Mikaeus, Extreme Sub $20 Budget EDH
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 3201 | 1154 COMMENTS | 538532 VIEWS | IN 1992 FOLDERS
Fuck yes, 1900 milestone reached!
Only 100 more and we will reach the legendary 2000 point mark! Hopefully we will reach it before the Islands "deck", but it doesn't seem like it at this point. Still gaining on it though.
February 26, 2017 12:19 p.m.
chosenone124 says... #3
I think it's the budget. I built the Islands deck for almost free, but I had to spend money on this deck
February 26, 2017 1:05 p.m.
Just an FYI, the first proxy video link is to an unavailable video.
February 28, 2017 11:20 a.m.
beninator: Thanks for the info, removed the link! WotC REALLY dislikes people making their own proxies, even websites that let you copy-paste lists for printing so you can playtest decks with bad paper proxies get taken down.
Fortunately the second link still works.
March 4, 2017 11:43 a.m.
Damn, 20 votes in roughly one week. At this rate I will pass the Islands deck before reaching 2000! Keep it up!
March 5, 2017 2:45 p.m.
Can I ask what your train of thought was for these artifacts? Looking to tune the deck and I'm trying to figure out if these are my best bet to remove or I'm missing something:
By the way, I love the deck. I'm taking cards from your non-budget version I already have and placing them in as well as making some tweaks to the land base. This is where I seem to have the most trouble.
March 9, 2017 10:06 a.m.
chosenone124 says... #9
Suppose he has an infinite sacrifice combo: ex Mikaeus, Viscera Seer, Tatterkite.
This means that he has infinite ETB triggers and dies triggers.
Infinite ETBs + Altar of the Brood = all opponent get milled to deckless
Grinding Station does the same thing, but it also serves as the sacrifice outlet
Jeweled Amulet allows you to store your floating mana for the next turn
March 9, 2017 3:46 p.m.
chosenone124 is too fast for me. All the stuff he said is right.
As for how I would upgrade them, cards like Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat and Blasting Station are great replacements for Altar of the Brood and Grinding Station.
As for Jeweled Amulet, you can replace it with Mox Diamond, Chrome Mox, Jet Medallion, Thran Dynamo, Sol Ring, Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, Grim Monolith... Lots of good manarocks!
March 9, 2017 4:09 p.m.
Ckhazel132 says... #11
Shadows of the Past could work really well in this deck for an infinite scry into your other win cons
March 14, 2017 11:57 a.m.
I tried posting this on the (not budget) version of this deck but wasn't able to... This seems like a perfect deck to slap in some Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond as another win-con.
March 16, 2017 10:30 a.m.
yeah back when Exquisite Blood was under a dollar rare. glad i got my mikaeus and all my other innistrad rares when i picked up dollar rares just cause they were cool af
March 16, 2017 12:05 p.m.
No. Stop. This deck is stupid. Like the most overpowered "I don't care about that combo piece, I have 2 more in my hand an 20 more in my deck" deck I've ever witnessed. This is the dumbest combo deck ever. I hate it so much. I will now begin building this deck and Upvoting this list every day for the next two months. I hate how much I secretly admire this deck. Mad props for the serious power on a serious budget, though.
March 23, 2017 9:34 p.m.
Pinkie_Satanas says... #15
Ah... if i could upvote this deck twice just for the budget and proxies explanation...
March 30, 2017 8:22 a.m.
Wow, I sure like this theme of cards that enter the battlefield to put 3 -1/-1 counters on a creature. Let's hope it's in black too.
April 4, 2017 11:40 a.m.
thiagodfsz says... #17
What you think about adding Nest of Scarabs in this deck?
April 7, 2017 12:15 p.m.
thiagodfsz: Seems like a pretty decent token generator in this deck, good for keeping yourself alive before you combo off (just playing a sac fodder on an empty board with this and you will get 1-3 free scarabs to chump with) and also good for infinite tokens to swing with.
Also, we are now officially the SECOND highest rated deck on tappedout! Holy shit! Thanks for all the support, glad to see so many enjoy the power of Mikaeus.
April 7, 2017 10:46 p.m.
OBDog11: Nope, not even close. Been steadily passing other decks ever since it was made. "The #1 top deck on X day X month" is just a measure of the fastest climbing deck (I think). If you were the fastest climbing deck that day, you become the #1 deck of that date.That still doesn't mean you have a higher rating than other decks that have been here for years.
Now the deck is in second place, rising at ~3 times the speed of the third place deck, unfortunately the first place deck is not only around 800 votes ahead of me, but it is growing at a FAR faster rate as well, so second place is probably where this deck will stay for the foreseeable future (Like... until they reprint Mikaeus!)
Also hope to become the second deck on tappedout to reach 2000!
April 8, 2017 10:26 a.m.
chosenone124 says... #21
Plague Belcher has been spoiled. One more infinite sac outlet for the Mikaeus pain train
April 12, 2017 1:59 a.m. Edited.
chosenone124: Oh yes! Unfortunately it's a rare, but if it sees zero play it may be cheap enough. Which I really doubt, it looks awesome.
April 13, 2017 8:45 p.m.
Goddamn awesome! Reaching 2000 votes and 350,000 views on the same day!
And as if to celebrate, WotC spoiled TWO playable budget Mikaeus cards!
Baleful Ammit (3 Mana infinite fodder!) and Soulstinger (Infinite fodder that also clears the board? GREAT!).
The latter is definitely going in, no questions asked. We'll see about the Hippocroc.
Sleazebag says... #1
Daedalus19876: My hope is that Mikaeus gets a reprint soon! Until then, the $20 budget is unfeasable. I intend to keep the deck as it is now though, as it is still a super budget and high power deck, but it's not $20 anymore :(
droslag: Geralf's Messenger has anti-synergy with Mikaeus though? Cauldron of Souls is fine, but it can only be used once per turn, so it's great in a value Mikaeus deck and not in an infinite combo version.
February 22, 2017 8:39 a.m.