A Michael Bay Film, Omnath: Age of Explosions! v4

Commander / EDH Starsky2814

SCORE: 273 | 184 COMMENTS | 31775 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

Halfgodz says... #1

Why not play Burning Wish and a toolbelt package for it?

November 15, 2017 10:21 p.m.

Spirit_Logan says... #2

There is actually an Omnath deck where I play. Is your playgroup allowing un-cards? If they are, Gerrymandering. If not, The Great Aurora.

December 30, 2017 8:58 p.m.

JacMagic says... #3

maybe a silly suggestion, but Field of Ruin for Strip Mine. I love Strip Mine but for 2 you get to destroy a Non basic land and a land drop for everyone and this deck will get more value out of that than most others.

February 19, 2019 11:26 p.m.

Kizushi says... #4

You'll love Vexing Shusher

April 3, 2019 5:03 p.m.

teoch89 says... #5


any chance to include Oracle of Mul Daya and maybe Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger ?

May 5, 2019 4:41 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #6

Check out my brew for Omnath, Locus of the Roil :

Gruul-Aid Man, Who Rocks and Roils

Commander / EDH* Starsky2814


Let me know what you all think!

June 23, 2019 6:47 p.m.

sinister1234 says... #7

i wanted to ask, why no artifact or enchantment hate? because you can sack to ping creatures and players but if they hexproof important creatures or pillow fort your deck doesnt have much answers.

September 22, 2019 4:29 p.m.

Antonius_Cleus says... #8

What about Ranger's Path or Migration Path in for Explosive Vegetation? Ranger's Path doesn't limit you to basic lands, and Migration Path allows you to cycle instead if you need it.

Roiling Regrowth is also just another copy of Harrow, straight up. Natural Connection is instant speed so you can use it in response to your opponents

April 1, 2022 2:14 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #9

Brought the Gruul-Aid Man out of retirement and beefed it up with upgrades. Enjoy

November 3, 2023 9:16 p.m.

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