemental is more of a rattlesnake to discourage commanders from attacking me, and sometimes people don't worry about it until it's too late. For an investment of two mana, I think it's fine (not to mention that it can choose creatures to get shuffled with his other, albeit expensive, ability). Do you agree?
Stifle is a card I'm not comfortable with using since I'd rather remove the permanent with the ability or just counter the spell itself. Using a card to counter a non-card kinda make me sad, does that make sense?
Thanks again for all the help bro! Feel free to reply to any of my questions (or none, I promise thats fine!) whenever you want! Here is the summary of the card changes from what you mentioned:
Callous Oppressor , Day of Judgment , Silent Arbiter , and Memnarch out; Ancestral Vision , Austere Command , Act of Authority , and Council's Judgment in.
Lloyd156_BLUE, Thanks for the comment! These are my thoughts about each part of your comment:
Leyline of Singularity , while great against token decks and synergistic with Empress Galina has too limited of an effect to warrant a spot in this deck. Against most decks, it's just a dead card, so I don't think I can use it very well. I actually think the only spot that can use it well is an Empress Galina deck, what do you think?
I think over those two, I'd want to choose a card that does more than ensure Medomai goes through (without having to pay mana and without opening myself to getting two-for-oned with auras). That leaves me with Whispersilk Cloak that I have been considering for a while. What do you think?
August 10, 2014 11:52 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #24
By all means if proofing yourself hoses your platform's strategies, than hexproof on! It's all about what's good versus the people you play.
I'm not sold on Humility myself but if you love it and it works for you then keep playing it! Dissipation Field effects I'm also still not comfortable with, especially if you say there are a lot of ETB effects I feel like bouncing to their hand would be helping them. I know I'd be happy if someone kept bouncing my Avenger of Zendikar /Mulldrifter /Vendilion Clique back to my hand to cast again.
Roil Elemental is really good. Sun Titan is really good, just make note as you play with him whether you are reanimating something when you cast him more often than not.
Luminarch Ascension paints too big a target on you too early. It's never good to encourage people to attack you in multiplayer. Especially early on with a control deck.
Finally Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is really strong in just about any deck with white and creatures it. Just like Austere Command .
Everything else I'm sure will be fine. Again, it all comes down to what works in playtesting. Play the deck, figure out what is weak and what is strong, and adjust around your findings.
August 11, 2014 12:26 a.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #25
Hexproofing yourself hoses your playgroup's*
Sorry, I'm responding on my phone this time so that's why the grammar and word choices get a bit odd...
angrychains says... #2
and by shriekhorn i meant Fireshrieker ... the pictures and names confused me
August 6, 2014 3:38 p.m.