A deck based around Giants with giant stats. High stats combined with useful equipment to give trample and vigilance, plus a few other fun effects, makes the giants a pain in the butt to try and stop.

"We thought those were mountains. We thought there was an earthquake. We thought we stood a chance."


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.06
Tokens Elemental Shaman 3/1 R, Experience Token, Giant 4/4 R, Giant Warrior 5/5 W, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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