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MIll and Swing and Repeat (advice apprecieated)

Standard Aggro Budget Mill UB (Dimir)



Creature (2)


This is really my first deck that I have put some time into. I don't have all of these cards yet, but in the current state its in, it has been pretty successful. I didn't put any expensive lands in here because I am trying to keep it relatively cheap.

The goal of this deck is to mill fast and then come in hard with creatures like wright of precinct six and Jace's Phantasm. Most people don't expect to have to worry about too much aggro in mill decks. This way I have two ways to win

It also has a pretty intense cipher mechanic with either Deathcult Rogue or Invisible Stalker With a Hands of Binding, Paranoid Delusions, or Trepanation Blade they will be moving like a glacier. I want another invisible stalker or two but deathcult rogue is working great for now because it is a persistent 2 damage plus some ciphers. He makes for a great blocker.

It generally wins around turns 8-11, but I'm trying to speed it up. Advice is greatly appreciated. Please Upvote


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Decided to show the current state of my deck that is tried and true rather than my ideal.

I'm still working on it and think I need to switch in a Death's Approach for the Grisly Spectacle. Thoughts? I also am working on getting another Invisible Stalker and Deathcult Rogue.

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

6 - 0 Rares

8 - 2 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.20
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