Miller's Defence

Standard omnipath


FNM results / Deck Changes —Feb. 28, 2015

After a pretty dismal showing at FNM using the control-heavy version of this deck I have decided to go back to creature-heavy, but with a whole new draw engine. I lost to stormbreaths and mantis riders that got out around my control (probably cuze they had 4-ofs). I lost to that damn Temur Ascendancy "infinite mana" combo crap (dumped into Crater's Claws and then a monstrous Plucky). I lost to a silly azorius heroic deck. The losses were all due to 1 of 2 reasons: (a) creatures outnumbered my control cards, and (b) I had control but didn't get my win con, then lost control.

One thing to take away - Dig Through Time + Monastery Siege . The siege feeds the dig and that's my new draw engine.

Mainboard Changes include:

Accepting advice and shifting land base:
-2 Mana Confluence
-3 Swamp
+1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
+1 Radiant Fountain
+2 Dismal Backwater

Going with different draw engine, a Slumgar in MB... and for those pesky Riders & Stormbreaths I'll restock the Flock to block.
-3 Thoughtseize
-2 Dissolve
-2 Aetherspouts
-2 Wall of Frost
+1 Monastery Siege
+4 Monastery Flock
+1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death
+3 Bile Blight

ScaryKoolaide says... #1

@omnipath : I haven't playtested it, no, just theory. If Taigam's is working out for you that's great, I just thought both it and the Ugin seemed out of place. For me I figured if you were alive the turn you had both (8) in play and Ugin in hand it means you have a stabilized board presence as there are few decks in the meta that wouldn't have severely punished a turn 8+ PW that has no stabilization. It just feels like often he'd just be a dead draw. Similarly, if life is an issue, it almost feels like Taigam's should just be Divination or something. Taigam's just feels awkward to me in anything but a dedicated self-mill deck, but like I said if it's working for you that's great.

In looking at the list again, I'm a little surprised you have Mana Confluences in the deck. Someone else mentioned just putting in fetches, but I'd almost cut them in favor or 2x Island and cut 2x Swamp in favor of 2x Urborg. Urborg is going to give you painless fixing and defensive control decks want to keep their life totals as high as possible. For that reason, maybe even adding Radiant Fountains would be an idea or even Dismal Backwaters.

Finally, wizardofthewest00 might be onto something with Refocus. That card could do some work for serving as something like a copy of Mindsculpt that also cantrips in some situations, or even surprise block + cantrip + mill; though Tactics is just better for almost all those situations, so if you aren't dying for something like that I could see it not finding room in the 75.

February 26, 2015 1:35 p.m.

omnipath says... #2

@ScaryKoolaide You must have been writing just as I was updating! Thanks for the input - I did decide to drop that Taigam's Scheming. The argument against was stronger. Also Ugin, the Spirit Dragon has been moved to SB because ... yeah.

Regarding the lands, I have the confluences in because I absolutely HATE getting colour screwed. It happens too often and just pisses me off. I'll consider your suggestion of urborg (i'm glad the price is so low on that one), and/or Dismal Backwater (i don't like taplands though so we'll see). I will try out your suggestion.

As for Refocus I like the concept BUT I feel with my shift towards a more controlly mainboard it would be a dead card for too long. Even the 3-of Triton Tactics may come down to 2-of, because I find they sit in my hand for a long time before being useful. ... but when they're finally useful, they're game-enders.

Thanks for the feedback & the +1 !!

February 26, 2015 1:48 p.m.

Chase_M155 says... #3

how is this my defense? i mean i know my last name is miller but come on if i wanted to defend id play u/w control.

February 27, 2015 2:31 p.m.

See new cards that are good in this deck1--> Siren of the Silent Song for disacrding and milling 2--> Aerie Worshippers for his 4 toughness and with Triton Tactics and lots of mana is very good in long matches and in a defender deck i think they're usual

February 27, 2015 7:51 p.m.