
Enchantment (2)

Instant (5)


Izzet Control/Burn by use of scry!

The only way you can get away with stacking your deck is by doing it midgame.


Flamespeaker Adept is the unsuspecting gamewinner here, effortlessly pumping up to a 6/3 or an 8/3 every turn with the right cards in play. You can use the first strike to plow through big creatures or simply use Thassa's mana ability to sneak a huge chunk of damage in. Mean. So mean.

Thassa, God of the Sea gets as much use as possible in this deck. A free scry each turn is great even if you don't have Flamespeaker out, but if you do, it gets cray. Also, it's very easy to make her a creature, and her mana ability makes her or any of the large creatures we have to work with unblockable for only two mana.

Keranos, God of Storms is a complete monster in this deck. Since you basically get to decide what's on top of your deck, you can choose if you want to deal damage or draw an extra card, making this creature versatile and giving you card advantage. Also, a 6/5 for 5 is not bad at all.

Prognostic Sphinx is just here to kind of laugh in your opponent's face with. It adds devotion, extra scry, and just another large body that's very hard to get rid of. Multiple copies out will have opponents weeping in fear.


Aqueous Form is easy devotion for a one drop and turns your creatures into killing machines, mainly Flamespeaker Adept. Getting a free pump every turn just for attacking as well as becoming unblockable AND you get a scry is not too shabby at all. Works well on any of our creatures.

Encrust adds nice devotion, stops big attackers, mana dorks, Perilous Vaults, etc.

Dictate of Kruphix helps make sure that I can always hit land drops as well as draw into the cards that I'm placing on the top of my deck. Also, the devotion really helps. And with flash, you can get that quick leg-up on your opponent.

Bident of Thassa adds devotion, gives you all the cards that you put on top of your deck, and forces opponents to swing at an indestructible god or a Flamespeaker Adept with first strike. Happiness.


Voyage's End gives cheap scry and is a quick answer to early threats that gives you some time to catch up.

Magma Jet offers the same purpose, but can help things out in combat as well as finish off the game.

Mindswipe can win you the game with the right amount of devotion. Otherwise, it's just really good at being annoying for your opponent.

Dissolve is a counter that gives you scry. I mean, come on.

Precognitive Perception is easy to cast with Nykthos, and it gives you everything you every set yourself up to draw. Just faster.


Aetherspouts is great against any swarmy or large attacker deck. Use Bident to force everything to swing, and then send it away.

Circle of Flame laughs at mono red.

Crater's Claws can finish things off if you realize you're just going to be sitting around collecting devotion.

Scouring Sands is here because I really hate mono red.



Updates Add

+2 Voyage's End

Extra removal and scry as well as lowers curve.

+4 Aqueous Form

Lowers curve and makes Flamespeaker Adept harder to get rid of and so much stronger.

+2 Spellheart Chimera

Adds another aggressive wincon.

-2 Mindswipe

Too reliant on mana, which I need elsewhere.

-2 Knowledge and Power

Same as above.

-4 Sigiled Starfish

Good to combo with the Flamespeaker, but otherwise, meh.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 9 Rares

12 - 2 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.79
Folders Ideas, standard worthy decks, Other people's deck ideas, blue red, standard expensive decks, Other's Decks, Izzet U/R Pioneer
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