Milling In Modern: The Zombie Flood

Modern kylethereader


Foof811 says... #1

One thing I noticed when I played with this deck, is that it doesn't have good protection from counterspells on the combo pieces such as Undead Alchemist. I played this deck against a Mono-Blue Faerie aggro-control deck and didn't do too well, because he had Spellstutter Sprite and Mistbind Clique to just continue to combo off tapping my lands and countering my spells. I figure probably the best route to take, would be to drop the Glaring Spotlight and Trepanation Blade. The Glaring Spotlight because even though it allows you to target creatures with hexproof, there aren't any spells in this deck that target opponent's creatures anyway, and the to make your own creatures hexproof is not that effective. And Trepanation Blade, because even if I do manage to play it, usually my creatures that can attack get blown up or countered, so I'm stuck with a couple defenders and a useless equipment. I'd recommend for a great counterspell for this deck, to be Deprive It's a counter target spell that allows us to return a land card to our hand as an additional cost of playing it. Which means, that we can replay permanents, which helps trigger Altar of the Brood more often to give us more milling, and also, it can allow us to replay a Radiant Fountain to give us a little extra life when we might desperately need it. Just my two cents from my experience playing this deck. It's well built, it's just that it needs more protection for the combo to go off. So I'd say:

-2 Trepanation Blade

-2 Glaring Spotlight

+4 Deprive

May 5, 2016 1:54 p.m.

kylethereader says... #2

Foof811, Thank you so much for taking the time to really test out this deck and give such a detailed comment. I hadn't really thought about how truly useless Glaring Spotlight is in the deck, so I'm definitely taking it out, and Trepanation Blade was added as more of a fun card, so subbing it out for Deprive would certainly be beneficial, that truly is an amazing counter card for this deck.Thank you again for the wonderful feedback.

May 5, 2016 5:14 p.m.

Mark1408 says... #3

Familiar's Ruse is also a great card , with it you can return the Trinket Mage or the Drift of Phantasms for your hand and use the tutor of both if they have been placed on the battlefield , and yet has a lower price than Deprive, sideboard in minimum

May 6, 2016 7:05 p.m.

kylethereader says... #4

Mark1408, Familiar's Ruse will be a great card, definitely gonna find it's place in this deck, thank you

May 6, 2016 7:46 p.m.

Foof811 says... #5

kylethereader, You're welcome. I built this entire deck cardboard because I'd like a change of pace from my usual Mono-Red Goblin Aggro. I'm tweaking this deck currently, and I'll post the decklist in the chat when I'm finished tweaking so you can inspect what I've added and removed.

May 7, 2016 6:43 p.m.

Mark1408 says... #6

I would not take Monastery Siege , is a multi-purpose card , ample protection and draw, would opt for Familiar's Ruse or Deprive, Deprive in this context is better, put the Familiar's Ruse in Sideboard..

May 8, 2016 4:57 p.m.

kylethereader says... #7

Mark1408, while I agree Monastery Siege is a wonderful card, I find it's utility does not help this deck the way it should. While it helps for protection, it can is not instant speed, which means my opponents can plan for the extra mana, and also, the fact that it's only 2 mana extra, it isn't that difficult for my opponent to play that one counter spell that completely ruins the counter. Additionally, after testing this deck online extensively, I've actually never run into a situation where the card draw option was even useful, let alone worth dropping 3 extra mana for it. No, more hard counters in the deck assure me that the game goes more the way I want it. This is all from my own personal expierence with the deck however, so if you find it runs better a certain way, it could just be we play the deck differently. Thank you for the input though. Foof811, I would love to know how this deck runs in real life, so please do let me know how it goes and what your final list is like.

May 10, 2016 1:10 a.m.

Mark1408 says... #8

You tried to use Explorer's Scope, the tests I did with it did very well , speeds up the game and have synergy with Altar of the Brood , Trinket Mage and Radiant Fountain

July 27, 2016 3:24 p.m.

Mark1408 says... #9

What do you think about Fraying Sanity?

September 20, 2017 4:34 p.m.

kylethereader says... #10

I'm definitely liking the look of that. I think the best way it could help is if I encounter a non-creature spell heavy deck, and don't get many zombie token's from my mill, so I definitely am going to find a place for it in the sideboard

September 20, 2017 7:27 p.m.

MillPro9000 says... #11

Is this fast enough in practice? If not, you could add in ramp like Axebane Guardian or Sylvan Caryatid.

September 24, 2017 10:24 p.m.

kylethereader says... #12

I've tried adding ramp by splashing green, but that actually slows it down, you can usually end the game turn 7 at least with good draws. In all honesty if you don't get good draws with this deck you're screwed, that's why it's so streamlined to be as efficient as possible at getting all the pieces you need down early and keeping the mana cost down

September 25, 2017 12:29 a.m.

MillPro9000 says... #13

I love Undead Alchemist, so I am glad to hear that you have made it playable.

September 25, 2017 9:43 a.m.

kylethereader says... #14

Yeah, as soon as I saw him I knew I had to make a deck based on him. Since then it's still my favorite and I've been perfecting it ever since

September 25, 2017 11:32 a.m.

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