Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

Commander / EDH Forkbeard

SCORE: 243 | 317 COMMENTS | 68174 VIEWS | IN 133 FOLDERS

griffstick says... #1

One more thing. Shifting Shadow would be really good here when your cmdr is out

June 26, 2022 8:22 a.m.

DareiJuxis says... #2

Well, I think I will stick to what I said before, even in light of my oversight. Regardless, another card to consider would be Mana Echoes, seeing as this list is mana hungry, and every single creature is a dragon. The commander also makes more dragons for more mana. Also, isn't Rhythm of the Wild just better than Fires of Yavimaya?

June 26, 2022 12:01 p.m.

DareiJuxis says... #3

I know Rhythm of the Wild doesn't give tokens haste, but I think getting big creatures onto the board is important. I suppose it isn't "just" better like I said, but I think it's worthwhile. But maybe that speaks more to my meta. Also, there could be finishers added to the list. Something like Spectacular Showdown?

June 26, 2022 12:11 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #4

Oh this is a lot to process, ha. Here's some thoughts around the suggestions.

  • Genesis Wave - love the card, definitely tempted as another 'sneak into play' option.
  • Equilibrium - also love this card and use it to great effect in my simic elf deck, but I'm not sure that I can justify it in here due to the already hefty casting costs on all these dragons. More on that later...
  • Sylvan Library & Mana Vault - undeniably amazing cards, I just don't have spares laying around just now. Our play group allows proxies but we have specific rules around them; a maximum of 3 nonland proxies per deck and you have to own a real copy of it. I've opted for Doubling Season, Parallel Lives & The Great Henge for those slots. I'm already running Worldly Tutor in here.
  • Shifting Shadow - this is a VERY interesting card, I've never seen it before! I wouldn't play it without Miirym on the table but I do think this card is neat.
  • Mana Echoes - an awesome card and I've used it to great effect in mass token swarm decks + sliver combos, but I'm not convinced it's a great call in a dragon brew. Might be worth trying but I'm not sure what I'd cut for it.
  • Rhythm of the Wild - another beaut of a card and I had it in here, but having played the deck a few times now I absolutely want/need my tokens to have haste as well.
  • Spectacular Showdown - in my experience with the deck so far, win-more stuff like this isn't needed. The dragons _are_ the finishers.

  • Alright so about the hefty casting cost problem of dragons in general. Yeah. Now that I've had a chance to play the deck a bit, I'm running into the same problems I had with Atarka. With so much ramp + treasure support (treasures are particularly rampant in my playgroup), Commander in general is so fast these days and this deck had a very difficult time keeping up. I really like the brew I have here, but I need to consistently ramp to have any hope of getting this battlecruiser off the ground. I need to start thinking about fast mana (Ancient Tomb, Mana Crypt etc) because I'm finding that some games don't go beyond 5 turns these days. Dark times for a Timmy like me.

    June 26, 2022 5:46 p.m.

    griffstick says... #5

    I think this deck needs Copy Artifact. You've got so many good options to target. With the amount of card draw in this deck I think it should be an auto include. Think about pairing Urza's Incubator with Copy Artifact

    June 26, 2022 10:40 p.m. Edited.

    IzzWizz says... #6

    I've been running Intet, the Dreamer as a dragon tribal deck for about a year now and I am in the process of converting it over to Miirym. Here are a couple of my thoughts.

    1. get as much of you ramp from lands as possible, and run artifact sweepers. Green's strength is in playing extra lands and being able to disrupt your opponents ramp is great. Kodama's Reach and Cultivate are fine in a green list where your commander costs 6 and hitting land drops is really important. Cut some of the signets.

    2. Kind of counter to the point above, why aren't you running Cursed Mirror? It's an infinite combo with Astral Dragon.

    3. Why An Offer you Can't Refuse over Swan Song?

    4. Dragonspeaker Shaman is a second copy of Urza's Incubator.

    5. I prefer both Recurring Insight and Prime Speaker Zegana over Kindred Discovery. 5 mana is a lot for an enchantment that doesn't do anything the turn you play it unless you already have a dragon on the board.

    6. You don't have a lot of ways to deal with enchantments. Consider adding a bounce land or two if remove like Imprisoned in the Moon or Song of the Dryads is something you run into regularly.

    7. Valakut Awakening  Flip and Sea Gate Restoration  Flip are worth the slots. especially if you add a bounce land or two to "rebuy" the land and cast the spell for gas.

    July 1, 2022 8:13 p.m.

    IzzWizz says... #7

    I can't figure out how to edit my last comment. One more parting thought: Blasphemous Act with Wrathful Dragon isn't necessarily a combo, but it lets you fling a lot of damage around.

    July 2, 2022 2:12 a.m.

    joe_mama_joe says... #8

    I second Mana Echoes. It works wonders with Miirym and can ramp you into big dragons even quicker.

    July 2, 2022 3:22 p.m.

    Housegheist says... #9

    What about some dragon support:

    Korlessa, Scale Singer or Scaled Nurturer could be useful and are they are dragins too…

    July 3, 2022 2:17 a.m.

    Forkbeard says... #10

    Lotta comments to catch up on here!

  • Copy Artifact - I like the idea of it, but nah. Hard nah. At the time of typing this, I have 12 targets and only 5 of which aren't just 2 drop rocks. Certainly a cool idea and I love the thought of doubling up on a Panharmonicon or The Great Henge, it's just too conditional/too rare of a scenario.
  • Cultivate + Kodama's Reach - I was doing my best to stick to 2 cost ramp cards, but I do enjoy the land fixing + teensy bit of deck thinning these cards provide. Your idea of swapping signets out for these 2 ramp classics has me thinking.
  • Cursed Mirror - I am running this! It's hiding in my ramp category along with Urza's Incubator as my only 3 drop cards there.
  • Swan Song - Long story short, I didn't have a Swan Song to hand. An Offer You Can't Refuse has been an ok counterspell, but I think I might cut it for Nature's Claim.
  • Dragonspeaker Shaman - I ran the dragon cost reduction dorks in my Atarka deck and while they're decent, they got pruned out over time as I found that ramp spells + rocks always served me better.
  • Prime Speaker Zegana & Recurring Insight - great burst draw, albeit conditional. Persopnal preference, I'd rather have the repeateable draw effect with Kindred Discovery. Yes it's also conditional, but I've used it to great drawing effect in other decks and as you point out, the trick is to cast when you've got some dragons ready to swing.
  • 'You don't have a lot of ways to deal with enchantments' - You're not wrong and as I mentioned above, I think I'll swap in Nature's Claim for that reason.
  • Sea Gate Restoration  Flip & Valakut Awakening  Flip - Super cool cards that I might try to squeeze in here. Perhaps a Bala Ged Recovery  Flip for good measure, swapping out a basic of each for these 3. Good idea!
  • Blasphemous Act - Yep. I want to include this. Having played the deck a few times now, sometimes you just need a wipe and I've only got Cyclonic Rift & Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for nuke options. BA is also a potential win condition with Wrathful Red Dragon on the table too.
  • Korlessa, Scale Singer & Scaled Nurturer - Nice tech and it's cool to have some little dragon dorks like this, but I also don't think they're strong enough to warrant the slots.

  • Lots of good ideas and food for thought here, thanks all.

    July 3, 2022 8:58 p.m.

    Housegheist says... #11

    My thought with Korlessa, Scale Singer (1/4 Body for 2 cmc!) and the Scaled Nurturer was, that it's improtant to have some creatures out. Korlessa let you cast your Dragons from top of library which is kind of card potential. The nurturer fits into your 2cmc ramp-theme...

    And it don't hurt to draw them lately since Miirym would create copy of them both unlike the rocks.

    Any thoughts on Return of the Wildspeaker or Rishkar's Expertise? Oh, Minion of the Mighty could be a funny one

    July 4, 2022 1:22 a.m.

    Forkbeard says... #12

    You know what Housegheist? This deck does need more ramp and I'm coming around to the idea of adding Scaled Nurturer as a cute lil dragon mana dork. As for Return of the Wildspeaker and Rishkar's Expertise, I like them a lot and was running them in my Atarka build, but my draw suite is decent and I'm not 100% certain what I'd cut to make room for them.

    Minion of the Mighty! Definitely a funny one and certainly a different way of sneaking out another dragon. I like it, just uncertain if it makes the cut.

    Speaking of cuts, after playing some games I've gotten a better feel for what the deck needs (more ramp, more early game interaction) and also what hasn't been working so well. I'll be doing a pretty big overhaul in the near future.

    July 4, 2022 7:36 p.m.

    Housegheist says... #13

    Sounds good. Do you know in which direction your changes will be going?

    I hope you don't mind but i took your deck as reference and made several swaps to make it fit our meta/my playstyle. As we often play Highlander w/o a commander (100 card decks) it needed more creatures and turn 2 ramp wasn't such a big deal. Also, i tried to stick on the dragon flavour with most cards. Maybe you take a look:

    Miirym or Double the Fun

    Commander / EDH* Housegheist

    SCORE: 3 | 15 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER

    July 5, 2022 3:37 a.m.

    Forkbeard says... #14

    Yeah. The deck needs LOTS of ramp to ensure I'm hitting that 5 to 6 mana sweet spot as quickly as possible so I'm looking to boost the ramp count there. Because the average CMC is pretty steep, I also need a bit more early game interaction so I'm going to experiment with a couple of bounce spells as they can be multipurposed - send an early game threat back to an opponent's hand or bounce a key dragon back to my own hand as either a protection maneuver or as another way to capitalize on additional Miirym tokens. Not as efficient as blink/flicker spells that most Miirym brews are running, but I like the added flexibility of instant speed bounce.

    Adding some of these pieces is going to come at the cost of cutting a few bombs that may surprise folks. It's all experimentation just now in order to find what works with my playgroup meta which is a hair away from cEDH. I'll write my thoughts on the changes when I have some time.

    July 5, 2022 4:37 p.m. Edited.

    Housegheist says... #15

    i might found some gems which could be useful for you. First of, i like the dragonorbs as rocks, as they are on flavour and if used for a dragon, they gain extra some advantage. Only drawback is - except the OG-Orb - they cost 3 cmc.

    Lapis Orb of Dragonkind - Card selection

    Jade Orb of Dragonkind - Prottection

    Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind Haste

    Orb of Dragonkind - Draw

    Swashbuckler Extraordinaire gains a treasure while entering which could be used for ramp or combat dmg.

    Thunderbreak Regent gains some kind of tax for removing your dragons and is a 4/4 for 4, which is kinda nice.

    If you're using Blasphemous Act with Wrathful Red Dragon as a potential game ender, could Chain Reaction get you some redundancy here?

    Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge is a 5/4 for 3 with kinda defender. but with that many rock and the triggered ability he can definately gain you some advantage. Otherwise he is a flying blocker for 3.

    Looking forward to your thoughts

    July 7, 2022 2:50 a.m.

    Housegheist says... #16

    Oh, i forgot to mention Renari, Merchant of Marvels. Flashing in some winged Bad-A$$es could be funny!

    July 7, 2022 7:24 a.m.

    Forkbeard says... #17

    Thanks Housegheist. I'm personally pretty luke warm on all 4 orbs and I'm not sure what I'd cut to make room for them. I like that they're on theme, but I prefer the ramp + utility I've got going on in here already. Gadrak, Renari & Swashbuckler are all interesting but again, I would struggle on cuts to make room for them. Thunderbreak Regent is definitely cool and I like the deterrent factor - I thought on adding this dragon for a while but remembered that I used to run it in my Atarka brew. It was never as impactful as I thought it would/could be so I ended up subbing it out at some point.

    Chain Reaction is a very appealing option! As you say, BA redundancy would be handy but it's also just a good value wipe option in R. I like it.

    July 17, 2022 8:03 p.m.

    abihoooo says... #18

    I would look at Changeling Berserker and/or Changeling Titan. With Miirym you get infinite ETB triggers that will trigger Scourge of Valkas, Terror of the Peaks, or Dragon Tempest until everybody is dead.

    August 1, 2022 12:18 a.m.

    Forkbeard says... #19

    Interesting combos abihoooo, I hadn't considered the shapeshifters in this deck brew too much. I'm still in the process of seeing what works and what doesn't so I'm not sure if these combos are wanted/needed at this point, but it's certainly a clever angle.

    August 1, 2022 2:25 p.m.

    Davie_Bones says... #20

    Metallic Mimic might be a good add here.

    August 13, 2022 11:21 p.m.

    Slashdance says... #21

    I would be wary of having Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm + Doubling Season out and casting Astral Dragon (if your plans are to copy Doubling Season) ... while also having Elemental Bond in play.

    In short order you could draw through your deck before you had time to initiate an attack with near-infinite 3/3 dragons out.

    Fun deck!

    August 28, 2022 6 p.m.

    Forkbeard says... #22

    Ha, that's definitely a funny interaction to watch out for Slashdance. I shall take heed! I've had great success with Astral Dragon so far - even just copying a mana rock is decent value (the dream is Cursed Mirror but I haven't been able to make that happen yet). Super cool card & I want a playmat of that gorgeous art.

    August 29, 2022 2:34 p.m.

    Slashdance says... #23

    Yeah, basically Cursed Mirror or Doubling Season result in more dragons than exist tokens in the universe, lol. Good stuff!

    @ Vlasiax Maybe Savage Ventmaw has a place in the deck, but I'm not sure about Aggravated Assault. The combo is good, but having to make room for them might be an issue, and off theme a bit. I'll leave that to Forkbeard.

    I have a Sylvan Library, but actually took it out of my other dragon deck. No doubt it's strong, but with some already synergistic card draw available already, it felt like a "win more" card for my particular deck. I don't have a mana crypt, but if I did I don't think I'd use it, but that's just more of me keeping the power level of my deck in check.

    August 29, 2022 6:56 p.m.

    Profet93 says... #24

    I concur with the above user's assessment

    Also, how does one not deck out with Kindred discovery when things get crazy? Its an amazing card, but I feel it can be one's downfall if it isn't kept in check.

    August 29, 2022 7:16 p.m.

    Slashdance says... #25

    If you have, like, 2-20 dragons ... it's not that bad.

    You just don't cast it if you go near-infinite. Probably wouldn't need to cast it in the place if you have 10-20 dragons, as the auto draw from the other cards in the deck are probably doing some work for you already. But, hey ... drawing all the things is part of the fun!!

    August 29, 2022 9:15 p.m.

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