Wizard of the Damned says... #2
I haven't update this one in a while but I'm planning on switching this to modern and making the updates as soon as I get the cash to get those cards
March 9, 2012 9:52 p.m.
Might consider Ghost Quarter , either they get a search in to trigger Archive Trap , or they fall behind on lands, either way it could work out in your favor.
March 11, 2012 4:10 a.m.
Unfortunately, they banned ponder and preordain in modern :(
May 7, 2012 12:40 a.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #5
Well That is quite unfortunate. Guess I should have check the bannings again lol any ideas for a replacement?
May 7, 2012 12:53 a.m.
ThinkingAroundBoxes says... #7
Unless it's banned (I'm not sure, I don't play modern) how about Isochron Scepter ? You run enough 1-2 CMC spells.
May 7, 2012 6:04 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #8
I have Mind Funeral lol
And the scepter is interesting. I don't know what I could remove for it though
May 7, 2012 7:01 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #10
You could use some removal in the sideboard, also lifegain for Aggro...
May 11, 2012 4:35 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #11
I'm considering removing both Duress and both jaces. I think I'll replace the Duress with BSZ And jace with beleren. How would that be for a change?
May 14, 2012 2:22 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #12
And can someone help me find room for Memory Sluice ? It may not be worth a spot here since I play so few creatures. Thoughts?
May 14, 2012 2:25 p.m.
Leyline of the Void should be included to stop stuff like Blightsteel Colossus , Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and friends going back into their owner's libraries. However, it does conflict with Surgical Extraction .
May 16, 2012 6:16 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #15
I'm thinking of switching in beleren for adept. Think its a good idea?
May 17, 2012 4:08 a.m.
Yeah it is a little faster cuz adept is probably just too slow to play
January 4, 2013 11:18 p.m.
As aeonstoremyliver mentioned, mainboard removal is needed for this deck. Modern is a very aggro-centric format at the moment, and your mill actually helps the #1 best deck in the format - Jund - by feeding Tarmogoyf .
January 5, 2013 1:41 a.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #18
Why not splash a little green and run your own little Tarmogoyf s to compliment the mill? Plus green has adequate disruption against a few of the more popular combo decks like Pyromancer Ascension and Hive Mind in things like Naturalize which is also pretty useful against affinity... speaking of which i'd consider running Trickbind in the sideboard, to counteract a couple of combo decks and not risk getting countered, which could also deal with fetch-lands as well... maybe run Splinter , Memoricide and/or Eradicate if you can figure out how to force the opponent to slow down or speed yourself up efficiently
You might want to replace Tome Scour and maybe Glimpse the Unthinkable , they don't do much for the board. At least burn decks use spells that double as removal as well as your primary means of winning. IMO a mill deck should be able to deal with how an opponent uses the cards in their deck with things like Mind Funeral and Trepanation Blade , being able to keep resources away from your opponent while getting you closer to your win-con
January 5, 2013 8:02 a.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #19
One interesting card, if you can figure out how to work with it, is Psychic Surgery which basically lets you tell your opponent what they're drawing next... i tried and failed. I thiknk it's best saved for a slower format... i.e. commander. But if you can figure out a modern way to abuse it then by all means go for it...
January 5, 2013 8:06 a.m.
DARK_r3ck0n1ng says... #20
ok, how are you going to deal with eldrazi game one? are you going to scoop and side in extripate?? its a game you just can't win.
January 7, 2013 2:32 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #21
That, my fellow caster, is why thou summons forth a set of side tomes. Hath thou no faith in the WIzard of the Damned? For I shall bring mill forth into not only the modern game, but into standard for all to cry for thine mercy!!
January 7, 2013 3:29 p.m.
I think the only way the deck could effectively deal with Tron, and by extension Emrakul, would be using Thoughtseize to directly remove him from a hand. This is somewhat problematic. I guess you could get tricky and use Sudden Spoiling and let him waltz into a Snapcaster...
Ah, wait. Ensnaring Bridge is effective enough, though Tron usually boards in Ancient Grudge . Not that they'd see it coming the first time.
Against robots/affinity, which is also very popular and slightly budget, I recommend card:Hurkyl's Recall. It's simply the best stalling tool in blue/black against it. It's synergistic with your Snapcasters.
Against infect... Sudden Death might be useful so they can't pump in response. A lot of people like Wipe Away though I feel that against infect it would be less useful - you've got black mana after all.
Jund is kind of terrible as a matchup. I'm not sure what you can do against it, and it is possibly the most resilient deck in the format. It's not really a deck anyway - just a 60 pile of the most efficient value cards in the format...
Scapeshift, my favourite, will be a problem. It may seem like a slow deck, but the inevitable 1 card combo will survive unless you chuck all of their Scapeshift s and Snapcaster Mage s into the graveyard. If you somehow produced red mana, Slaughter Games would be an instant win against the deck. Some of these decks run Rude Awakening in the sideboard to provide themselves with another win condition, so Echoing Decay could act as a haymaker against that line of offense - that said, I wouldn't invest board slots for that purpose, as it focuses too much on hosing one deck. Actually, because of all your mill, Extirpate or Surgical Extraction would be useful for this purpose.
January 7, 2013 3:52 p.m.
DARK_r3ck0n1ng says... #23
with emrakul if you discard it that is bad, you want if to have it in his hand so when you do mill him to death he dies instead of shuffling his grave back into deck. however, he does have Leyline of the Void and with it out in play it would cancel out emrakul as it says if there for he would not even attempt to hit the grave just be exiled along with any other mill.
January 7, 2013 11:26 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #24
for the Wizard of the Damned is not crazy, but drunk with mead and power
January 8, 2013 1:10 a.m.
MindAblaze says... #25
I love mill, but I've been struggling to build something that keeps me from getting trampled in the early game. You need blockers or fog effects or something to stay alive.
fireteam says... #1
Glimpse the Unthinkable
Archive Trap
+ Ghost Quarter
Snapcaster Mage
March 9, 2012 9:07 p.m.