Dealing 120 DAMAGE in 4 Turns?! (Purphoros Primer)
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 103 | 61 COMMENTS | 16785 VIEWS | IN 16 FOLDERS
MagicalHacker says... #2
Heat Shimmer is on the sideboard, which is being used as a wisboard due to Burning Wish.
Descent of Dragons is situational, because the deck gets lots of hate, so I use my tokens for chump blocking mostly. That said, it may one day go into the deck after successful results from tests.
Extraplanar Lens can backfire when it gets Smashed. I payed three mana and a card from hand to help my opponent to destroy a land I control? Sad face.
Battle Hymn also relies on having tokens alive :(
Thanks for the ideas and the comment though!
July 29, 2016 6:13 p.m.
Looks very solid, but I do have some cards for you to consider:
- Warstorm Surge- if you have bigger tokens
- Conjurer's Closet- may be a bit slow, but it's a blink every turn
I also think Zada, Hedron Grinder seems like a solid pick, because you can use cantrips to attack with all the tokens you produced. :)
Hope this helps!
July 30, 2016 1:54 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #4
Triton, thanks for the comment! One common misconception of this deck deck relates to cards that rely on having lots of tokens. Basically, remember that making lots of tokens doesn't necessarily equal having lots of tokens. This deck usually gets a lot hate, so I end up using the tokens as chump blockers.
Warstorm Surge is not helpful enough in defeating ~3 players simultaneously.
Conjurer's Closet would be nice, but it is a dead card if I don't resolve a creature card, and the deck isn't really about cards that generate value over many turns either.
Zada, Hedron Grinder unfortunately only does something with at most 4 cards so it's not worth using at all here.
Update, everyone: Blade of Selves can be a dead card when I'm down to one player left, and Burning Wish is almost forced to get Heat Shimmer every time so that the recursion in the deck can allow for the combo ftw later. So, Blade of Selves out and Heat Shimmer to mainboard, but what other effect could I use in the wishboard?
Blade of Selves out and Heat Shimmer to mainboard, but what other effect could I use in the wishboard?
August 1, 2016 6:53 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #5
Okay, gave it some thought, and this is the final verdict:
Out with Blade of Selves, Guttersnipe, and Young Pyromancer from mainboard; out with Past in Flames, All Is Dust, and Heat Shimmer from wishboard; in with Past in Flames, Heat Shimmer, and Anarchist into mainboard; and finally, in with Mana Geyser, Recoup, and Thieves' Auction into sideboard.
Blade of Selves does nothing if the game whittles down to 1v1, can be stopped by preventing me from attacking, can't be tutored except by Gamble, can't be recurred, does nothing if I have no creatures, and usually gets the attacking creature killed.
Guttersnipe and Young Pyromancer only beat value if I have a spell-heavy hand, which seems bad. They may come back in eventually. Additionally, there's not really a reason to blink them.
I want Heat Shimmer back in the deck to get value out of the etb-creatures, value out of the spellslinger synergy (since I can flashback it then Dualcaster Mage it), and value out of Burning Wish which is currently being used too often to get Heat Shimmer so that recursion + Dualcaster Mage means I can win. This means I need Past in Flames and Anarchist (which has a funny interaction with Twinflame) in the deck and Recoup in the wishboard for more likely recursion.
Mana Geyser can be used in very special situations to make enough mana to cast enough things that I can win the game right there.
Lastly, Thieves' Auction can be used to blink my nontokens while stealing any type of cards from opponents, so its a much better All Is Dust, which is used to get rid of nasty enchantments.
August 1, 2016 10:06 p.m.
thegigibeast says... #6
Call me crazy if you want, but I just had the idea of an almost all artifacts Purphoros deck with Myr Incubator as the "main" win condition... I am versed in artifact decks, it won't be as strong as your build for sure, but I still wanted to share this thaught with you
August 2, 2016 12:30 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #7
Lol thanks, thegigibeast xD my first build of Purphoros tried to do all possible aspects, and it ran the incubator with a minimum of 21 total artifacts, but artifact themed Purphoros could be even be better than my etb and spellslinger version.
August 2, 2016 7:02 a.m.
Flameshadow Conjuring: all our nontoken creatures etb with a clone for just more. Currently testing this out.
Skirk Prospector: allows us to sac our tokens for mana
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle: why not?
Chandra's Spitfire: possible alt wincon.
I see you have Norin but no Genesis Chamber? Those two are like peanut butter and jelly.
August 4, 2016 9:46 p.m.
Could Increasing Vengeance have some real potential for a spell slinger build? When you couple the flashback with Thatcher Revolt it could be devastating. Of course it limits the copy targets to just your own spells.
August 9, 2016 1:26 p.m.
Aggro-Blaster says... #11
So this is a spellslinger deck correct? Can I ask we the exclusion of Fork and Reiterate?
I like the deck though! Will be using inspiration from it for my Grenzo, Havoc Raiser deck!
August 19, 2016 8:14 p.m.
Winterblast says... #14
With the artifact removal among tbe "notable exclusions" I wonder how you deal with Torpor Orb, which is the main problem when someone plays purphoros here (we are 3 players now, 2 purphoros and one norin). Do you just take the risk or is there anything I don't see?
June 9, 2017 9:06 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #15
A bit of both actually. The deck does have Chaos Warp just in case something like it comes up, but besides that, it doesn't come up too much in the various playgroups I see. If it becomes played more, I would definitely include them more. The artfact removal is also great against fast mana.
June 9, 2017 11:57 a.m.
I think I need to retool my Purphy deck. Dunno why it hasn't dawned on me to cut all my 6 cmc cards. Speed is key with Purphoros or those pesky control decks can do a number on you. I of course run more rocks and Glacial Chasm because it's funny. I also run more anti-control cards like Price of Glory due to bad experiences with Azami.
No Genesis Chamber? Norin likes to hide in there when he runs away. Even without Norin it's still good especially when paired with Panharmonicon and Purphoros (then again what DOESN'T work well with Panharmonicon?). Is that what, 12 damage per Norin flicker/creature cast with just those 3. Even more bonkers if that creature makes tokens on ETB.
June 9, 2017 3:50 p.m.
Winterblast says... #17
I think most room for improvement in my deck would be cutting lands. I see you only have 26 and I'm still well over 30, although I have the same mana rocks in the deck...well, no lotus petal and spirit guide at the moment but they should indeed go back in. How reliable is your mox diamond woth so few lands? Unfortunately I have my playset distributed among other decks, in which it is more important so I can't make that change anyway
I have an artifact package for Goblin Welder and Daretti, Scrap Savant in my deck, maybe I'll include Trash for Treasure too...repeatedly getting a Memory Jar is a cool trick imo.
June 9, 2017 5:12 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #19
Flagellum, exactly! I had a deck with those in the deck, but I found that the answer of killing the control player was much faster than the trade off of including cards that didn't trigger Purphoros.
I don't have Genesis Chamber, because it didn't do enough on its own. Mogg War Marshal is a good example of what 2 mana does in the deck. Having to cast more creatures to pay off the inclusion of the chamber is harder when the deck is less than a third creatures.
Winterblast, I didn't cut lands per se, but I chose to include non-land mana sources as part of my equation for lands. In that way, I am running 39 cards in my manabase (2 more than I usually play), 10 of which are nonlands. Mox Diamond has been okay, but I personally don't like the card disadvantage it gives me, even at the advantage of speed... However, I'll take my lumps if it is the right thing to do.
Having an artifact subtheme would actually work pretty well. I chose to do half creature etbs and half spellslinger, but artifacts is another option as well. I would highly recommend building an artifact-based Purphoros deck with Myr Incubator.
Mage_in_Training, yes, targetting myself with Mogg Infestation is super good! Imagine how it goes with an activation from Dual Casting in response!
August 17, 2017 11:15 a.m.
TheRedGoat says... #22
Okay, so what are your thoughts on Firebrand Archer versus Guttersnipe? At the least I see them as equivalent, with the lower damage being mitigated by being able to trigger off of more card types and it costs less to cast, but would you run it yourself?
I'd also ask how you feel about Cloudstone Curio. Given your current build, it isn't able to go infinite, but it is quite powerful with ETB cards. Pandemonium also feels like it would be a good fit, but again it also maybe needs more build around? I've seen Flameshadow Conjuring and Genesis Chamber suggested here before, which they would work great with the enchantment and artifact I mentioned first, but they were turned down as suggestions. Perhaps they need to much support to fit into your build?
I would point out the possibility of an additional infinite combo using red steal creature effects, like Wrangle to name the cheapest, and Dualcaster Mage (or a creature with Dual Casting maybe) +your splinter/kiki pieces. The idea goes that you have the splinter effect on the field, you go to cast your steal effect, and then similar to the Twinflame combo you flash in Dualcaster to copy the spell. The spell copy then untaps your splinter card, which can copy dualcaster before resolving the original steal effect, thus letting you go infinite yet another way. This also works with Relentless Assault type spells.
October 1, 2017 1:25 a.m.
Harsh Mentor I believe is better than Guttersnipe or Firebrand Archer imo as it offers creature-based control over your opponent's activated abilities. Granted having all three would be swell.
October 1, 2017 1:36 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #24
TheRedGoat, well, I want each card to be able to deal at least 4 damage, and since Guttersnipe can do that once I cast an instant/sorcery, he's great for the deck. However, Firebrand Archer would need two noncreature spells for that, and there are only 3/5 as many artifacts/enchantments as there are instants/sorceries, so Firebrand Archer would deal less damage in the long run.
I don't know how, but Cloudstone Curio is definitely a missed opportunity, and I will definitely drop Dual Casting for it.
Pandemonium isn't too good, because it only hits one opponent at a time. Additionally, it gives people a way to deal lethal damage to my combo pieces, so that sucks too :(
Flameshadow Conjuring is probably good in other Purphoros decks, but with a split in this deck between Instants/Sorceries and Creatures, if a card doesn't do anything on its own, I want it to synergize both with the Creature half and the Spell half of the deck. Additionally, I didn't want any cards that made other cards "cost more" by requiring mana be spent on top of the mana cost. (Dual Casting was a bit of a pet card that broke both of these goals, but really wanting to make it a good card in this deck and not having another card I wanted for the deck made it stay for too long. Cloudstone Curio works with the Spell half by being able to return permanents to my hand, essentially drawing me cards.) Genesis Chamber doesn't synergize with my Spell half of the deck. That said, it may prove to be a good card in the future. I'll watch to see if it would be good.
Wrangle and friends could infinite combo in the deck, but I'm not a huge fan of needing three cards besides the commander to combo off.
Thanks so much for the comment, and I'm looking forward to dropping Dual Casting for Cloudstone Curio!
Flagellum, I do like the design of Harsh Mentor but didn't add it because of how it let opponents decide if they are going to go the route of taking damage. I'll keep an eye out and see if it has the possibility of being intensely powerful in multiplayer games. Thanks!
October 2, 2017 11:51 a.m.
I also run a Purphoros deck, and though it's small, it's worthy of mentioning (of any mono-colored deck really):
No Ruby Medallion?
Daedalus19876 says... #1
Dualcaster Mage also combos with Heat Shimmer. I would also put in a strong word in favor of Descent of the Dragons (currently in the SB): beyond the fantastic removal for any number of creatures in red (!!!), it can re-trigger Purphoros for each creature you control. I'd play it over Devastating Summons, probably.
Also, no Extraplanar Lens or Battle Hymn? Either should quickly become lethal with either of your X-costed token-makers.
July 29, 2016 11:46 a.m.