Mikaeus, the Unhallowed EDH
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 113 | 171 COMMENTS | 68926 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS
Sorry but, I'm pretty sure -1/-1 counters and +1/+1 counters are separate, so they don't cancel out each other they are just both there, so no persist wont work. You are right though, his ability is ridiculous if used right, For example: Triskelion can be used to kill something, then sacked and brought back with undying, repeat.
January 18, 2012 1:22 p.m.
-1/-1 counters cancel out +1/+1 counters so you can never have one of each on a creature. so the theory here is sound.
"121.3. If a permanent has both a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it as a state-based action, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on it... "
January 18, 2012 2:38 p.m.
Hehe... I m really wondering how many games my friends would let me play with a deck like that before starting to wyne...
I would not invest in the cards i don t have but i m tempted to try to do with the ones i have (if i get mikaus)
January 18, 2012 7:10 p.m.
if something says that things cant get +1/+1 counters, then would that be an infinite literal sac combo for anything
January 18, 2012 7:19 p.m.
I love the new Mikaeus and I love what he does for Triskelion which is one of my favorite combo cards. Awesome deck. However, you have 2 cards too many. The count reports 102 so you may want to drop a couple cards.
January 18, 2012 7:35 p.m.
hunter9000 says... #7
@Mtgmtgmtg: I know what you mean, I think this will end up being one of the best decks in my playgroup.
@Lorence: Yes, I just discovered Tatterkite this evening and swapped him in. So good!
@eienshi09: I'm still tweaking it, so I'll get the count right. Triskelion's one of my favorite combos in here too, but there are so many it's hard to choose.
I might take out a few tutors and draw cards for some spot removal.
January 18, 2012 11:21 p.m.
A cabal coffer might be my first addition
If the game stall or if u get everybody against you (it will happen) card like imperion hellkite (ishhh might have the wrong name... I m talking about the 8/8 that makes your life stay the same) with undying and the shroud artifact it can help u survive a bit
One of my favorite cards in black is the Fleshbag Marauder ...add undying and he is pretty annoying... I often manage to put it on a Mimic Vat and its awsome...
Personally i would keep the tutor
My biggest fear in a deck like that is to have my general stolen via Control Magic and cards like that... I know hexproof equipment are there for that... But i d still add answer in the deck so i can tutor thrm is needed... A simple go for throat can at least give me acces to my commander again... The land released in the commander deck would be an even nicer addittion
...other stuff... It s hight mana cost but Butcher of Malakir inerract well with all the sacrice here...
I m sold... I ll brew something with what i have
January 19, 2012 7:58 a.m.
(I helped create this one after the idea was here, but Hunter9000 really strove put together a good deck. Undying is crazy good.)
Homeward Path - I'm thinking this may be a good addition for controls, but with 6 artifacts relating to hexproofing he's reasonably safe. Realistically this deck should lose only to fast aggro and blue/white control.
Cabal Coffers - I don't personally like this land and it was in this deck at some point but the problem is it can slow down your progress early on and by the time this deck could use it there will be some other play to make and really isn't that necessary.
Fleshbag Marauder - Evoking the Shriekmaw is better than this for the same purpose. could double up of course.
Mimic Vat - is mildly expensive to use in this deck and essentially removes the whole point of undying by exiling your dying creatures. yes, they get haste but the one time per turn use just makes it a poor choice.
Butcher of Malakir - is great, also expensive. I'd be willing to bet you're very rarely going to get to a point where you can play it.
Nezumi Bone-Reader and Mind Slash - I'd suggest that some of the cards dedicated to discard are less than ideal as compared with other plays here.
card:Black Sun's Zenith - seems like a good way to remove the +1/+1's on multiple creatures and possibly hurt your opponents, but I feel like it's unnecessary and situational.
January 19, 2012 10:17 a.m.
etchett monstruosity could be an option for the infinite sac pile
Preator s grasp was pften helpfull to me
Even if there is no direct relation to the deck Animate Dead is also often helpfull...
January 19, 2012 12:29 p.m.
hunter9000 says... #12
I had Cabal Coffers in originally, I love that card. The problem is it only gets good late game. If you draw it early, it's a dead land until you get 3 other swamps, and even then it limits you since you have to tap 3 lands at once, so you can't say tap 2 now and 2 on your opponent's turn. It was great in my old standard vampire deck, but I think it's a little slow for this one.
Platinum Emperion would be nice, but I don't think I have room for an 8 drop.
I actually really like Fleshbag Marauder in this, it's similar to Shriekmaw , but it forces 2 sacrifices which can be better or worse than 2 Terror s depending on the situation. I might make room for both.
Butcher of Malakir is great with this, but I already have Grave Pact , which is the same effect for 3 less mana.
I might take out Nezumi Bone-Reader , I think Cinderhaze Wretch and Mind Slash might be neough.
Thanks for all the input everyone.
January 19, 2012 5:18 p.m.
I assambled a first version last night... I think you guys are right about everything... Adding more hight cost stuff would not be a great idea
Questions... what is the main use of Tatterkite can he be saced infinitly with mikaeus? Just want to make sure the ruling is good because i assume it s the purpose here
Other question... I have an unused Necrotic Ooze so i might use it to replace a card i dont have from your list but i m confused... I think he can copy a Triskelion effect if one is in the yard... Am i correct? What about come into play effect from shrieckmaw and fleshbag marauder.. Does it copy the effect when it comes into play? My head got confused because it seem like he coulf interract with lots of dead stuff (if things go wrong)
January 20, 2012 7:46 a.m.
@mtgmtgmtg - yes. Tatterkite is one of many here that can be sacced multiple times because when he comes back with undying the +1/+1 counter placed on him would fizzle and he would be reset to his just played status.
Shriekmaw and fleshbag would in fact trigger their "comes into play" effects each time they come into play from your hand or from the undying effect. so evoking the Shriekmaw for 1B would cause him to enter the battlefield (triggering the terror) then it is sacrificed due to evoke, then undying triggers him to re-enter the battlefield (triggering a SECOND terror) and give him the +1/+1 counter from undying. since he is a 3/2 and mikaeus provides a global +1/+1 in addition to the +1/+1 undying counter that makes shriekmaw(with micky out) a 5/4 fear creature with 2 x terror for 2 mana!
Necrotic Ooze would be a poor card here because the expectation is that most of your creatures would not stay in the graveyard. also it would not copy any "comes into play" effects because his ability only copies "activated" abilities which is basically anything with a ":" after it. If you're looking for replacements to some of these cards listed here I'd check the sideboard/maybeboard for ideas first and then fill with things that provide card advantage or possibly find more cards that let you sacrifice a creature indefinitely (like Viscera Seer )
January 20, 2012 1:22 p.m.
hunter9000 says... #15
I wouldn't recommend Necrotic Ooze either. Some cards to bring things back from the graveyard might be a good idea, for if any of the important creatures die before Mikaeus comes out.
I added Viscera Seer , with infinite sac it's basically a free Vampiric Tutor .
I also added a Heartless Summoning since most of my creatures are overcosted because of their other abilities. I'll have to playtest to be sure, but I think that it will work well. The -1/1 from Heartless will counteract the +1/1 from Mikaeus and let me get my big creatures out faster.
January 20, 2012 10:43 p.m.
Yup no ooze... Went for the less mana expensive Animate Dead and maybe a Necromancy
One of my favorite addittion to my deck is Pawn of Ulamog i find him very versatil... He has the potential of infinite mana and infinite creatures that can swing if mikaeus is alive... And worse case he ll give me some sacrifice for butcher, grave pact or the discard dude...if mikaeus needs to be recasted he ll be handy... And the best of all he only cost 3
I m always afraid to lack mana or don t draw enought... I also added Solemn Simulacrum
For some reason i really feel like trying Helm of Possession seems like another mana eater... We ll see... Maybe not the best synergy with the deck overall... But i find it so fun to steal oponnent stuff and beat them with it... With all the sacrife it might really discourage opponents to cast creature
Anyway you have a very nice deck... Thanks for the ideasHope you ll continue updating it... So far i think its the only unhallowed edh list on the net :)
January 21, 2012 7:54 a.m.
Pawn of Ulamog looks like a nice addition. I'll give it a try in my copy.
Death Match is horrible here. I'll cast a Nest Invader or just two Llanowar Elves and your commander is toast.
January 22, 2012 2:35 a.m.
finally copied. made a few adjustments of my own:Mikaeus, the Unhallowed EDH copy
note a couple more lands to ensure late game earlier and removed Fleshbag Marauder in addition to some of the cards I already mentioned. I don't like that his sac a creature ability is symmetric. It makes him much more symmetric and I wish I'd have caught it sooner.
January 22, 2012 3 a.m.
hunter9000 says... #19
I really like Pawn of Ulamog in this too, I added him. I need more low cost creatures, the curve for them is still pretty high. Plus he gives more mana accel. for getting Mikaeus out, and he's yet another infinite colorless mana combo with several of my creatures after that.
Death Match definitely sucks before I get Mikaeus protected with hexproof or shroud, but after that it doesn't matter for most of my creatures, they'll just come right back. Plus it's one of the few ways I have to kill indestructible creatures. It's a maybe, I'll see how it plays.
In playtests, Heartless Summoning seems to be a good addition. Most of my creatures have toughness greater than 1, so the drawback isn't too rough. It actually is a benefit sometimes, since Mikaeus' +1/+1 buff keeps my creatures like Workhorse and Pentavus from dying once I remove all their counters, so I would need another sac outlet to reset them.
January 22, 2012 12:52 p.m.
I decided to post my list
Go check it out
I actually did lots of change and focused more on the combo... you'll notice I'm pretty sure my overral converted mana cost is lower cause I removed all the expensite 7 mana except for the grim poppet.
If you check my list carefully you'll notice some cards like spincrusher that you might have missed.
Found some good ideas watching a list with shirei... cards like black market and phyrexian arena.
Added my old favorite ''dimir group''... also added cards like twiligh's call that can give you instant win if the right cards are in the yard (after a few turn and a board wipe it's almost garante that you have an infinite combo that can comes back to play).
January 22, 2012 7:49 p.m.
USE GETH,LORD OF THE VAULTS. I demand this. Because you can resurrect all your opponents dudes,mill them, and everything you resurrect with mikaues on the field will gain the undying...
February 3, 2012 10:22 a.m.
hunter9000 says... #22
Yes, but anything I steal out of your graveyard that dies with undying will come back under your control, not mine, with a +1/+1 counter. The last thing I want is to pay a bunch of mana to bring back one of your big threats, only to have it die and give it back to you buffed. Puppeteer Clique does it better for cheaper since I don't care about milling you.
I do have a lot of removal though, so maybe it could work. I'll put it in the sideboard for now, thanks for the suggestion.
February 3, 2012 3:05 p.m.
Also Bitter Ordeal over Sadistic Sacrament because with gravestorm you can go infinite?
February 4, 2012 4:57 p.m.
hunter9000 says... #25
Thanks for the heads up on Recurring Nightmare . The maybeboard is stuff I've already considered and decided not to use, but it's good to know anyway.
And you're right about Bitter Ordeal . It's not as good as Sadistic before my general comes out, but an infinite mill combo is too good to pass up. (How is that the only card with gravestorm?)
wodan says... #1
January 16, 2012 5 p.m.