Milling Mind Destruction

Modern cutthroughthedawn


bIank says... #1

If you are playing modern mill, I would throw in a Sword of Body and Mind

August 28, 2013 2:24 p.m.

asaxgod says... #2

Drop 1 jace and 1 drinker

August 28, 2013 2:24 p.m.

Nice _wakeup! I've never heard of that card before... That would go fantastically attached to my Deathcult Rogue !!

August 28, 2013 2:41 p.m.


Yeah that seems pretty reasonable, I think I'll do just that!

August 28, 2013 2:41 p.m.

I think the only way that I can really fit Sword of Body and Mind in is to sideboard or get rid of my Whispering Madness and Liliana's Caress combo. Which one do you guys think would be best to have?

August 28, 2013 2:43 p.m.

bIank says... #6

Lower your Crypt Incursion to 2 instead of 4, they don't always see play, so no point in having 4. Drop both Ghost Quarter they don't do much in the type of deck you'll be wanting to play here. Replace the 4 cards that were taken out of the deck with 2x Liliana's Caress and Whispering Madness . Thas what I would do to even everything out c:

August 28, 2013 3:19 p.m.

bIank says... #7

WHOOPS didn't mean Crypt Incursion I meant Archive Trap lol sorry

August 28, 2013 3:24 p.m.

I already only have 2 Crypt Incursion 's! I was using the Ghost Quarter 's to help with the Archive Trap 's I just put in.... Do you think they will still be as effective without them? It would suck to play an opponent that uses no fetch cards and I end up with 3 Archive Trap that I don't really wanna pay to play haha But if I take the Ghost Quarter s out, I will still need to come up with 2 cards to get rid of... Maybe I can just run 2 Sword of Body and Mind 's and get rid of ghost quarter and that will allow me to have Archive Trap , Whispering Madness , Liliana's Caress , and Sword of Body and Mind :p

August 28, 2013 3:25 p.m.

ohhhh! ok that makes more sense now lol

August 28, 2013 3:27 p.m.

hmm ok so that would have me at 0 Ghost Quarter , 2 Archive Trap , 4 Sword of Body and Mind , and i'll get my Whispering Madness and Liliana's Caress combo back

August 28, 2013 3:28 p.m.

blah but then I'll only have 22 lands =/ Also if I only run 2 Archive Trap s without anything to help them do their thing, they will most likely just be stagnant cards that will hold my deck up. Such a tough decision! Pretty much the way the deck is now, I have to sacrifice either the Sword of Body and Mind , Liliana's Caress and Whispering Madness combo, or the Archive Trap idea. I don't wanna get rid of any of them! lol

August 28, 2013 3:33 p.m.

OR I could drop a Consuming Aberration , a Jace, Memory Adept and only play 2 Sword of Body and Mind 's and then I can place 2 Ghost Quarter 's in my lands and taking a couple gates out, and then that'll give me 4 Archive Trap 's :p

August 28, 2013 3:40 p.m.

Now I'm debating upping my Deathcult Rogue count to 4 and sideboarding my Duskmantle Guildmage 's... hrmmmmm

August 28, 2013 3:55 p.m.

One definite improvement so far is my avg. CMC :p

August 28, 2013 5:15 p.m.

lazypizza says... #15

Maybe consider Bloodchief Ascension over the Liliana's Caress and whispering madness combo. It would take a minute to set up considering it's not a very aggro deck, but it would add to your 1 drop possibilities, whereas Jace's Phantasm isn't going to to be much of a threat until turn 3. It also effectively replaces Duskmantle Guildmage without an activation cost once it starts triggering, with whom you are already on the fence about.

August 31, 2013 4:26 p.m.

Colgate says... #16

August 31, 2013 4:35 p.m.

Ok that's pretty cool! so you guys would recommend taking out 2x Liliana's Caress and 2x Whispering Madness and possibly putting in 4x Bloodchief Ascension 's and replacing 2x Jace's Phantasm with 2x Mindcrank 's? That could work and be pretty cool, but then I would be worried about my creature count. If I do that then I will only be left with 6 creatures. 2 of those are the Duskmantle Guildmage 's that I use to activate my Whispering Madness and Sword of Body and Mind . Aside from these cards I have mentioned, I have no desire to remove any of them. So with that being said, would these recommended cards replacing these creatures be more effective?

August 31, 2013 7:53 p.m.

Also, with this deck, Jace's Phantasm would most likely be a 5/5 by turn 2. If it takes until turn 3, then at least it only a 1 cast blocker. I see it as a pretty hard card to replace, but maybe I'm wrong?

August 31, 2013 7:55 p.m.

Actually, I see what you mean by the Mindcrank and Duskmantle Guildmage combo. That's basically an instant win with infinite mill and damage!!!

August 31, 2013 7:58 p.m.

These card suggestions are really interesting. They are definitely making me rethink some things. Mindcrank , Bloodchief Ascension , and Duskmantle Guildmage are a brutal combo. I suppose if I use these suggestions I can take out 2x Liliana's Caress and 2x Whispering Madness . That leaves me with 4 extra slots for cards. Would you guys recommend me putting 2x Mindcrank and 2x Bloodchief Ascension for replacing Whispering Madness and Liliana's Caress ?

August 31, 2013 8:03 p.m.

lazypizza says... #21

Another thing I think would help a lot would be adding a bit more control. Judge's Familiar makes for a great flying chump blocker that be used to ensure your big spells like Consuming Aberration make it into or stay in the game. Things like Hands of Binding or even better Hidden Strings will ensure you're going to connect with that fat Consuming Aberration and you get to recast it when you do conenct, thus making it stronger. Sleep has won me a lot of games when I'm running dimir.

I would add another Consuming Aberration and Deathcult Rogue , and maybe drop the swords in favor of one of the cipher spells above. Cut Liliana's Caress in favor of Bloodchief Ascension and sneak a Mindcrank or two in there. Also Keening Stone can be a game winner, but in my experience with mill decks, I'll usually tank my opponents with a huge Consuming Aberration before I get a chance to totally wipe their libraries.

Then again, maybe that's not the deck you want to play at all.

August 31, 2013 8:28 p.m.

lazypizza says... #22

Oh one more thing, how is Mirko working out for you? I reallllly want to love that dude, but he rarely seems to preform as well as I want him to.

August 31, 2013 8:31 p.m.

Those are some really good suggestions! At the moment however, I don't really plan on this deck getting past turn 6 or 7. That being said if I do, then I will of course play my Consuming Aberration or Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker or even Jace, Memory Adept . My main goal is of course, Mill, and not combat damage, but I have them in there just in case. If anything, they are more huge blockers than anything, namely the Consuming Aberration . Stick him in there and my mill spells should most definitely finish the game granted I just didn't receive an absolutely shitty hand and draw.

Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker is actually kind of hit or miss. It really depends on the deck you're playing against and the hands and cards they draw. If you get him out and they have no flying creatures or bounce spells, then he will rape your library. He is essentially a Mind Funeral in creature form. Ideally if you would really like to have him be super effective and build a deck around him, I would throw a Whispersilk Cloak on him. This deck doesn't really depend oh him, so he's in there just for the sake of what if for the most part. He has however proven to be an extreme nuisance, so my vote has been to keep him in thus far :p

August 31, 2013 8:57 p.m.

Sleep is pretty cool! It reminds me of my Tamiyo, the Moon Sage in another one of my decks :p

August 31, 2013 8:59 p.m.

As of now I have opted to take out the Liliana's Caress and Whispering Madness combo and add 3 Mindcrank and 1 more Duskmantle Guildmage . Such an awesome combo :p

August 31, 2013 9:58 p.m.

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