Mill or Bust

Standard* willsm87

SCORE: 140 | 196 COMMENTS | 54883 VIEWS | IN 83 FOLDERS

rbd92 says... #1

My friend uses Invisible Stalker for ciphers; mainly Paranoid Delusions and Hands of Binding. And when you get out Consuming Aberration, they have to mill for each cipher. It can get pretty ridiculous. Also Gift of Orzhova, because every Consuming Aberration needs flying and lifelink :p

March 15, 2013 12:17 a.m.

first, thy need to up thy mana count. 20 is just too few in this type of spellbook. try for 23-25 mana sources. exchange Index with another draw tome such as Think Twice because it will prove more useful. thou can also look into Dimir Charm. Increasing Confusion has always proved itself in all my mill spellbooks. I would suggest that thy obtain shock lands and Drowned Catacombs at least, but that is purely optional. Essence Harvest can serve as an alternate win condition

March 15, 2013 12:22 a.m.

Xindlepete says... #3

I would recommend dropping the Balustrade Spy for more Wight of Precinct Six or as rbd92 said above, Invisible Stalker. I would look into another Trepanation Blade or two if you find you rely on it often. Otherwise, drop it for more flat out mill spells. I heavily recommend Increasing Confusion in the mainboard. Even a 1-of can be potent. I often find that casting it for U and 0 on X just to flashback for the double quantity can be a useful endeavor.

Any other questions don't hesitate to ask. And if you wan't to check out my two mill decks for any ideas feel free. They are: Mill-a-riffic! and Dim-mill . Good luck at your next FNM!

March 15, 2013 2:55 a.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #4

Just go on you tube type ajeman cinnajob deck tech he did this one 2 weeks ago and did a good job. Just add the Jaces as he suggests in the video. you really want a few counters and 4 wights and 4 jaces phantasm. also drop 3 mind grind for paranoid delusions keep 1. No baultrade spy no divination use sign in blood or underworld connections..Ajeman like connections I say sign in blood is better. Night hawks are fine and your aberration count is fine. Drop 2 fog bank for duskmantle guildmage..when you pay 3 his ability will deal 10 damage just for jaces 0 abilitiy. You are Dimir and you dont have the duskmantle mill or kill combo. Watch the video then take my advice you will thank me

March 15, 2013 9:11 a.m.

Stridecism says... #5

For starters I would try to even out the quantities of cards in your deck; I noticed you had only one of some cards then two, threes, and playsets. I would suggest either 2 or 4 of a single card, sometimes I myself will add 3 of a card though but rarely ever would you want to have only one of a card. Since this is a mill deck I also suggest trying to focus on the milling aspect of the deck if that is how you want to win. I would suggest taking out Essence Harvest and Gift of Orzhova. I would also suggest taking out the Duskmantle Guildmage mainly because it's mill function is somewhat high mana cast when you keep in mind the other kinds of mill cards there are out there. For your creatures I also suggest either picking aggro creatures or defending creatures. Hope this helps :p

March 17, 2013 1:51 a.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #6

Hey great deck! Looks fun to play! Wouldnt change a thing.Check out my simmilar U/B deck Mill for the kill

+1! Great job.


March 18, 2013 2:38 a.m.

Aelfstan says... #7

+1 It looks fun, different approach to my Mill deck.

I would look at swapping the 3 Dream Twists for 3 Codex Shredders, this gives you a constant flow of mill all game until you want to fetch back something large like a Mind Grind, or Jace, Memory Adept, then you can sacrifice the Codex Shredder and back they come to your hand!

Another Nephalia Drownyard I would think would help a lot, that might be worth a look, not sure what you would want to swap out for it though.

I've used Dreadwaters in my Mill deck too, its lower cost than Mind Grind and you can cast it for a ton of mill late game while still having mana untapped to threaten counter spells etc.

Hope this helps!

Here's my deck if you want a look: I said 'pick his brain,' not 'tear his head off!

March 18, 2013 4 a.m.

Magic_King says... #8

nice deck please look at my deck Kill With Mill. I like your combos.

March 29, 2013 12:44 p.m.

willsm87 says... #9

Thanks Magic_King I will check it out.

March 29, 2013 12:49 p.m.

maradius says... #10

I liked so much your deck. I'm trying to buid a deck like yours, and i found that Soul Ransom is a very useful control card that can gives you a 4 card advantage or a key creature of your opponent.

March 29, 2013 2:22 p.m.

messy6 says... #11

have you considered Artful Dodge as an alternative to Rogue's Passage and Gift of Orzhova ? It's really cheap, can be flashbacked and fills the same role as the cards you are already running. I run it in my Boss Dimir Mill for under $40 deck and it's really useful. Also can i ask why you're running Fog Bank in this deck?

March 29, 2013 11 p.m.

willsm87 says... #12

messy6 I used to run 4x Fog Bank but I cut it down to two haha. I just like the card, and its pretty helpful as a blocker with flying who wont die from lethal combat damage.

Also, I was thinking about Artful Dodge but I really like the others and dont want to remove them for it.

March 29, 2013 11:26 p.m.

willsm87 says... #13

maradius I'm glad you like it :) I have thought about Soul Ransom I think it would be a fun card to put in, just not sure what I would take out to do so. I'm also thinking about getting rid of Grisly Spectacle for a cheaper kill card, if you have any suggestions on that.

March 29, 2013 11:27 p.m.

maradius says... #14

Yeah I have the same problem with the kill cards, and the fact is that there are no decent monoblack kill cards in this standard version. The options are, Victim of Night , Tragic Slip and Ultimate Price . I think the best choice is Victim of Night , because the zombie/vamipre decks aren't played much, and Ultimate Price is the second in the list.

Also, you could remove Duskmantle Guildmage to put Soul Ransom .

March 30, 2013 7:15 a.m.

messy6 says... #15

since this is a mill deck, i would suggest Death's Approach for creature kill. I used to run Soul Ransom in my deck but i found that if any creature worth stealing came out and i used Soul Ransom the opponent would immediatly sac it anyway and get their creature back and all i got was an extra two cards. It's a good card but i think Duskmantle Guildmage has more uses in your deck.

March 30, 2013 7:45 a.m.

willsm87 says... #16

Yeah, I agree with you messy6 Duskmantle Guildmage 's ability to make them lose like for each card milled can be almost instant death when Jace, Memory Adept is out. Also, I do like that Death's Approach idea. Only 1 black, and there are almost always creature cards in their graveyard... good call.

March 30, 2013 1:24 p.m.

anewsome says... #17

You really need more than 21 lands. Honestly, in a control/mil build like this, 24 is probably the low number (especially because some of the don't produce colors). I would also recommend running every copy of Nephalia Drownyard you can get your hands on. The Esper mil decks that are top-8ing right now are running 27-28 lands with 4 drownyards.

At a glance, it looks like you can afford to cut the Fog Bank and Gift of Orzhova in order to put in 4 more lands (3 of which should be drownyards).

Finally, I would remove the Rogue's Passage in favor of another colored land; you never want to see all of that colorless mana in your opening hand. I realize that the unblockable was a big part of your win-condition, so you may consider removing the Wight of Precinct Six in favor of 3x Artful Dodge in order to slip that aberration in there for lethal. Remember that all of these are alternate win-cons behind the primary objective of milling.

Hopefully some of this is helpful. My Esper deck started as something like this. It has evolved quite a bit to get more competitive though. haha. The link is Esper Mil-Yard if you'd like to take a look and maybe get some ideas or give some suggestions! Good Luck Milling!

April 4, 2013 11:30 p.m.

I have a similar deck Library Stalker, which is much more control-heavy with both Dimir Charm and Psychic Strike . It also uses Invisible Stalker and the Cipher cards for repeatable milling with Consuming Aberration . Most games are won with a combination of control and those gigantic creatures made unblockable with Rogue's Passage . Library Stalker

April 10, 2013 6:01 p.m.

thyhax says... #19

I like the overall feel of the deck. I would suggest a few things... Sideboard Grafdigger's Cage for the graveyard hate, unless that's really not in your meta. More removal, such as Ultimate Price , Murder , or more Victim of Night .

You said you didn't fare too well to aggro. Any chance you would play cards such as Delver of Secrets  Flip , AEtherize , or things like Dream Twist or Think Twice ? Faster cards help a lot, but if you don't see a lot of aggro, these cards are dead late-game.

Lastly, you have a lot of 1-of and 2-of cards. Is that just because you don't own some of them? I've found that decks that have a lot of 3-of and playsets of cards seem to be more consistent. If you can win consistently with this, then that's fine, but oftentimes it's nice to be confident in topdecking something consistent or having a good hand regularly. Just my 2 cents.

April 10, 2013 6:27 p.m.

I was playing a very similar deck the past month and I was not getting good so I change my strategy to my new main deck the one that I want you guys to have a look. Dimir MasterChampions still you have your 1 score from me... im my opinion try to add more removals because in that format every noob its playing super agro naya humans or things like that and the people have been forgotten the strategy fun decks.

April 16, 2013 9:34 a.m.

rileyms says... #21

I played a very similar deck but I changed it so that it fairs well aggro decks have a look and feedback is welcome,

April 17, 2013 9:52 a.m.

daveandkenz says... #22

Codex Shredder is kinda slow. I would take out the two of those and the two Victim of Night s for four Murder s. Victim of Night is one cheaper, but it can screw you over against a Vampire Nighthawk of Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip . Nothing especially scary is going to come out before turn three other than possibly a human, which is why I would sideboard Human Frailty . Murder can handle basically anything other than hexproof. So I would consider sideboarding a Glaring Spotlight or two. It helps to prevent being destroyed by a Geist of Saint Traft or a bulked up Invisible Stalker . I playtested the deck and I liked it pretty well. I would just consider making some of the changes in order to handle more situations. :P

April 19, 2013 9:36 a.m.

Taiyouai says... #23

Personally I'd drop Duskmantle Guildmage for Nephalia Drownyard adds two more lands and a better effect. Other than that nice deck +1

April 19, 2013 3:59 p.m.

erabel says... #24

Artful Dodge seems better than Rogue's Passage .

April 19, 2013 7:54 p.m.

rileyms says... #25

Thats a nice deck +1 i play U/B mill Dimir Mill Fat creature its very different to urs but im still in developing phases

April 20, 2013 5:04 a.m.

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