

My current build for Standard. I was going to include Huntmasters, but then I found out that at sanctioned events you need to have 1 Huntmaster for every 1 double-sided card token substitute. Major sadface. So I'm not going to put another $75 into Huntmasters.

This version of the Jund Midrange is tuned more to fight aggressive strategies and performs quite well against them because it has so much removal and board-wipe capacity, as well as running vampire nighthawks. I am considering more copies of Olivia Voldaren, but I am looking for advice on how many more to play.

Now, a brief card overview:

Abrupt Decay helps tremendously against aggressive strategies by killing whatever I want, at instant speed. There is an added bonus of it being uncounterable as well. Against control, this kills opposing Oblivion Rings and Detention Spheres. I think this is a solid 2-of.

Bonfire of the Damned is really really good. I do have the option to get another if I need it, but I don't think I will. I simply don't think another copy is good because against creature-light control decks that only run Snapcaster Mage and Augur of Bolas Bonfire does very little. However, it trashes token-based strategies and aggressive strategies, even when hard-casted from the hand.

Deadbridge Goliath is something I'm testing out. So far, it hasn't done anything much. I guess right now it's serving as kind of a 3rd Thragtusk of sorts...This slot could be replaced by something else if anyone has good suggestions.

Deathrite Shaman rocks. 4 Mainboard is a must. Wrecks reanimator, helps against undying creatures like Geralf's Messenger by exiling them, kills 1/1s, and can limit flashback spells or Snapcaster Mage tricks.

Dreadbore is as generic as it gets. Takes care of anything from Avacyn's Pilrim to Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. It's in here for utility, as the only thing it can't kill is a Geist of Saint Traft.

Farseek is necessary as a four-of to ramp into more green mana for Garruk, Primal Hunter or to help you get a turn-four Thragtusk.

Garruk Relentless does work against mana dorks and small aggressively-minded creatures, and can tutor out my copies of Thragtusk or Olivia Voldaren as need be once it transforms. Against control it's a weaker Garruk, Primal Hunter, because it only makes 2/2 wolves as opposed to 3/3 beasts. This may get swapped for another Primal Hunter.

Garruk, Primal Hunter is quite good. Turn 4/5 Garruk, make a beast; next turn Thragtusk, draw five cards????!!!!! Pretty good, if you ask me. Plus, you keep Garruk and can make even more Beasts as you see fit.

Ghost Quarter, I personally think, is necessary as a 1-2 of in most decks that run less than 4 colors. Sometime it is a Wasteland because your opponent doesn't run basics, and sometimes they don't have a basic of whatever color you're trying to deprive them of. Also, this kills Vault of the Archangel, Kessig Wolf Run, [[Underworld Connections], Abundant Growth , and Stensia Bloodhall .

Mizzium Mortars sometimes serve as Bonfires 3 and 4 in this deck, but they can also take care of a Restoration Angel or another annoying threat.

Olivia Voldaren is pretty good all-around for only 4 mana. Kills mana guys, pings and steals big creatures, does work in this deck. I am unsure how many more I should add.

Pillar of Flame answers Gravecrawler, Geralf's Messenger, and mana guys to prevent turn 2 Silverblade Paladin or Geist of Saint Traft. Very helpful, but I could see it going to the sideboard if other cards would be better.

Rakdos Keyrune blocks thragtusks and most other ground creatures well with its first strike, and also allows you to play a Pillar of Flame or Deathrite Shaman on the same turn you play it. This also ramps into a Thragtusk on turn 4. Against control, this dodges sorcery-speed removal like Supreme Verdict and Terminus.

Rakdos's Return is the best card against control. Ever. Cast it for their whole hand whenever you don't think they have a counterspell. Pretty much GG at that point, unless they counter with Sphinx's Revelation.

Sever the Bloodline is in as a singleton because exile is a big deal after the Innistrad block. Also, it has flashback, so you can get at least a 2-for-1 when you use this right. This is devastating against tokens.

Stensia Bloodhall is pretty much an unkillable source of damage for the Control matchup, and the colorless mana source doesn't hurt that much in a world of shocklands, Farseek, and Rakdos Keyrune.

Thragtusk just is too good to omit. I only have two, so they're in here. If people come up with stuff to take out, I'll add in more as necessary.

Vampire Nighthawk rules the aggro and midrange matchups. It is very difficult to fight the lifelink every turn and the deathtouch is just ridiculous against everything.


Duress, Slaughter Games, Underworld Connections, and Liliana of the Veil all come in for the difficult control matchup, and they do fine. Duress can pluck Revelation, Slaughter Games can name Revelation, Thragtusk, or Dissipate. Liliana makes them discard cards and sacrifice whatever threats they may have.

Sever the Bloodline and Golgari Charm come in against tokens and Zombies. I guess Golgari Charm would also come in against Battle of Wits if it was a deck...

Pithing Needle comes in against Lotleth Troll, Izzet Staticaster, or any planeswalker-based deck. Naming Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker with this shuts down Grixis, and naming Door to Nothingnes wins the Omnidoor Thragfire matchup.

Underworld Connections probably also could come in for midrange matchups.

Grafdigger's Cage is necessary for Reanimator matchups, against flashback decks, and against Snapcaster Mage

Please comment and leave suggestions/+1s if you like it.


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I managed to secure #10 at my local game shop's FNM, and I may go back sometime. Here's a report of how I did in the five rounds of Standard:

Match 1: Naya Midrange

Game 1: We each keep our seven and nothing happens in the first few turns until he plays Borderland Ranger turn 3. I opt to Rakdos Keyrune into Deathrite Shaman the same turn. He responds with a Loxodon Smiter; the next turn I overload Mizzium Mortars to kill both his creatures and attack for 1 with the shaman. He appears stuck on four lands and has to Farseek into a Temple Gardenfoil. I attack with my Keyrune to bring him down to 16. He indeed does Thragtusk the next turn, and i mirror with my own, all the time hurting him with Deathrite Shaman activations. He casts another Thragtusk, and I cast Sever the Bloodline, flashing it back the next turn to kill his beast tokens. He finally draws a Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip, but I topdeck a Bonfire of the Damned for seven and that sends it to game 2. 1-0

Between games, I side in the three Slaughter Games to name Thragtusk or Restoration Angel, depending on the board state.

Game 2: We each have land problems, but I'm able to get out a Deathrite Shaman and begin attacking him for 1 each turn. Once he's down to 15, I draw a second land into a Farseek for a Rakdos Keyrune the next turn. He finally draws an Avacyn's Pilgrim, but that meets a Pillar of Flame and he concedes. 2-0

The Naya deck seems to run plenty of creatures, but the Jund has so much removal that it can handle the onslaught long enough to board-wipe. I had Mizzium Mortars in my hand in game 2, and I surely would have won that even if he had stuck around.

Match 2: Bant Hexproof

Game 1: He gets off to a slow start and I am able to get three topdecked Deathrite Shamans into play. He only has Abundant Growth and an Avacyn's Pilgrim. I pillar his guy, but then he lands an Invisible Stalker into Rancor and Ethereal Armor. That is pretty much the game. 0-1

Between games, I side in 2 Golgari Charm and 2 Liliana of the Veil to deal with his low-toughness solo guys.

Game 2: He gets an Avacyn's Pilgrim turn 1, but I am confident in using a Dreadbore on it the next turn. He then makes another pilgrim and a Rancor on the pilgrim, which I respond to with a Vampire Nighthawk. He then casts Geist of Saint Traft turn 3, which I respond to with an overloaded Mizzium Mortars after taking a hit for 6, but the whole time I am hitting him with Nighthawk to gain life back. He plays another Geist of Saint Traft, which i respond to with a Rakdos Keyrune to block. He adds two Rancors and a Spectral Flight and I am bashed for 12 to go to 10, but I topdeck an overloaded Mizzium Mortars for the win. 1-1

Game 3: He gets a turn two Geist of Saint Traft off of an Avacyn's Pilgrim. I play a Vampire Nighthawk to block, but it gets hit by Oblivion Ring while I am getting hit for 7 a turn. I have a Bonfire of the Damned in hand, but I only have four mana - not enough to save me. 1-2

I did not see any of my sideboard cards at all, which saddens me because in game 3 i could have really used a Liliana of the Veil, because I could have bonfired for 1, then cast Liliana.

Match 3: Bant Control

Game 1: I work him down to a meager 4 life before he casts a Sphinx's Revelation for seven into a Supreme Verdict and Thragtusk. He got an Alchemist's Refuge into play, which allowed him to put sweepers, Jaces, Tamiyos, and Thrags into play at my end step. Overall this was a pretty bad game. At one point he cast Farseek and failed to find a land because he had drawn all of his duals and basics. I conceded after he showed me a Terminus and Sphinx's Revelation in his hand when I was in topdeck mode. It was a pretty close game until he hit that Revelation. 0-1

Between games, I side in my whole control suite mentioned above to try to win, along with my two Pithing Needle to name Jace, Architect of Thought or Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

Game 2: I play Pithing Needle turn 3 (right before he has Jace mana) and he laughs when I name Jace. He laughs again when he draws and shows me three copies of Jace, Architect of Thought in his hand. I think I'm ahead because I'm about to Rakdos's Return for his whole hand, but then he casts his singleton sided-in Witchbane Orb and I just concede. I have only lands and a Rakdos's Return and I wasn't going to draw anything to get me out of it. He also shows me two sided-in copies of Curse of Echoes from his deck, but the real killer was Witchbane Orb. I can't win that game. 0-2

Match 4: G/W Goodstuff/Populate

Game 1: He gets an Arbor Elf into a Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, which I Dreadbore, and when he plays another Trostani I cast Sever the Bloodline on it. He responds by playing a Sigarda, Host of Herons, which i ogle at because I don't think I have an answer, until I draw Vampire Nighthawk. That holds him off for a turn, which I use to cast Thragtusk. He clears my Nighthawk with an Oblivion Ring and hits for five in the air with Sigarda. However, I topdeck a Bonfire of the Damned for 6 to clear his board, then hit him for 5 with Thragtusk to leave him at 5. He scoops after his draw. 1-0

He didn't have a sideboard, and I wasn't really going to bring anything in, so I opt to leave my deck the way it is.

Game 2: He got really mana screwed and only managed to get Avacyn's Pilgrim and Arbor Elf for ramp, which is really bad against a deck full of cheap removal. I killed both of his mana guys and he was left with just two Vitu-Gazi Guildmages. I won with a Garruk, Primal Hunter into Thragtusk, and he conceded when I drew 5 cards and showed him a Mizzium Mortars. 2-0

Match 5: 4-Color Guttersnipe/Burning Vengeance control

Game 1: His deck is really cool and all about getting the most value out of cards. At one point he flashbacked a Lingering Souls to deal me 6 damage and get 2 spirits. He also had things like Pack Rat and Goblin Electromancer. It was a pretty good deck, but I won (barely) off of a Thragtusk and Olivia Voldaren killing his tokens. 1-0

He also didn't have a sideboard, so I decided to be the good guy and not sideboard either.

Game 2: He got a nut draw of 3rd turn Burning Vengeance, 4th turn Burning Vengeance, and just started dumping stuff into his graveyard with Faithless Looting and Forbidden Alchemy. Every creature I played he killed with Geistflame or Burning Oil or a trigger off of Burning Vengeance. Eventually he just dealt me lethal off of his two Burning Vengeance 1-1

Game 3: Deathrite Shaman really messed with his deck because I could exile the stuff he dumped into his graveyard with Forbidden Alchemy before he untapped. He got a Guttersnipe and Burning Vengeance online and started killing my stuff. Now, this was already past midnight and I was really tired, but I made an epic misplay. I had my Deathrite Shaman out and a Deadbridge Goliath in my graveyard, and he was at 5. I could have salvaged the Goliath onto the Shaman and won, but I forgot and instead I used Rakdos's Return for 4 to leave him at one life. People make mistakes, and this time it cost me the game because he killed my Deathrite Shaman and went on to deal me the last few points of damage. 1-2

Matches Record: 2-3 Games Record: 6-6

Final Thoughts: Deathrite Shaman is a beast. Whenever I cast him and he survived he dealt 4-8 damage to my opponents over the course of a few turns, while only costing one mana per endstep. It also really messed with the Bant Control list I played against in Round 3 game 1 and the Guttersnipe control list in Round 5. He is definitely staying as a 4-of mainboard. Another thing I noticed was that there was very little in terms of aggressive strategies. All the decks I played were midrange or control except for Bant Auras. However, I heard that there were 4-5 Zombie players and 2-3 G/W Aggro players there, although none of them top-8ed. I claimed tenth place, which didn't entitle me to any prizes, but I did get a chance to test out this deck against a variety of different strategies. Please leave comments on what you think I should change or add.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

34 - 8 Rares

13 - 2 Uncommons

2 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 6/6 G
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