Miller's Defence
Deck Changes —Feb. 26, 2015
Trying a little more main-board control;
-2 Read the Bones
+2 Dissolve
my thinking is that if i'm sitting with 3 mana and nothing to do but Read the Bones, perhaps i'd rather counter something of theirs and scry 1. Instead of tapping myself out to scry&draw 2 cards while letting them get ahead.
Subsequently I have also moved Ugin, the Spirit Dragon to SB and removed the questionable 1-of Taigam's Scheming. As much as I love both those cards I want to try out Monastery Siege because the versatility is good: choose draw in control matchup, and "u pay more" against burn or midrange with lots of removal.
-1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon -> MB to SB
-1 Taigam's Scheming
+2 Monastery Siege
wizardofthewest00 says... #2
i love this deck +1!But I playtested and considering that it has got a great defense turn 7 using control cards is amazing.But in these weeks in most of the tournaments lots of players have aggro deck or ramp and in turn 5/6 can swing for win.So i searched and found a card that I love ---> AEtherspouts It's great against Ramp Aggro Combo Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Tokens and so on after you put his cards on the top you destroy them
February 25, 2015 7:53 a.m.
SpatulonMk3 says... #3
Well, I imagine that Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker would be annoying if this weren't STANDARD.
February 25, 2015 3 p.m.
Although Goblin Rabblemaster is a biggie in current Standard. And AEtherspouts IS a good idea, I'm just iffy about another 5 CMC. I've been looking at Kiora's Villainous Control Issues by Loco-Motive for control ideas. His deck is "different" sure, but really "control until your win con goes off" is the general idea.
February 25, 2015 3:08 p.m.
The_Dark_Adonis says... #5
I would highly suggest removing the 2 Mana Confluence for 1 each of Bloodstained Mire and Flooded Strand. Not only will each of the lands ping you only once but it thins out the deck so you're more likely to draw what you need.
February 25, 2015 6:47 p.m.
wizardofthewest00 says... #6
While playtesting this deck I'd really like to have in my hand a Refocus: 1 you can untap a phenax with 10 toughness or another scaring fat guy and 2 because in a combo deck drawing is important
omnipath says... #1
I considered Ghastly Conscription and Fated Return but felt they didn't contribute directly to the deck's purpose. They're too late game, and often won't hit enough to make worthwhile. From what I see while playing, Phenax only needs one or two walls to win, and the triton tactics make it a blowout.
February 24, 2015 1:39 p.m.