A Michael Bay Film, Omnath: Age of Explosions! v4

Commander / EDH Starsky2814

SCORE: 273 | 184 COMMENTS | 31775 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

IAmTheWraith says... #1

Soulblast only lets you target one player, so you cant OHKO 2+ people

May 25, 2017 11:42 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #2

IAmTheWraith, Wouldn't I be able to distribute the bolts from the elementals to another player? If the bolt damage doesn't kill target player, they'll at least be heavily wounded. Do you have any recommendations for something that can deal heavy damage to multiple opponents that would be better?

May 25, 2017 11:54 a.m.

Correct, using Soulblast with Omnath in play allows you to target one player with Soulblast and another with the Omnath triggers.

May 25, 2017 12:01 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #4

AngryKitten, I added Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle/Vesuva back into the deck. After a game last night, it single-handedly was the answer to finishing off the annoying Talrand, Sky Summoner deck. It was that deck alone who gave me problems in that game, so taking him out = victory, me.

I had Where Ancients Tread included, but I recently cut it to make room for something else.

As for the removal recommendations, I've managed to get by in games without finding them too necessary. Yeah, there are times where having one would make a world of difference. I just try to blow up early game and take out the potential threats first before they gain value.

May 25, 2017 12:14 p.m.

ZendikariWol says... #5

Valakut, Starsky.

May 25, 2017 12:34 p.m.

ZendikariWol says... #6

Sorry. Posted that a little late...

May 25, 2017 12:35 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #7

ZendikariWol, I have to stop swapping things out on the fly like that lol. I appreciate all your feedback! I might get so much crap for this, but I am considering on replacing Lightning Greaves for Elemental Mastery. I feel like Elemental Mastery is too good not to include. If I can get one of the sac outlets to pair with it before the elementals leave from play, yikes!

May 25, 2017 1:11 p.m.

jtbell1221 says... #8

Have you considered Storm Cauldron? Works well with Azusa, exploration, and horn of greeeeed.

May 25, 2017 4:49 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #9

jtbell1221, Storm Cauldron is a decent card. If I decide to go down the route of adding Decree of Annihilation, I'll probably add Storm Cauldron along with it and even go as far as adding Static Orb to the mix.

May 25, 2017 6:49 p.m.

Oak_Guy says... #10

May 25, 2017 9 p.m.

PANDASrevenge says... #11

would honestly recommend a soul of new phyrexia, it's mana cost is pretty high, but your curve looks like it could handle it, and recursive saves from board sweeps through indestructible can do a deck like this MIRACLES, along those lines could also be a stonehoof chieftain, although soul is the better choice for you unless you need another trample enabler.

May 25, 2017 10:37 p.m.

PANDASrevenge says... #12

May 25, 2017 10:38 p.m.

andypants040 says... #13

Aggressive Mining is a great for card draw late game and will trigger Titania, Protector of Argoth. And you can use it repeatedly with Drownyard Temple or you can summon a bunch of tokens with Splendid Reclamation.

May 26, 2017 9:53 a.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #14

If I could submit my two cents I shall. I think that you could use some spot removal to deal with pesky threats that could just spell your doom. Like other people's commanders Song of the Dryads or its worse cousin Lignify. Also if you need a noncreature gone Beast Within is always great. Maybe Reclamation Sage if you have an artifact/enchantment heavy meta or if you need to trim the mana costs Nature's ClaimAs for what to cut I think Indomitable Creativity seems less than great also though I'm loathe to ask you to cut creatures I think it's an important question to ask if you find yourself reanimating lands enough to warrant Titania, Protector of Argoth I know you have Crucible of Worlds Splendid Reclamation but I think that is nonetheless good to ask.

May 26, 2017 11:37 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #15

Oak_Guy, great recommendations! I like Chandra, Flamecaller, but I decided to go with Nissa, Vital Force, when I was deciding on a planeswalker. Once I filter through the under performing cards in my play throughs, she'll probably get a spot. I like Skullmulcher a lot, I'm just not a fan of not being able to abuse the ability. I'll add it to the maybe board. Vigor is interesting, I'll do some play testing with it.

PANDASrevenge, thanks for checking out my deck, I really appreciate it! Soul of New Phyrexia has me intrigued, but in this deck, board wipes are usually a good thing. I get to dish out bolts from all of the elementals, if Omnath is in play. I'll do some research on it and see if it has a better use than what meets the eye.

andypants040, I do feel like I need more synergy with Titania, Protector of Argoth outside of fetch lands. I've almost considered cutting her because I've felt like she has been under performing in this deck. Your suggestions can totally change that, thank you! I'll have to do some play testing and see how beneficial having more synergy with her will be.

May 26, 2017 11:44 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #16

GrayAlchemyst, after some games Wednesday night, I do find it necessary to add Song of the Dryads and Lignify to shut down commanders. Beast Within and Reclamation Sage, I am on the fence about adding. Indomitable Creativity and Titania, Protector of Argoth have been pretty lackluster in this build. Any time I have had either in my hand, I have been caught in situations where I am sitting on them and can't make use of them. I was considering on replacing them with Decree of Annihilation and Craterhoof Behemoth. What do you think? If not those as replacements, I do need to make cuts to add Song of the Dryads and potentially Lignify.

May 26, 2017 2:25 p.m.

Firebones675 says... #17

Looks pretty good!

Most of the cards I would have suggested have already been mentioned. Here are a few others.

Dryad Arbor can be tutored for with fetches like misty rain forest

Mountain Valley and the rest of its cycle (Rocky Tar Pit & Grasslands) can be extra fetches if you want.

With so many of your lands going to your graveyard, Life from the Loam is a consideration. (also works nicely with strip mine. Wasteland also works)

Chord of Calling is a good tutor.

One last comment that's a bit more general. You're a little light on ways to interact with your opponent. If they play something, big, you might not be able to deal with it very easily. Some of the maybeboard cards that can hit troublesome cards are worth moving into the main board.

May 26, 2017 2:37 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #18

Firebones675, thank you for checking out Omnath: Age of Explosions. As always, your input is much appreciated. Dryad Arbor was a no brainer add, great suggestion. As for the extra fetches and Wasteland, I don't feel like they are too necessary to add at the moment, but it's always good to have those options available. On a side note, I wouldn't even know where to begin to make those cuts for them. Life from the Loam and Chord of Calling, were both in a previous version of the deck, but when it came to tough cuts, they both drew short straws.

I did make some adjustments to the deck. Would you say it's an improvement or is it still missing something?

May 27, 2017 12:12 a.m.

Firebones675 says... #19

Definitely looks better and while you can deal with creatures now, enchantments artifacts etc. can only be hit by your one of Song of the Dryads. Acidic Slime, Beast Within, Chaos Warp and other similar cards can shore you up against those kinds of cards as well.

As for what to take out, i think the cards i would remove are Tempt with Vengeance and Wheel of Fortune

May 27, 2017 3:21 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #20

Firebones675, I agree with you, I do need some sort of artifact/enchantment removal added. Though I am trying to hang on to Wheel of Fortune, at least for now. There has been too many times where I have been caught without a hand and Wheel of Fortune has been there to save the day. If I were to make the cut, I'd probably cut it for Krosan Grip. As for cutting Tempt with Vengeance, I can be okay with it, but I'd rather replace it with something like Elemental Mastery. Having the additional elemental production, outside of whatever comes from Omnath's landfall, has worked wonders for me once I get the sac outlet in play and bolt away. The struggle with fine tuning has been real lol.

May 27, 2017 4:09 p.m. Edited.

Starsky2814 says... #21

buggyjames, is one of those a$$holes in my playgroup. Check out his new deck and if you like what you see, don't forget to give it +1!

happy gods

Commander / EDH buggyjames


May 27, 2017 4:16 p.m.

Levelepic27 says... #22

Upvoted for the name. Goodluck with your problem with the playgroup. I think the Command Zone podcast did an episode talking about this problem.

May 27, 2017 7:24 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #23

I'm wondering if there might be a good way to cut the curve a little bit. I know you have a ton of ramp but even if you ramp to like 10+ mana that's 3 or 4 three drops and 2-3 four drops if you have the cards. And while you are in the process of ramping its fewer. Reducing the curve seems important. Maybe if you take out some of the largest spells see Greenwarden of Murasa and cut em for cheaper ramp (even creature based ramp for example Selvala, Heart of the Wilds or more two drops. Gruul Signet ? Also I notice you don't have a Sol Ring which seems like an oversight. Maybe cut some of the more expensive enchantments. 19 seems like a lot. Maybe some of the worst card draw ones? Or generally anything that doesn't fit very well with the theme of the deck.

May 27, 2017 10:29 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #24

Also I know this is super wierd but gaeas cradle doesn't seem that insane here. You don't actually have that many creatures except after omnath and then you probably don't need the mana that much. You will have at least 8

May 27, 2017 10:33 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #25

Upon doing some playtesting there seem to be too many hands that don trump play anything before turn 3 or 4

May 27, 2017 10:37 p.m.

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