Mill for the kill

Standard ChewEmUp33


Aelfstan says... #1

Ah you have two Jace's, if only I did too!!

I do like the Consuming Aberration and Essence Harvest combo, that is quite fun to end it like that.

Have you thought of adding Nephalia Drownyard to your land? Couldn't hurt and you get the benefit of milling without allowing counter spells as it is a land, obviously it is vulnerable to destroy land spells but not many people main board those.

+1 for the deck

March 18, 2013 6:25 a.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #2

Cheers for the plus one! Went against extra colourless mana due to my low mana cards. Average mana cost atm is 2.1... Thanks for the suggestion!

March 18, 2013 7:03 a.m.

willsm87 says... #3

I really like that Consuming Aberration and Essence Harvest combo. I do that too in my mill deck. I also threw in a Gift of Orzhova because, honestly, who doesnt want a flying Consuming Aberration with lifelink haha.


March 18, 2013 9:25 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #4

Why would you use Syncopate instead of Psychic Strike?

March 18, 2013 10:48 a.m.

TriforceJunkie says... #5

Hey thanks for the vote! I'm digging this deck a lot, I had used skygames for my Consuming Aberration shenanigans, but now I'm definitely sideboarding Essence Harvest , nice deck there sir

March 18, 2013 12:26 p.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #6

CommanderFun mana cost, plus exile. I have enough mill, need to be able to remove threats permanatly...

TriforceJunkie thanks bud. Harvest goes so well in this deck!

March 19, 2013 12:14 a.m.

Judecca9 says... #7

+1 for the idea, looks pretty solid to me! I would suggest -1 Rogue's Passage for +1 Nephalia Drownyard. It provides you a mana sink along with a consistent source of milling!

March 19, 2013 9:35 p.m.

RedFox134 says... #8

I like the idea; +1 from me! I'm not sure about the 2x Syncopates. I'd probably trade them out for 2x Counterspells, but they do help with stopping flashback spells. Looks like a fun idea and thanks for the thoughts on my deck!

March 20, 2013 12:22 a.m.

I would love to play against your deck. You have a lot of cards I would love to have including Syncopate and Elixir of Immortality. My only suggestions would be to up your damage ability by replacing Wight of Precinct Six with Duskmantle Guildmage and use his first ability when milling.

March 20, 2013 8:48 a.m.

RosstheELF says... #10

I really like mill decks and i like this one so +1 from me. Also i have my own mill deck that needs a lot of work so if you could look at it that would be great its called Millin' and Chillin'

March 20, 2013 3:13 p.m.

RosstheELF says... #11

sorry that is the wrong name and i apologize for saying thats mine

March 20, 2013 3:14 p.m.

RosstheELF says... #12

my deck is called Mill tell you drop

March 20, 2013 3:22 p.m.

ukwilkie says... #13

Have you had any trouble with Rest in Peace?

March 21, 2013 12:34 a.m.

eheitzman says... #14

Why bother with 2x Elixir of Immortality ?

Trepanation Blade is good when it hits, but you have relatively little creature hate, minimal evasion, no combat tricks, and no trample.

And Death's Approach is certainly well-priced removal, but it is not instant speed, and that can suck.

Some ideas:

Artful Dodge - great with your big creatures, flashback let's you get good mileage out of Consuming Aberration .

Fog Bank - forces them to use removal spells. Probably better in the side than the main. Provides quick defense until you can have big Phantasms, Wights, and Aberrations, and just gives you more time to Mill.

4x Mind Grind feels like one too many. I'd rather see a fourth Consuming Aberration personally.

What about Evil Twin ? You could use some more creature hate, you could use some more creatures, and it gives you some flexibility.

March 26, 2013 9:24 p.m.

swatdog2015 says... #15

Maybe some Jace's Erasure ?

March 27, 2013 3:29 a.m.

Gloks says... #16

I really don't see the point to a number of cards in this deck. Mind grind you'll want to use late game. For a deck such as this, you want to either mill the opponent out very quickly/kill them quickly with big creatures. So I don't see the point of having any mind grinds as you wont get a good chance to really utilize it properly. Second... if your going to go mill, go mill. Don't go half and half. Your either going to mill your opponent out, or kill them with creatures very quickly. You can't get the objective of the deck mixed up such as you have. You seem to kill the opponent sometimes and mill them others. Whats the point in milling someone only some what and then killing them? The artifacts are useless here as well. I'd take out the Artifacts and run 4 Vampire Nighthawk I'd get rid of Death's Approach and put in Psychic Strike instead. As of replacing Mind Grind .... uhhh I'd focus on removal like Murder or Victim of Night

As of now, mill decks aim to postpone your opponent until you can mill them out. Especially with all the fast aggro decks around in the current meta the splash of removal become very valuable. Obviously the land base can be vastly improved with a little money put into it. 4 Watery Grave and I would put in 2 Nephalia Drownyard as well. Then you have yourself a good deck! Either way, this is a very good start. Mill's definitely a fun way of playing magic. Not the most competitive unless your playing Esper control at the moment but hey! Still very doable. Last note.... when playing a mill deck unless you know you have an easy chance of killing them with ur defensive!!!!! Not aggressive.

March 28, 2013 4:28 a.m.

Gloks says... #17

I would also get rid of the 2 Syncopate an throw in 2 Ultimate Price and get rid of the 2 Essence Harvest for 2 Paranoid Delusions maybe? Thats about it though. By the way, keep the Wight of Precinct Six don't take Duskmantle Guildmage like many are suggesting. Its way to slow and weak for standard. Only good in draft really.

March 28, 2013 4:35 a.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #18

Thanks for all the comments and plus +1's lads. Keep the ideas and thoughts coming.

Recent play, 50/50 wins in 1/1 but really performs in 2HG.

Needed more draw card, brought in Curiosity .

Consuming Aberration is massive instant target as soon as it hits the board.Thinking of adding dying wish...

Also, as suggested, Mind Grind is poo in 1/1, sideboarding it and will bring in paranoid delusions

Thoughts on these changes?

March 29, 2013 3:01 p.m.

ygamretuta says... #19

have you tried to run this against those pesky Rakdos decks? with what you have now it is hard to stop 4 creatures at 4/4 attacking you at 3rd or 4th turn. Also, unless you can get the Jace out and a couple of Mind Sculpt and Thought Scour, milling will be slow.

Invisible Stalker with Hands of Binding is enough to hold back most Rakdos decks. plus you have Trepanation Blade ; IMO, Invisible Stalker and Trepanation Blade is a match made in heaven!

1 or 2 Mind Grind will be enough. Its role is to end the game immediately late game provided that you held back your opponent enough that he has lots of lands out and you have milled a lot of his lands

Also, with Jace, Memory Adept in play, Duskmantle Guildmage would be a killer. pay 6 mana, mill with Jace, insta-kill.

So with creature control you either go with Hands of Binding or Grisly Spectacle /Murder .

Also, don't abandon the Cipher combos. One Invisible Stalker is all you need to dish out a massive advantage with cipher. I won a match solely with 2 Paranoid Delusions , 2 Hands of Binding and 2 Whispering Madness attached to a lone Invisible Stalker . Top that with Trepanation Blade . Though you have to watch out for Merciless Eviction and Supreme Verdict . Though it would be funny if they would use that just to get rid of a single Invisible Stalker XD

March 31, 2013 7:34 p.m.

ygamretuta says... #20

also don't forget AEtherize . It saved my ass a lot of times when the number of creatures just got out of hand XD

March 31, 2013 7:42 p.m.

hey man I'm running a similar deck, and as far as the Consuming Aberration is concerned I really just use it as a scare tactic, because a Wight of Precinct Six can be almost as effective as an Essence Harvest combo after it swings. I also added Curiosity and Thought Scour to keep cards in my hand for cheap. keep it up bud

March 31, 2013 8:27 p.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #22

Ps, still not happy with the speed of invisable stalker, dont suggest it. Yes there are other combos but i like these creatures and support spells. I would love to hear what i have missed or overlooked, remembering the new purpose of the deck please...


April 1, 2013 10:23 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #23

My thoughts on this one: you have enough mill cards to make your win conditions ( Wight of Precinct Six and Consuming Aberration ) dangerous, but they won't usually be enough to mill out your opponent by themselves, so you have to rely on those two creatures.

You've done a great job ensuring those creatures are able to deal damage when they finally do come out with Rogue's Passage and Essence Harvest .

The only problem is if your opponent has instant-speed removal. Dying Wish is your best answer here, but they can wait until you try to throw down the Dying Wish and kill your creature in response. Other than that, all you have is Haunted Fengraf , and that's pretty slow.

My recommended cure would either be Ring of Evos Isle in the sideboard, or else Negate in either the sideboard or the mainboard if you can find space for it. However, since I really like the rest of the deck, I would suggest putting it in the sideboard. I would cut Lazav, Dimir Mastermind and Duskmantle Guildmage and add 4x Negate - those two cards are good cards for your deck, but they're not really particularly effective against any specific matchup. Negate , on the other hand, IS good against a particular matchup - decks with removal.

That's what I think. I wouldn't have guessed you'd be new to Magic from this deck, it's well-tuned and avoids all the usual beginner mistakes.

April 1, 2013 4:34 p.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #24

Haha, dont worry, it was super sloppy. It has evolved allot since creation. But the most recent change was to combat the decks i have been up against latley. Cheers heaps for your thoughts. Not very experienced but ask questions, research, check, test.... not to mention the millions of hours digging through cards at my local store and online. Thanks again mate. Really appreciate your help.

April 1, 2013 5:20 p.m.

Hey man, I'm digging how your deck is coming along, I've tried a lot of the same things! I've personally found that Chronic Flooding is fun, but a little too slow, at least for my local meta. I replaced it with Thought Scour and I'm really happy with having a draw component to the deck, plus it can give a small bump to the Wight of Precinct Six , which has come in handy early on. Anyway that's just my two cents, keep it up amigo!

If you're ever looking for some other ways to run this type of deck feel free to check out mine (which is pretty much constantly been tweaked lately lol) Bloody Brainfreeze.P.S. if anyone else wants to check it out and comment feel free, I'm always down for some brainstorming

April 3, 2013 8:07 p.m.

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