Milling In Modern: The Zombie Flood

Modern kylethereader


kazeen says... #1

December 23, 2015 5:19 a.m.

kazeen says... #2

This gives me an idea to have multiple copies of altar of the brood and bounce cards back to my hand to play them again. I make stupid decks..

December 23, 2015 5:30 a.m.

kylethereader says... #3

I've tried decks like that, but altar mills too slow, you need to me it so that you can have like 20 permanents ETB in one turn to make it worth it at all.

December 23, 2015 9:30 a.m.

frogkill45 says... #4

can always run the Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond + Altar of the Brood combo

if your totally relying on altar of brood as the win con. which this deck is not.

December 23, 2015 1:26 p.m. Edited.

kylethereader says... #5

I've tried decks using a similar combo, and it's too unreliable to be competitive imo. The thing is, Altar of the Brood isn't the only win con, that's true, and I've made it that way on purpose, what I was telling kazeen is that a deck where you bounce cards to play them again to set off altar is unrealistic. The only exception would be if you had an infinite combo, but again, those are unreliable in competitive play.

December 23, 2015 2:09 p.m.

takepyr94 says... #6

Ins't this a bit too dependant on only one creature AND aqueous form? You have to have BOTH of them down in order to work, and Undead Alchemist is easy to kill, with most of decks having some kind of creature destrying method and 2 defense isn't quite high enough.And can you control de battlefield enough with just two blockers, or do you get overwhelmed?

Im sorry if they are stupid questions, I just started playing MTG for 2 months, but Im all in into budget decks so I thought to check yours out and the idea seemed solid :PCheck out my budget decks and say what you think too!!

December 27, 2015 4:01 a.m.

addaff says... #7

Mind Funeral is pretty cheap, but no black... Mind Sculpt, Dream Twist, or Tome Scour could help. Would even the activist & mage at 3 a piece.

December 27, 2015 4:06 a.m.

kylethereader says... #8

takepyr94, glad to have a new player join the community. I actually don't have this deck physically, but have playtested it extensively against all kinds of decks on the site over the course of 4 months. It actually doesn't't rely on Aqueous Form at all, just Undead Alchemist, and yes, there is a great deal of creature removal to deal with, but that's why I have protection sprinkled in to protect him when I put him down. Usually, I just need to stay alive till turn 4, so the blockers I have are good. My sideboard helps deal with any special threats. But once he's down, it's usually a chain reaction of mill. Traumatize is there if I need to spark a chain.

addaff, I've constantly implemented and added pure mill cards, but the only thing they end up doing is setting off the combo in the deck, but I'd rather use the space for creature protection or threat removal.

Thank you both for the input.

December 27, 2015 2:14 p.m.

takepyr94 says... #9

I don't know about planeswalkers, but maybe a copy or two of Jace Beleren can help you win even when you don't have Undead Alchemist, and it isn't that expensive (3)...

December 28, 2015 3:17 a.m.

kylethereader says... #10

Getting off his ability to mill would be nigh impossible with this deck; I wouldn't have enough to protect him.

December 28, 2015 4:17 a.m.

takepyr94 says... #11

oh yes you are right xDD

December 28, 2015 4:28 a.m.

takepyr94 says... #12

hey maybe if it isn't too slow for you i have found that Mark of Eviction can be quite a pain in the ass and is quite fun to play with xD you just keep sending creatures back to their hand every turn

December 28, 2015 4:50 a.m.

takepyr94 says... #13

Hey if you download Cockatrice from you can play online for free. Its a bit shabby but its quite nice to try out decks and such and you can play with other people on private servers if you are up for it.

December 28, 2015 7:06 p.m.

RubyOrzhov says... #14

Some tutors could do some good in this deck.

March 30, 2016 6:37 p.m.

kylethereader says... #15

RubyOrzhov what cards do you think I need a tutor for? and do you have any card suggestions?

March 30, 2016 10:11 p.m.

RubyOrzhov says... #16

Definitely the card you need to win, being, as you said, the Undead Alchemist. I don't know any blue tutors, unfortunately.

March 31, 2016 9:24 a.m.

kylethereader says... #17

I've tried several renditions of this deck implementing tutors for Undead Alchemist, but there isn't really a solid tutor for him that lets the deck still function properly, and be modern legal. I appreciate your suggestion though

March 31, 2016 6:37 p.m.

RubyOrzhov says... #18

How reliable is the deck without tutors?

March 31, 2016 10:16 p.m.

kylethereader says... #19

I don't have the deck physically yet, lol. But from playtesting, I can usually get the Alchemist down fairly easily. It being a combo deck though, it's very hard to win without him, though not impossible. That's why I have Jace's Phantasm in there. I plan on looking through the new block and see if possibly adding Investigate cards might help me draw into him more. I just got the pre-release pack friday.

April 3, 2016 6:37 p.m.

kylethereader says... #20

Lol, yeah, that's the premise behind this deck. I put the Traumatize in there just as a finisher or if I was only able to get one altar out. Usually, in playtesting, if I have two Altar of the Broods out on the turn I play Undead Alchemist, most if not all there deck gets milled. If not, I make him unblockable, or just keep laying cards down to trigger the Altar, and that finishes them. What you described is the perfect scenario, unless they counter the Alchemist of course. But I'm glad that you enjoy the deck. Any card suggestions? And out of curiosity, have you seen a deck like this before? I'm pretty sure it's original, but I want to make sure.

April 3, 2016 10:05 p.m.

balthozorus says... #21

wow i really like your deck you gave me a lot of inspiration for a deck like this. i try budget deck Under 20$ based on your strategy (he is not finish) ifyou want to see him i Will like to have some feedback from you @let's build a cemetery

April 4, 2016 2:26 p.m.

Fiochv2 says... #22

kylethereader It would definitely drive the price of your deck up, but if you splashed black in you could use Curse of Shallow Graves, Diregraf Captain, Gravecrawler, and Fallen Ideal. If you want to stay mono blue then Sphinx's Tutelage, Visions of Beyond, and Hedron Crab.

April 12, 2016 1:27 a.m.

kylethereader says... #23

Curse of Shallow Graves would be interesting, but I don't see how splashing black would help this deck otherwise. I've tried it in the past, an maybe I just don't have the right card combination, but it always becomes clunky trying to still make it a combo deck using Altar of the Brood. And that's what I want to do with this deck. With the mono blue suggestions, Hedron Crab is only ever really useful as a mill tool if you have a great deal of fetchlands, which I have no hope of having, haha. I've tried Sphinx's Tutelage, it just seems slow. I may add it if I add Investigate mechanics to the deck. And Visions of Beyond doesn't appeal enough to me to be worth $7. thank you for the suggestions though. I'm definitely gonna think about using Sphinx's Tutelage with Investigate

April 12, 2016 1:35 a.m.

Mark1408 says... #24

April 19, 2016 8:30 p.m.

kylethereader says... #25

I've always liked Trepanation Blade, I just never used it because it was a gamble to pull. Using Drift of Phantasms is perfect though. And I didn't know Sage of Epityr existed, I'll definitely think about it. Thank you so much.

April 19, 2016 10:49 p.m.

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