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Miller's Tomb

Modern* Mill




Enchantment (1)

It's my comeback to MTG after 10 years of not playing. Help needed. I tried to construct a deck that mills. I added creatures that mill or that gain from milling. I tested this deck about 500 times via playtest. Now I think the mana curve is quite okay. Sometimes i feel lack od 3-mana creatures. I don't use Jace's Phantasm, cause soon it will be gone. I took Judge's Familiar instead and find it useful.

Basic milling cards are: Tome Scour, Breaking. Secondary are Thought Scour and Dimir Charm. Milling skills of Duskmantle Guildmage and Jace, Memory Adept, of course. Also i took Codex Shredder, which is sometimes useful, when I need to recover a card from graveyard.Drawback is granted by: Thought Scour and Quicken. When im in troubles, sometimes I use Dimir Charm to get useful cards.Removal is weaknes of this deck. I use Far/Away sometimes combined with countering spells.Counterspells. Basic: Cancel and Psychic Strike; secondary: Dimir Charm, Judge's FamiliarCreatures. I Took fast 1/1 flying Judge's Familiar. 2 mana Duskmantle Guildmage and Wight of Precinct Six are quite fast. The last one can quickly be pumped up by chep milling cards, while Duskmantle Guildmage provides a graet combo with both Scours, Breaking and with Mr Jace. The killer queen is Consuming Aberration.As I wrote, I haven't play for 10 years, and I have troubles with picking cards. That's why my maybeboard is so big. I'd be grateful for help. And forgive me my english. I'm a foreigner. Thanks a lot!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

20 - 2 Rares

12 - 6 Uncommons

11 - 5 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.74
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