Stern Mentor is definitely something I will consider, but I don't like that it is a 4 drop. I think Talrand, Sky Summoner is a great idea I could definitely run two of him. I am just worried about him detracting from the focus on mill. If I were to run Archaeomancer what should I switch him in for
I have found Curse of the Bloody Tome to be far to slow to be effective. I would much rather run a heavier mill card
Thanks for the feedback!
March 4, 2013 6:41 p.m.
Lieutenantpichu says... #3
putting in talrand wouldnt be to attack so much but they would be to mre defend you while you are milling them and if you are putting in talrand then i would drop Hover Barrier because his job would be to do the same thing and he is only one more and you are not limited to 2 creatures you would be putting our a large supply and for taking out Hover Barrier i would put in Archaeomancer
March 4, 2013 7:03 p.m.
good point, I think I know someone that I can trade for both of those cards, but feel weird running just 1 of anything
March 4, 2013 8:31 p.m.
Lieutenantpichu says... #5
i would put in 2 one for each hver that you are taking out.
March 4, 2013 8:39 p.m.
that would push my deck size to 63 which is just a little too big.... I don't want it to be bigger than 62. I could drop 1 jace phantasm, but those seem to be far to useful. I want one in my hand within the first two turns of every game. Wight and precinct are also two important.... I'm not really sure where I could work Archaeomancer in
Lieutenantpichu says... #1
you might want to think of adding Stern Mentor or Talrand, Sky Summoner if you are looking for more creatures. if you want to mill them some more Curse of the Bloody Tome or Archaeomancer might be a good addition
March 4, 2013 6:30 p.m.