Game of Thrones (Marchesa Primer)

Commander / EDH MagicalHacker


Mortlocke says... #2

Hello MagicalHacker, so I have to start off by saying that you need to put a little bit more into your deck description! At least try and map out a few combos and synergies to help the reader get a better understanding of how to win with your deck. A good start can be... formatting

Now, onward to my critique of your from my assessment, your deck seems to have a faux- stax like play-style. If that's the case, then I think Defense Grid, or Ensnaring Bridge could be of use to you. I'm don't understand how each card placed in your "wincons" custom category...but another suggestion that could help is Platinum Angel, as she could be something of a fail-safe. Those are the suggestions I have off the top of my head for now, but give me some more time and I think I can come up with some more ideas.

January 20, 2017 11:23 p.m.

Describe your wincons. I can't tell what you want to do other than drag out a game or starve your opponents. If I wanted to play this deck in my playgroup, what cards would help me get my opponents' life totals to zero? If you can tell me that, then I might consider subscribing to this deck list.

January 21, 2017 2:38 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #4

LVL_666, I took your advice and beefed up the description. What do you think? Also with regards to your card suggestions, I think Defense Grid and Ensnaring Bridge aren't going to be too helpful since they also help my opponent from getting their spells responded to (I do want to occasionally respond to stuff with my spot removal, so there's that too) and being attacked, respectively. In fact, for the last point, you helped me realize I need to take out my Silent Arbiter effects for the same reason. Lastly, while Platinum Angel might help me, I've seen people burned where my opponents would take advantage of a player with Platinum Angel who would be confident to take more damage or do effects that would lead normally to his death only to lose after they get to that point once an opponent kills his angel (basically using it's temporary presence to make the player more willing to get close to death).

Thank you for taking the time to stop by, and thank you for your help!

god_dammit_nappa, I just finished the description, what do you think?

January 21, 2017 1:26 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #5

Love the description, although the history portion doesn't seem necessary to me because honestly I just want to know more about your deck, not the history of the concept behind your deck. You can also cut the notable exclusions. I don't care about what's not in your deck, I care about the cards you included and why. Specifically, I want to know more about what to expect early, mid and late game. What strategies should I utilize? What are the best card combos for each strategy? In regards to your wincons, I want to know exactly what combinations of cards will get you a wincon?

I do have one more card suggestion though -

Blind Obedience - not only does this card fit in your deck thematically (it depicts a swearing of fealty to a ruler of sorts) but it also slows down all of your opponents and deals damage to all of them slowly over time and keeps you alive.

January 21, 2017 7:48 p.m.

Basically this.

January 21, 2017 8:40 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #7

LVL_666 and god_dammit_nappa, are those questions not answered in the "Notable Inclusions" section? And as for the wincons, they are supposed to be a wincon singlehandedly when I have any sort of pillow fort/goading set up; is that not clear enough in the aforementioned section?

January 22, 2017 8:56 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #8

With regards to Blind Obedience, I don't know that this build could really capitalize on it as its effect seems too small in the grand scheme of things in a build like this. I'm not really worried about people having blockers or creatures with haste, extort is not something I can really abuse here, and not too many artifacts that tap will shut this strategy down.

January 22, 2017 11:54 p.m.

I have a few suggestions.

First, for your history, you should mention Moat. The history behind Moat makes it worth discussing, even if it wasn't put out until 1994.

Pillow Fort Cards: I would consider Delaying Shield, Solitary Confinement, and Sun Droplet. Also, in my experience, Hissing Miasma, Norn's Annex and the like actually work pretty well as pillow fort cards. It only takes a slight push and people will attack someone else if all else is equal. They work best in the early game, in contrast to what you state, as late game it is often you against one opponent, and the little life loss is mostly ineffective as you say. But early, they can be all it takes to redirect an attack. This actually works best with the low cost versions, and I only use Hissing Miasma and Norn's Annex, taking the damage to cast it at 3 to get it out early enough that people attack others instead. It is surprisingly good to have one out on turn 3, and will usually save more than the 4 life that the Annex costed me. The others are often not as worth it in singles, but can stack quite nicely.

Consider adding Vengeful Pharaoh to the No Mercy/Dread group. It is a surprisingly good rattlesnake, and functions as a wincon as well.

I am considering adding Duelist's Heritage instead of Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. It would not act as a wincon in the same way, but it drops much earlier, and is another way to redirect attacks to your enemies, and add some damage along the way.

Don't forget Mystifying Maze as a third Maze of Ith.

I found Phyrexian Arena to be less than impressive, but I have still not cut it. I am thinking about alternatives. You should consider Necropotence. Completely outperforms Arena. Also, I cut Mind's Eye. It underwhelmed me. It is OK, but expensive, and I found other combos that did better. I like Land Tax and friends with Scroll Rack.

For wincons, I like your Slumbering Dragon, and may adopt that one myself. I never got Luminarch Ascension to work. It encourages attacks to keep it from becoming activated, and that is the opposite of what I want. When I play it, my threat level goes up, and attacking me becomes a priority for my opponents. I am surprised that you don't have Rune-Scarred Demon. A tutor and wincon in one is amazing. Dread is also a perfect wincon for this deck. As I mentioned before, Vengeful Pharaoh is good. Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts can win games. Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs is also a finisher. Also, depending on meta, Jotun Grunt can be an early blocker, graveyard hate, semi recursion, and a 4/4 can be a moderate beater. I would also encourage you to add Selfless Squire. Your deck is different than mine, but it has totally outperformed for me.

I disagree about Orzhov Signet/Boros Signet/Rakdos Signet. Two drops for ramp is the sweet spot for me. Sol Ring, Chromatic Lantern, Coalition Relic, and all 3 signets are a good ramp package. I add in Land Tax and similar cards for fixing and consistent land drops and it runs smoothly.

My last comment is that you run a suite of goad style cards in place of my Aikido style cards. I find that if I maintain a strong set of pillow fort and rattle snake cards, as well as a low threat level, I don't need to goad people, and I avoid angering them. This makes room for all the Aikido cards, which allows me to pull off a lot of surprise wins. I find your version fascinating, but I am not sure I feel the need for the goad style cards.

Anyway, nice deck, looks fun. Check out mine for more ideas.

January 25, 2017 12:08 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #10

precociousapprentice, I think adding the story behind Moat would be fantastic, since it's a great card for the archetype, and its a common point of discussion when talking about the reserved list. However, I'm not too familiar with what exactly you are referring to... Could you fill me in or link me to a page talking about the story you are talking about?

Delaying Shield seems interesting, but I'm not too keen on having to pay additional mana to do something. Solitary Confinement was one that I initially dismissed because of the cost of having to discard instead of draw each turn, but when I just read your comment, I realized that my commander can sustain it indefinitely if I have Monarch when I play it. It's kinda funny that Monarch sustains Solitary Confinement and Solitary Confinement sustains Monarch. Thanks for the suggestion! Sun Droplet was another card I initially dismissed, but being able to get back to the life total I had when I played it if I can stop taking damage seems more than just fantastic.

As for Hissing Miasma and Norn's Annex, these cards are very effective against decks that go wide, but not ones that go tall. For example, if I'm up against a Voltron deck, they might swing at someone else if I have a Ghostly Prison out because they want to pay mana to continue to beef up their commander. However, if I have a Norn's Annex, they might say it is worth paying 2 life to hit me before I get other pillow fort cards. In that way, the lifeloss pillow fort cards are just not better than the other pillow fort cards I already have.

The issue with Vengeful Pharaoh is that paying 5 mana for a 5/4 deathtouch is worlds away from what this deck wants to do, so the cost of having to replace my next draw with it whenever I trigger its ability is why it wouldn't work that well here.

Even though Duelist's Heritage seems like a perfect fit for the deck, my only worry is that it doesn't really do much to make opponents attack each other, but rather rewards them when they do. That might not seem like a big difference, but I can't see myself dropping any of the cards in the deck to make room for it. Especially when Gisela, Blade of Goldnight pulls double duty by making hits against my opponent twice as big and hits against me half as big.

I have tried Mystifying Maze in the past, but I found that opponents will try to get me to use it on their creatures with etb abilities, so it actually makes me feel like it draws in attacks unfortunately.

With regards to Phyrexian Arena vs. Necropotence, I have actually experienced the opposite! Drawing 2 cards for 1 life each turn seems more manageable than drawing X and losing X in a deck I don't often gain life in. As for Mind's Eye, I typically use it as a way to draw cards when I don't have any other use for my mana, and that means I rarely ever stay empty handed. The issue with Land Tax and Scroll Rack is that each individual piece is either not useful enough in the deck or just straight up outclassed by cards I already am using. Don't get me wrong, they're good cards, but I typically like to run cards that have a use in the deck more than just "They're good cards". In that way, drawing basics and manipulating the top of my deck aren't especially relevant to the gameplan.

I'm glad Slumbering Dragon might finally have a fitting deck, and I'm glad I have inspired you to try it out too! Luminarch Ascension is something I would only play once attacking me is no longer an easy task. If each opponent is in the position that they would have to pay per creature for up to two creatures to attack, one of which will be destroyed when they attack, and I get to draw a card if the other one connects, I'm forcing each opponent to choose turning on my win con or running into disadvantage, then I'm happy. Rune-Scarred Demon is too expensive for a tutor in this deck, especially since I am not going to be blinking it or anything. As for the creatures I have in the deck, the reason I don't have them under wincon is because I'm assuming that it's obvious that most any creature in the deck can be used as an attacker, but the wincon cards are cards that will put me in a good position to attack for lots of damage. Selfless Squire seems perfect for your deck, but four mana is a lot of mana to hold open and available in my deck with so few instants.

Getting one mana ahead is too small of an effect for my tastes, even though it means I can play my commander on turn 3. Honestly, the purpose of ramp in the deck is to be able to play more of my deck when I am drawing more of my deck, and just getting 1 mana ahead is not enough power for a 2-drop. Land Tax doesn't actually ramp, but I don't think I have enough basics in the deck to fully take advantage of it, and I couldn't add more basics or I would probably get color screwed often.

From my experience, some people are always attacking and others are rarely attacking. Pillow fort cards and Goading cards synergize together, so if the first answer those first players and the latter answer those latter players, then I think the deck is in a good spot. Will it anger players? I choose to only play the infuriating cards once there is nothing that anybody can do about being angry at me.

Thank you, I liked your deck as well! I think that the Turbofog elements are an interesting way to build the deck!

January 28, 2017 8:51 a.m.

I think you missed my favorite part of Delaying Shield. It is a substitution effect for all damage. When you have it out, you can't lose Monarch, and there isn't even any point in trying to get it from you. It sustains Monarch just as well as Solitary Confinement, even if you don't ultimately pay the mana to reduce the damage. For me, it also combines well with cards that do blanket damage. They get hit, I wait until next turn. I put back in Acidic Soil, and this can turn it into a safer finisher, eliminating the "no one wins" scenarios. I am looking for more of these types of cards, oversized damage for the cost, but symmetrical damage. Sun Droplet is an amazing pillow fort card, because it activates EVERY upkeep step. The more players, the bigger the hit has to be before it can cause serious harm. Drop it T1-T2, all those little pings are worthless. As for Mystifying Maze, I see what you say some, but I also see the opposite effect for creatures with +1/+1 counters or Auras on them.

I get the Necropotence vs. Phyrexian Arena cards position you take. I think of them as sustained card draw vs large card draw. Getting 1-2 cards per turn makes Phyrexian Arena much better than Necropotence. Getting much more makes Necropotence much better. With any lifegain at all, Necropotence can lose it's downside, and it can quickly dig for what you need. I have just found that Necropotence can be super explosive, and can swing a game my way very quickly. This is the same reason I put Wheel of Fortune in the deck. This is not a usual style for a pillow fort deck, but it has become the calling card of this deck. Abide, draw no attention, then swing a game quickly.

I have been rethinking my wincons recently, my ramp, as well as my average CMC. I have realized that some of the most powerful cards in the deck are the ones that are not in every other pillow fort deck, but that end up accomplishing the same things in the end, and that my wins are often very explosive, not grindy with my big beaters. Many of my best cards are low CMC, and consistent land drops with moderate ramp, as well as hitting my curve is at least as important as, if not more important, than collecting a huge mana base. I need early mana, consistent drops and curve, and a low profile.

For wincons, I ditched Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts, I am considering ditching Rune-Scarred Demon, and I am considering ditching Vengeful Pharaoh. Each of them can close a game, each of them pulls double duty in the deck, accomplishing the goals of the deck while also providing a relatively big beater, but all cost a ton. I want to reduce my average CMC, and these are some of my biggest costs. I am trialing Slumbering Dragon, but I think it will end up being more of a rattle snake card and a spot removal decoy than anything, so I am not sure I will ever see it as a wincon. Selfless Squire has done great things in this deck, and I am putting my Serra Ascendant back in. I was harassed about it, but as long as people run things like Sol Ring, Mana Vault, Tooth and Nail, and infinite combos, they have little room to talk. I put in Acidic Soil for a wincon, and have high hopes of closing many late games that way. I also put in Kambal, Consul of Allocation as anti-spellslinger and anti-infinite combo tech with a small lifegain element to make my Necropotence and Acidic Soil safer closers. I am worried that the Kambal, Consul of Allocation may end up drawing hate, but we shall see. I think it will be a better choice than Kaya, Ghost Assassin was and have the same function in the deck.

I have also discovered that there are many cards that function just as well, if not better, as pillow fort cards as the traditional pillow forts. I removed Norn's Annex, I removed Hissing Miasma. I added in Ophiomancer, Slumbering Dragon, High Priest of Penance, Gossamer Chains, and Duelist's Heritage. I am also considering Vampire Nighthawk for similar reasons, but with the added benefit of small and incremental lifegain. None of these says that the opponents can't attack. Each just shifts the cost/benefit analysis of the choice of attacks away from me. I find that telling people what to do is less effective than just making the best move not to attack me, even if they could freely choose to. I am looking forward to playtesting to see how this theory holds up.

Duelist's Heritage has proven pretty good so far. Early drop that can double up an attacker on each turn that I only activate if the attacker is pointed away from me. With a goal of taking advantage of the power of my opponents to wear each other down, helping that out from the early game seems to be working well enough, and does shift that cost/benefit balance toward attacking my opponents. The only issue I have is that they work well for me combined with my creatures, the bigger the better, and I am considering removing my biggest creatures. Deathtouch does combine well, but as a wincon, I would like to come up with some that synnergize well with Duelist's Heritage. I am open to suggestions on big body creatures that are very efficient and synnergize with my deck. I am considering Hunted Horror or Erebos, God of the Dead. Hunted Horror will give my opponents something to beat each other with, but it will also provide them with blockers for the horror, and that is not great. Also, I am not sure I need that level of efficiency, given that I want to lay low until I can win. I may playtest. Erebos, God of the Dead is an efficient big body, hard to kill, and comes with two abilities that could be useful in the deck. Either or both of these may work out well.

Another card I am looking at is Hatred. An out of nowhere win off a small attacker, especially my commnder, may be just what I am looking for. If people know it is a possibility, they may be forced to block a deathtouch creature and lose some resources. Swingy wins work well for this deck, and I may have to playtest.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion. Please look at my deck and comment, here or there. I think it is evolving into something unique, and since yours is also unique, if in a different way, I appreciate the brainstorming.

January 28, 2017 5:26 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

Autoplay is generally frowned upon. Don't do it. I made the same mistake before and was quickly corrected by an admin. ( Proof ) Just make it an obvious and optional feature to those who visit your page. Never mandatory.

January 28, 2017 7:01 p.m. Edited.

Mortlocke says... #13

I still think that you should just cut the entire "History of the Pillow Fort" section to your accordion. I'm going to be honest, while loosely relevant it doesn't really add anything. If I really wanted to learn more about Pillow Fort, i'd just look up a forum post or article. What would be more beneficial for your deck page would be actual descriptions of card combos and synergies - i.e.

  • Sphere of Safety + Ghostly Prison + Story Circle = "Don't touch the throne" - A standard "go to" combo for building a wall of deterrence. Not only does the opponent have to pay a high mana cost to even earn the chance to attack, but there is the likelihood that all damage will be prevented afterward.

You can keep that example, along with the card suggestion as I think Story Circle would be a good choice to consider.

January 28, 2017 7:27 p.m.

Enral says... #14

Hey there, just a few things I've noticed...

Overall I really enjoyed your primer and hope that my suggestions helped...feel free to check my version of queen marchesa primer out!

January 30, 2017 2:29 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #15

precociousapprentice, holy shillelaghs... that's amazing! Unfortunately, there are only three cards that do that, but I think all three are worth running! (The third card is Crumbling Sanctuary, and I'm going to drop Greed, cause I started to like it less due to playing it in another deck and finding that it makes me lose too much life.)

You already sold me on Sun Droplet, but I made a new category for it and Exquisite Blood called "Lifegain" instead of "Pillow Fort". Are there any other lifegain cards that you think will grant a ridiculous amount of lifegain in this kind of deck like those two?

Idk, Mystifying Maze still seems like a lot of mana to only be effective at mazing creatures without etbs, so I don't think I can run it. That said, it's a land that taps for mana, so it isn't much of a liability. I guess it could also be used for political advantage... I might consider it.

I do have Wheel of Fortune already in here, but the more I think about it, the less I like it. It's a great way to refill your hand if you don't really have the option for other cards, but when my commander gives me a way to draw cards, and there are certain cards that ensure I keep monarch, why run this card? I'll be dropping it for Delaying Shield.

Serra Ascendant is a card I wouldn't run too often because, even though it does give you a bunch of life if you play it early on, late game, it's kind of a dead card, and even with the advantages it gives you early game, it just makes you a target for the rest of the game, making it unlikely you will actually win (at least in my experience).

Kambal is definitely an interesting choice, but I think effects like Aegis of the Gods are going to be more effective at anti-infinite. Especially since there are like 5-6 in our colors that are 4 mana or less, I don't really see a need to try to do anything else for that category. Idk, maybe I'm just underrating Kambal, but his effect seems too small.

I am going to drop War's Toll for Duelist's Heritage to try it out, but I may end up switching back. Toll just feels too small, but I don't know.

I don't know that any creatures from the Hunted cycle would be worth it in a deck like this, because they only give an advantage to an opponent without any downside to them or upside to you. I guess having a big beater for cheap is an upside, but I like making big beater tokens as opposed to having just one.

Hatred is great once you get down to 1v1! I played it both in a Wydwen, the Biting Gale deck and in a Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip deck to some level of success, but I found that it was a high risk, high reward kind of card. If you pay 18 life to target your unblocked Marchesa, you knock a player out, but if that player responds with any way to kill your commander, then you payed 18 life, which is definitely a significant amount. Maybe I'm not enough of a risk taker, but I think slow and steady wins the race.

Absolutely, I think both of our decks are definitely improving from the back and forth we have. By the way, what are your thoughts on Exquisite Blood in your deck?

As always, thank you for taking the time to comment again and give me suggestions (Wheel of Fortune, Greed, and War's Toll out for Delaying Shield, Crumbling Sanctuary, and Duelist's Heritage).

LVL_666, yeah the autoplay was beginning to annoy me as well, since everytime I wanted to reload my page, I had to pause the music lol. I am going to try to figure out a way to make the music easy to start when reading my primer....

I know that everyone has different expectations when reading primers, but one of my favorite parts is looking at the history of the general archetype/design, so since I have already made it, I might as well keep it. For those who aren't interested (which is totally alright, I have nothing against it), they can just skip past that.

As for describing combos more, the problem is that the pillow fort cards all combo with each other for the most part. Really, you get any three of the pillow fort cards and you have set up a pretty difficult pillow fort to get through. Besides what I wrote already, I don't know what else I could even write to explain my deck more. Maybe the gameplan is so simple that it just comes down to "Here are these cards, here are those cards, here are these cards; play them as fast as possible for value and eventually win with these efficient win cons."

Story Circle would be good in 1v1 or against a lot of mono-decks, but since there are four color decks running rampant currently and this deck won't really hold mana open too often, I don't think it can be too effective in this deck.

As always, thank you for taking the time to comment and leave me feedback! :D

Enral, Oversold Cemetery is just a hyper efficient card in general. Two mana for a Palace Siege (the more important half) that is only turned on when you have 4 or more choices seems too solid to not include in a deck that is running 25 creatures. I haven't really played it enough yet to tell, but it seems worth it. Board wipes are everywhere, and this seems like a good way to get some good cards back, but like I said, I may drop it in the future, maybe for something like Magus of the Will, not Phyrexian Reclamation. Phyrexian Reclamation is inexpensive, but it can cost a lot of mana and life over the long term, and if there's a deck trying to go for the long game, it's this one lol

I might have too much draw, but I'm going to be dropping Greed and Wheel of Fortune for Mentor of the Meek and Crumbling Sanctuary, so I might now be at the right level of ramp. Mind's Eye has always been so fantastic for me since it lets me draw cards very quickly when I've gotten low. Maybe it's a pet card of mine, but maybe it's just a good card lol

Aurification is kind of a better No Mercy since it means that those creatures it hits can't be recurred from the graveyard, but the downside is that destroying Aurification brings those creatures back online. As I continue to play this deck, it may prove to be a liability, and I may drop it, but only time will tell.

I have 37 cards for my mana base, although a lot of people think that counting Sol Ring, Mind Stone, and Expedition Map is cheating. I think that since those essentially function as lands, why not consider them lands in the final deck? Also, maybe I'm just weird, but I don't like the two drop ramp cards in commander because ramping 1 ahead seems too small of an effect to really count as relevant ramp.

Unfortunately, since Norn's Annex is a static ability, players can still pay life to attack you, even with an Angel of Jubilation out, since Angel only stops players from paying life to activate abilities or cast spells.

Thank you for taking the time to comment here, and I'm glad you enjoyed my primer :D I will check out your deck as well!

January 31, 2017 1:04 a.m.

Can you summarize the changes? I can't remember the full list, and I am curious about your changes and your reasoning. Were these changes due to theory and reconsidering earlier decisions, or were they play test based? Can you discuss a typical game now with the new changes, and how this would be different than what it would have been previously? Maybe an actual play report?

February 10, 2017 12:30 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #17

precociousapprentice, absolutely! All of them are playtest based. I can't speak for the new cards yet, except in theory.

I dropped Curse of the Nightly Hunt, Goblin Diplomats, Goblin Racketeer, Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, and Maddening Imp because they weren't as impactful as I'd like.

I dropped Pariah's Shield and Helm of Possession because I rarely had tokens I wanted to use up.

I dropped Darksteel Mutation because it's sorcery speed removal in a deck that wants opponents yo attack each other.

I dropped Aegis of the Gods and True Believer because they didnt ever do anything important when the combo players are likely getting pummeled thanks to my helping out mutual opponents.

I dropped Crumbling Sanctuary since it pillow forts my opponents.

I dropped Sun Droplet since it doesn't trigger in a pillow fort, or it doesn't fort and stop me from dying.

I dropped Volrath's Stronghold since it doesn't add colored mana and has an activated ability I rarely needed.

I added Dolmen Gate, Iroas, God of Victory, and Reconnaissance to protect my attacking creatures.

I added Avatar of Slaughter (previously ignored due to cmc) and Season of the Witch to replace my dropped goading cards.

I added Blood Feud, Furnace of Rath, Dictate of the Twin Gods, and Pain Magnification for additional reasons to make people attack, while also making my opponents worse off.

I added Island Sanctuary since I misread initially, thinking it made a Moat effect. No, it only protects you!

I added Thran Dynamo and Tymna the Weaver back in for another ramp card and draw card respectively.

And then I added a Swamp or so other basic to replace Volrath's Stronghold.

February 10, 2017 7:21 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #18

February 11, 2017 6:55 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #19

So I'm just going to steal this deck.... :P it does what I want my Doom Rattle to do but better.

February 21, 2017 7:13 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #20

Bhaal666, glad to hear that! Let me know how the games go!

February 28, 2017 7:01 a.m.

BS-T says... #21

Really enjoyed reading the Decklist, Primer and Comments. I've been looking for a deck to use Avatar of Slaughter because it just seems so ... brutal. I love it.

I'd be interested to know if you've considered any of these cards and why or why you wouldn't use them; Master Warcraft/Melee (too much of a one off?), Brutal Hordechief (too much mana?), Invasion Plans (TOO much of a sh*t storm and potentially unfavorable?), Odric, Master Tactician (not enough creatures of your own?).

Do you find that your opponents mostly end up tapped out and defenceless so Odric and the Hordechief aren't so much help?

Similarly to Odric, how has Skirsdag High Priest suited you - with only 22 creatures (obviously aside from Assemble the Legion and occasional Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts/Queen Marchesa)?

August 23, 2017 12:39 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #22

BS-T, thank you and I'm glad you liked the list!

You nailed the problems on the head except for the Hordechief, which doesn't help me enough since I don't care about my creatures attacking or choosing how my opponents block.

Priest is sneakily good, as it turns online when an opponent's creature dies and I can tap my Marchesa and one of her tokens, so it's not really a problem.

August 23, 2017 12:45 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #23

Hey I was wondering if you could give me some criticism on my recently rebuilt Divine Decree. I had a recent bout of insanity and pulled it apart, rebuilding from memory went... ok I think.

I was thinking maybe Chandra's Ignition and Warstorm Surge could strengthen your deck. Absolutely nasty cards with our queen.

September 12, 2017 6:44 p.m.

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