The Bloodhall Season 13 - Medomai the Ageless

Commander / EDH MagicalHacker


MagicalHacker says... #1

Okay! Do you think I need an artifact to do the same thing with all the artifact recurison/tutoring in the deck?

Also, I have heard quite a few people talk about that problem with Dissipation Field , but I've said, "Oh I'll have counterspells to work with!" It may work, it may not, but I think with all these board wipes and tuck effects, I've got plenty of ways to deal with large armies/voltrons. I ALSO realized something that I could take a great advantage of: Isochron Scepter . Do you think I can take out Dissipation Field for it?

I really want to use Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , but I'm at a lack of what to take out for it... hmm...

Playtesting will be fun, I'll be proxying her up tomorrow!

August 11, 2014 12:34 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #2

Lol, I just thought you had some neat lingo for those things (I figured what you meant, but thought you meant to say it as you did). XD

August 11, 2014 12:36 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #3

On second thought, I don't really like Isochron Scepter . I also don't like Act of Authority since I don't want people to exile my own stuff...

So in with Pulsemage Advocate for creature recursion and Devout Witness to deal with those pesky noncreatures instead...

August 11, 2014 12:46 a.m.

You don't need Act of Authority I'd rather just have all the versions of O-ring.

Isochron Scepter Might not be good in this deck because you don't have a ton of instants. On the other hand, my Arbiter deck underwent a couple changes and now has 33 instants. So I included it.

I think Elspeth, Knight-Errant would also be a very good include in here. She boosts up your commander to the crucial 7 damage (the jump from 6 to 7 damage is the difference between 4 turn and 3 turn clocks, or 6 turn clocks at 4 damage). She adds another way to win. Her ultimate is always welcome too. She's not even bad on her own because she makes tokens.

August 13, 2014 9:15 a.m.

Also, if you want to include Elesh Norn, you could always take out a board wipe for her? I mean that's essentially what she does vs token decks and well any deck running a lot of utility creatures. Even then she makes your most insignificant creatures able to block and deal lethal to their big creatures.

August 13, 2014 9:19 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #6

Yeah, I took it out, cause it saddens me...

I have a total of ten nice targets for it, but that's just not enough for me.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant works really well with my commander as you mentioned, but I don't think that it's worth a spot in the deck, because a 4-drop that makes a 1/1 each turn isnt a win con in my opinion unless, of course, I'm playing a token deck. The ultimate alone is also not enough... Honestly, I'd rather run Avacyn, Angel of Hope .

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is something I'll have to look into, because it seems like the effect might be even better than a board wipe.

August 13, 2014 9:52 a.m.

hosper says... #7

I feel like you should defiantly have a nice Viridian Longbow in here. Infinite turns is always a good option.

August 21, 2014 12:43 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #8

Medomai only triggers off of combat damage

August 21, 2014 10:37 p.m.

hosper says... #9

It appears I need to read cards a little more closely. Sorry about that

August 21, 2014 10:42 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #10

Hey no worries bro! It happens to everyone xD thanks for the comment though:)

August 21, 2014 10:45 p.m.

drakomel777 says... #11

You can add in a double strike artifact card to get two extra turns since the mechanic is basically two separate damages based on the body's power. One swing and boom! Two turns please :D

Overall, great deck :D

September 13, 2014 4:14 a.m.

drakomel777 says... #12

Woops.. made a mistake.. did not see True Conviction :D Awesome card :D

September 13, 2014 4:35 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #13

Thanks :) usually I like those types of combos, but I wanted to stick to cards that actually did something in a control deck as well, so True Conviction was the only inclusion. Fireshrieker , Grappling Hook , and Silverblade Paladin were cut because of that reason.

September 13, 2014 9:18 a.m.

drakomel777 says... #14

Ohh I see :D Btw, I've used your decklist on my friends :D Hahaha they hate me now :D Thanks for putting up the deck list :D +1

September 14, 2014 12:36 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #15

Thanks xD I'm glad I could help you have fun. :) I keep noticing more hilarious combos, like how Medomai the Ageless can double lockdown with the Academy Ruins + Mindslaver combo, or how it can eliminate the waiting period for Felidar Sovereign . So cool.

September 14, 2014 1:05 a.m.

drakomel777 says... #16

Hahaha of my god :D I'd love to see that happen in one of my games :D

September 14, 2014 9:27 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #17

Yeah, i almost feel dirty when I attack with Medomai, get his extra turn trigger, cast the Sovereign, go to my next turn, and win out of nowhere.

September 14, 2014 10:09 a.m.

drakomel777 says... #18

Hahahaha :D I have to try that one time around :D I can already feel the hatred my friends have for me :D amazing deck man :D The counter cards really help in making sure Medomai lives through :D Oh yea, have you tried Tunnel Vision with this? :D Spell Crumple or Hinder + Tunnel Vision ftw :D

September 14, 2014 11:27 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #19

I think the biggest problem with it is The fact that it doesn't kill multiple people, and it only really works in 1v1.

September 14, 2014 2:16 p.m.

drakomel777 says... #20

Ohh I see... Oh yes, do you have any plans on working on a Narset, Enlightened Master edh? :D She seems like a badass and fun card :D

September 14, 2014 11:07 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #21

Yeah, it's all finished already lol MagicalHacker - Narset, Enlightened Master

September 14, 2014 11:19 p.m.

drakomel777 says... #22

Ohh sweet :D Will check that out :D

September 14, 2014 11:21 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #23

September 20, 2014 10:01 p.m.

marke18968 says... #24

Chasm Skulker would be great in this deck!

September 21, 2014 9:38 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #25

Chasm Skulker Is something I'm going to test out! I've never seen it in EDH before surprisingly, (only standard decks oddly), so I'll test it out as a wincon as well. Thanks!

September 21, 2014 11:14 a.m.

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