Mill, Kill, Invert, Repeat

Standard Sutsugua13


Huppster05 says... #1

is inverter of truth there to keep yourself from milling out?

February 2, 2016 5:10 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #2

@Huppster05 The Inverter of Truth serves a few purposes. You are right that it helps to stop me from milling out, because sometimes the milling/zombie generation gets a little bit insane. But it is also quite a formidable creature as a 6/6 flyer for 4 mana. I sometimes end up playing it earlier in the game if I know the opponent can't kill it. The I just have to swing lethal dmg before I run out of library. Sometimes I board one of them out after the first game. Over all it is a very helpful creature in this deck.

February 2, 2016 5:14 p.m.

JonnyIV says... #3

Okay first things first I really like your deck because I love weird homebrews which do things that other decks don't and I really like graveyard shenanigans. This deck does both so it makes me happy. Happy enough that I am considering building it, so I started play testing it against my other standard decks and I found that it had three glaring weaknesses: 1. It was to slow against aggro decks. 2. It's to easily disrupted by control decks. 3. There's a sideboard card from Dragons of Tarkir called Virulent Plague which turns off your most reliable win conditions.

The other thing that I noticed was that some of the cards in the sideboard didn't seem to have a purpose or other cards would be better than them. I would replace Crux of Fate with Languish because it's faster and unless if you're meta has a lot of non-control dragon decks Languish will pretty much do the same job except one turn earlier which will help stall the aggro decks in their tracks. Grave Strength, while it seem good, isn't a card you want in your sideboard. You either want it in your mainboard or not there at all. The only matchup that it might be helpful against is Azban, to make your creatures big enough to block their rhinos, otherwise it's just a "win more" kind of card. I would suggest replacing it with Sphinx of the Final Word because this card absolutely hammers control decks.

February 2, 2016 7:03 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #4

Thank you for your comment JonnyIV, I am glad you like the deck. And yes, graveyard shenanigans are the best :). I totally agree that Languish should replace Crux of Fate ASAP, thank you for the suggestion. The only reason I could see not exchanging them is if you are on a super tight budget, but languish isn't too much worse that Crux. Also, I knew I was going to have to get rid of Grave Strength at one time or another, and I think that Sphinx would be a fabulous substitute. You are right that this deck struggles somewhat with Aggro. The typhoid rats help some as they can discourage attacking, but I think that languish will help even more. I also agree with the fact that the zombie tokens are very prone to boardwipes, especially low cmc ones. I had a thought of maybe adding Risen Executioner to pump up the tokens, but I will have to test it first.

Thank you so much for commenting on my deck, I hope it works well for you. May the Hedrons align in your favor!

February 2, 2016 11:12 p.m.

Thylian1 says... #5

Do the Hedrons end up scying more, or winning the game? Also I love the deck, it just looks fun to play.

February 5, 2016 9:20 a.m.

max_a_milion says... #6

im not sure what standard is like(i play modern) but it seems to consistently win turn 7 or 8, hopefully that's good for standard

February 5, 2016 9:32 a.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #7

Hey Thylian1! I find that the hedrons are used best for winning the game since it is pretty easy to align them in this deck. However, if you play the one hedron onto the battlefield and use its scry ability you are able to help find the other hedrons and powerful cards like Inverter of Truth or Empty the Pits even faster.And yes, this deck is very fun to play and I encourage you to do so.Good luck!

February 5, 2016 4:38 p.m.

Thylian1 says... #8

If it didn't rotate so hard I would be all over this deck lol, this looks like the best home for Hedron Alignment I've seen yet. Great deck, I just wish it had been around sooner.

February 5, 2016 5:27 p.m.

Uglybob says... #9

This looks super fun! After some of the mods that jonny suggested, i really "dig" it. Would give it +2 if i could!

February 7, 2016 11:57 a.m.

Bgtw2001 says... #10

Great deck. I probably will to build this. This will be a blast

February 7, 2016 12:46 p.m.

dustwind8 says... #11

I went out and bought this deck because it looks like a lot of fun... though I do have some questions.

Why not run one Dead Drop in place of one of the Murderous Cut, this possibly allows you to get rid of pesky hexproof targets

What about possibly running one or two Sidisi, Undead Vizier or Dark Petition, you can exploit a token or even himself if you need that one more Hedron Alignment

Have you thought about adding a couple Elvish Visionary to help draw extra cards or maybe a Merciless Executioner or two

Last thing, I pulled and traded for a playset of Hissing Quagmire should I run those instead of Jungle Hollow

February 7, 2016 2:02 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #12

dustwind8I am glad you like this deck, thank you very much for the support.

I must say, I really like your suggestion of Sidisi, Undead Vizier. Not only is she great for getting that last hedron, but also at fetching removal, Inverter of Truth, and whatever else you might need at the time. Plus the fact that I would have both versions of Sidisi in the same deck! Is there a rule preventing both versions from being on the battlefield at the same time though?

I also like Dead Drop. Would be a good card for Sidisi to fetch for. I think I would rather swap a Grasp of Darkness for one Dead Drop since cut is so powerful in this deck.

Although Elvish Visionary is a great card, I think I would almost always rather play Taigam's Scheming, Corpse Churn, or Sultai Skullkeeper to get some self-mill going early on for some early-game delve cards.

Also, about your question on the Hissing Quagmire I think you should totally run them. Although the 1 life is nice from the Jungle Hollow is nice, i think the ability of quagmire to chump block huge threats is wayyyyy worth the upside. In fact, I am now debating trading for some. A hissing Quagmire would be kinda like adding more Rakshasa Deathdealers, which are huge for stalling opponent attacks.

Good luck with the deck! And may the Hedrons align in your Favor!

February 7, 2016 3:08 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #13

I made a Hedron Alignment deck (which you can see here) but for Modern. I tried making an Inverter of Truth deck, and I like how you used it as a way to get it going. I wanted to know how you would make this into a Modern deck.

February 12, 2016 6:40 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #14


I'm a relatively new player to magic (Since Khans) and so I am not too familiar with a lot of the Modern sets, but I am learning a lot from decks like yours. I like the ability to tutor for the Hedron Alignment that you use. There are probably some very good self-mill cards you could use in modern, I will have to do some research later.

If I were to make this deck modern, I would first look for other creatures that have synergy with self-mill to compliment or take the place of Sidisi, Brood Tyrant. I would also look for ways to give Inverter of Truth even more value.

Thanks for liking my deck!

February 14, 2016 6:01 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #15

Sutsugua13 thanks for the compliment on my deck. I really like how you used Inverter of Truth to get things moved around. I'm probably going to make a deck based off of this, if you are fine with that.

Have you seen WotC's Magic Gatherer? If you haven't, I suggest that you take a look at it, because you can find some really interesting cards.

February 14, 2016 6:07 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #16


By all means, do whatever you like with this deck!! And may the Hedrons align in your favor!

February 14, 2016 6:22 p.m.

isaac198198 says... #17

so so so confused how Inverter of Truth works someone please explain to me ive wondered for so long.

February 15, 2016 12:33 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #18

Hey isaac198198!

Inverter of Truth is one of the weirder cards printed recently in Magic. Essentially, when you play Inverter of Truth you exile your whole library (facedown, so nobody can see those cards) and then you put your graveyard where your library used to be. So you essentially just turned your graveyard into your new library, and exiled the old library. This is useful for my deck because the graveyard usually gets very large and I run out of cards in my library. Thus, to stop me from losing from running out of cards, I slap down an Inverter of Truth and refill my library.

Hope this helps!

February 15, 2016 12:53 p.m.

vhasselmann says... #19

Your deck idea is awesome, but how it will work with the April rotation?

February 15, 2016 4:28 p.m.

Colezilla says... #20

so i have 90% of the cards for this deck so i will most likely end up playing it this comming fnm. would love tips on how to sideboard out cards. Also why no gather the pack. and is bitter revelation really the best card?

February 15, 2016 4:41 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #21

vhasselmannWhen Shadows over Innistrad rotates in and KTK and FRF go out, I will still try to keep this deck alive, but it will be really tricky. Most of the good mill cards will be gone, but Innistrad is known for mill/graveyard shenanigans. The main cards, like Hedron Alignment and Inverter of Truth will still be around, but I will have to change a lot.

I am excited to see what will be included in the next set, but it will suck when a lot of the cards rotate out.

February 15, 2016 8:29 p.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #22

Hi Colezilla!!

Cool, good luck at the FNM! And Gather the Pack is a good card you could run, but I find that too many 2-drops can get a bit annoying. If you prefer it over Taigam's Scheming or Corpse Churn the go ahead, but i like those two more personally.

As far as the sideboard goes: Sphinx of the Final Word is great against control decks since it essentially shuts them down. Plus control games usually go long so you won't have to hurry to get him out.

Sultai Charm is great for taking out some annoying monocolored creatures, or some enchantments from superfriend type decks, or even to get rid of some sort of artifact. It can also side in for Bitter Revelation for card draw. All around a good card.

Typhoid Rats is great for stalling aggro to mid-range creatures. Because of the deathtouch, the enemy usually will not attack as often with critical creatures.

Palace Siege is a very good card to combat lifegain, or decks where you have trouble retaining life. It can also act as a way to get back creatures if the opponent runs a bunch of removal.

Languish is pretty much used to take out large numbers of smaller aggro creatures. Good against B/R eldrazi, and green +1 counter decks.

I am also debating switching Dead Drop to the sideboard and adding another Sidisi, Undead Vizier.

Good luck at FNM!

February 15, 2016 8:48 p.m.

vhasselmann says... #23

Sutsugua13, i'm also excited to see what will happen when Shadows Over Innistrad comes out. I love to play high control and mill decks. This deck idea is amazing. I'm really pissed because i didn't built a deck that i love to play in Standard. I'm searching something to feel fulfilled while playing MTG. Hope your tricks arround it helps.

February 15, 2016 9:09 p.m.

Turtle338872 says... #24

Is there a modern version of this deck?

February 16, 2016 8:55 a.m.

Sutsugua13 says... #25


I am not sure. This deck came completely from my own ideas, and not from an already made deck, so I doubt there are many modern decks similar to this. I would encourage you to try and make this deck modern if you would like and then share it with me, cause I would love to see it. I have not attempted making it modern yet because my knowledge of many of the modern cards is very low.

Thanks for the comment!

February 16, 2016 3:26 p.m.

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