Besides Rending Volley, which you'd have to have in hand and multiples of since there are multiple Jace's, all others are countered by board wipes and counter spells. Of course if you could have already been forced to mill them. Luck of the draw.
December 30, 2015 7:27 p.m.
I'm really excited that there is going to be more mill decks at GP Oakland, maybe I'll see you there.
A card I've enjoyed using as a finisher is Fascination. They Draw X, then have to mill at least 2x while you get to refill your hand.
I'm running a Grixis mill deck (hopefully I'll post the deck soon). But it seems to run many of the same cards.
December 30, 2015 7:42 p.m.
frogkill45 says... #4
i dont need multiples of it in my hand i just need one. If you prevent or destroy the first two cards of the mill engine it will stall. kill jace or tutelage it will severely cripple this deck. not to mention Duress Despise.
December 30, 2015 7:54 p.m.
frogkill45 you are correct there are answers for this deck that can cripple it however everything in standard has an answer for it. So your points which are valid yes but I could do the same thing for any standard deck. This is why I arm myself with removal and counter magic. Yes my games go longer but I have had great success with this deck so much that my meta sideboards are directed to stop me and I still do well. Will I be top eight at the Grand Prix probably not but to say mill isn't viable isn't correct cause I have proven otherwise with this deck. Have you play tested the deck give that a shot before you shit all over it.
December 30, 2015 9:02 p.m.
frogkill45 says... #6
Let me make some suggestions then, your using white for Utter End, Ojutai's Command, and Arashin Cleric, Erase
Is it really worth it? I dont know. Maybe you like them?
Reality Shift is a great card for control right now.
Horribly Awry Great 2mana counter for things like hangerback, siege rhino, den protector
Despise since your pretty much creatureless make them creaturelessand you see their hand which is crucial for knowing what to counter.
Disperse Bounce a creature/planeswalker then Despise
Transgress the Mind Great control for late game.
Spell Shrivel so hard to pay for early to mid game.
The more you see their hand the better you can plan your spells.
Ulamog's Reclaimer brings back a board wipe like Languish and can survive it when you cast it next turn. With some of the above spells you can use that ability.
Adding some colorless stuff to your deck would also help in mirror match
Sire of Stagnation would be a great 1 of in my opinion.
Im not going to shit all over it I just think there is room for improvement still.
Many of the cards I suggested are just from experience. I love the interaction of ingest which you dont run.
Mist Intruder/Salvage Drone + Anchor to the Aether / Whisk Away
December 30, 2015 10:08 p.m.
Ok, so to get this straight, this is esper control playing mill instead of dragons? Fair enough if it works.
However, would it be better as plain ol' esper control with dragon finishers?
December 31, 2015 4:03 a.m.
DaftVader what can I say I love mill lol. This deck was dimir at one point went esper just to make it a little tougher. I just want to stick with mill though cause I love the concept and it pisses people off lol.
inari82 I like that card and had considered it before I'm gonna play test with it a little bit and see how it works for me.
frogkill45 I like Horribly Awry it was in the deck till it went esper. I think I may switch it out for Ultimate Price in the side board. I think I may also put in Transgress the Mind ( which was also in the original build lol) it is a very powerful card against many many things.
December 31, 2015 4:43 a.m.
inari82 also if you get the deck posted tag me in it id love to see it. Also good luck in Oakland let's show em what mills all about lol.
December 31, 2015 5:22 a.m.
Good for you Mtgansta :) - I play counter themes although regular abzan would probably be better myself. Keep up the good work!
December 31, 2015 8:59 a.m.
syncronym has a good deck built off the Ingest mechanic. He had Tutelage in but removed it for more control spells, however you could tweak some spells from here, keep Tutelage in, and win by points or by mill. My last FNM I played a version of this and although I was 1-2, the game I did win, I won by life points game 1 and by mill game 2. If tutelage gets countered you are still Ingesting each hit. I have to say that I think Alhammarets Archive is a very good addition, especially if you can get it out and it survives. Synergized with Tutelages and cards allowing you to draw just means more mills. I'd also like to add Mtgangsta that I played my Milly on a Budget deck that you have seen last night against my Swarming Instinct deck last night to test it. Won by mill and kept things locked down. Didn't get my tutelage till mid game and had already spent a few drawing cards but the tutelage helped me catch up. Talent of the Telepath helped me take the lead and I had an abundance of mana with Dreadwaters still on my library.
December 31, 2015 9:29 a.m.
Swarming Instinct is practically all colorless by the way.
December 31, 2015 9:38 a.m.
ajstorey456 says... #13
Go ahead and spend 500 dollars on the deck, you might win
January 2, 2016 3:16 a.m.
487 actually;). This deck use to be budget and won but I figured fuck it why not be a dick :p
January 2, 2016 3:31 a.m.
Love it. Love mill and love the fact you made it competetive. +1
January 10, 2016 10:57 a.m.
ajstorey456 says... #16
Treasure Cruise Might not be worth it for how much it costs, and how you gotta exile your graveyard when Jace, Telepath Unbound can return your spells for you. I would recommend Weave Fate in it's place, and Enhanced Awareness might go well too.
January 10, 2016 11:22 a.m.
ajstorey456 says... #17
Sorry I forgot to include it, but Alhammarret's Archive makes your draws hit even harder with Sphinx's Tutelage, and maybe even some Monastery Sieges could work.
January 10, 2016 11:24 a.m.
ajstorey456 archive and siege both use to be in the deck and are great cards for it. I ended up taking them out for more control as they always got side boarded out. I like taking the first match puts people on the rope lol. I know jace can bring stuff back but treasure cruise is the strongest draw card for me right now. We shall see what oath gives me but I will probably ride with cruise till it rotates lol.
Kringo thank you :)
January 12, 2016 6 a.m.
No cards in hand? Happened to me playing my budget version the other night for fun. Well Sea Gate Wreckage could be useful. Also 1 CMC card draw Slip Through Space might not be bad either.
January 16, 2016 10:44 a.m.
thattallguy says... #20
Maybe splash some red for Chandra, Flamecaller just for the 0
January 17, 2016 3:31 p.m.
red would be a good addition for the deck. Good card draw and burn. I like the mass removal I get from black as that would have to be the color it replaces cause I can't do 4 colors here it's to much lol
January 18, 2016 12:45 a.m.
Any updates with Oath? There is a card like Claustrophobia that I plan to use since I can play it for the same 3 CMC or its surge for 1.
January 23, 2016 12:42 a.m.
For this deck I'm thinking of adding Stubborn Denial and Grasp of Darkness on and to possibly add Visions of Brutality for the side board, but not much other than that. I am putting together a mono black control deck tho that's looking pretty sweet lol
frogkill45 says... #1
Rending Volley
Felidar Cub
Caustic Caterpillar
Sultai Charm
few cards i can think of that would mess with this deck so hard
December 30, 2015 6:47 p.m.