
Artifact (2)

Instant (1)

This is a reanimation combo list. Basic idea is to play dorks/value cards during the beginning and ensure we get the right cards in the graveyard. Once they're set up, cheat them out for a fast win. This deck has 3 main combos for victory, which are listed below and each have their own breakdown. It's incredibly easy to get the combo pieces with our plethora of tutors and draw spells, and our commander works as a good back up in case we have what we need in the grave, but no way to fish it out. I've left some more fun/casual cards like Sheoldred, Whispering One and Lord of Extinction for alternative wins (combat/commander damage) and drawn out games. If anything is cut from the list it will probably be them though. Might add more counters for combo protection or other early cards like Dark Confidant. Overall this is a fairly strong deck that can win out of nowhere, and even as early as turn 1!
These are the main combos the decks aims to get for the win. I'll provide a breakdown of each.

  1. Necrotic Ooze + Triskelion/Walking Ballista + Phyrexian Devourer

    • The way this wins is by giving Necrotic Ooze the activated abilities of Devourer and Trisk/Ballista. Ooze does not gain the power limiter that Devourer does, even though that doesn't actually matter as you can respond to the trigger, but still interesting to know. Basically you can exile your entire deck and give Ooze +1/+1 counters equal to the converted mana cost of the entire deck (160+ when full). Then you can shoot all of those counters at opponents faces to win. Obvious weakness is the limited amount of counters available because of the average low cmc of the deck, and some life gain decks might cause issues.
  2. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion/Walking Ballista

    • Pretty much the bigger and better version of the combo below. This works with less cards, and deals infinite damage. Life totals are of no concern. Shoot the single +1/+1 counter on Trisk/Ballista, then return it with undying and do it again until everything is dead. This combo can be cheated out with Protean Hulk, which I left in even though the Flash ban hurt. Now, unless I don't have a way to kill it, Hulk basically works as a board wipe/attack deterrent. Any savvy player will know that killing the Hulk with no answers just hands me the game.
  3. Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle

    • The new annoying combo to replace FlashHulk. The combo is playing Thassa's Oracle, then in response to the ETB casting Demonic Consultation and choosing a card that is not in your deck. Once it resolves the ETB will kick in and win the game. This is especially effective because even if they kill the Oracle in response the ETB still goes off and wins. Even if Oracle is your only devotion to blue it still wins as the effect checks if your devotion is greater than or EQUAL to your deck. Zero devotion + zero deck = still wins. The only way to lose with this combo is for them to counter Consultation, counter the ETB, or make you draw once Consultation has resolved, but before the ETB. Consultation can also serve as an extra tutor in a pinch when you're just one card away from a win and you don't care what you exile, so I dont view it as a one trick pony. Oracle also combos well with Hermit Druid, which I'll talk about in the next section.
These are combos and card synergies that do not win us the game outright, but I feel are important to know or get us 90% of the way there.
  • Hermit Druid

    • Because this deck runs no basic lands (for now) Hermit Druid will dump our entire library into our graveyard. This means that he will guarantee that whatever we need will be in the yard for us to win. This allows us to reanimate them with any cards in our hand, or with our commander. We can reanimate either Necrotic Ooze or Thassa's Oracle for the win, again both working with Mimeo. As long as we have the mana to follow up he is a "kill on site" kind of card. The big down side is we are very susceptible to Blood Moon effects. This is something that will be based on your playgroup if these types of effects are present.
  • Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon

    • Skittles serves as an alternate win con through poison counters. He can either do it himself, 4 damage at a time, or more commonly through Mimeo. All Mimeo needs to do is copy Skittles and a creature with 6+ power and he will 1 shot opponents with poison, as well as being resilient thanks to regen.
  • Buried Alive

    • Buried alive is the perfect card to get the exact graveyard piles we need. Most often we will get Ooze, Trisk/Ball, and Devourer to win off that combo, but it can easily give us other necessary cards. It is a powerhouse in the deck because no other card gets that many exact cards you want into the graveyard.
  • While this hand is pretty unlikely, the deck does have a turn 1 (turn 0) win. The hand is this:

    1. Lion's Eye Diamond
    2. Lotus Petal
    3. Necrotic Ooze
    4. Phyrexian Devourer
    5. Triskelion/Walking Ballista
    6. Any land that enters untapped
    7. Any creature

    Order is to play the land, play the petal and diamond. Tap the land for a color, sac the petal for a different color, and sac the diamond for whatever third color in Sultai you are missing. Discard your hand for the diamond, and then cast Mimeo with your 5 generated mana, coming in as a copy of Necrotic Ooze with the counters of the random creature. We need the additional creature because if we exile the Devourer or Trisk/Ball we lose the combo. Then pump up Mimeo with Devourer's ability until you can take out each player with Trisk/Ball's ability. Simple as that!

    Here I'll explain the reasoning behind the inclusion of some cards. These are all susceptible to change depending on how they perform in my games.

    1. Lord of Extinction

      • As I mentioned earlier, I just think he's neat. Plus he gives Mimeo a way to easily win through commander damage if needed. Have Mimeo come in as a copy of Raza with him as the back up and you have a massive flying trample commander. Fun!
    2. Ramunap Excavator and Crucible of Worlds

      • Because we run the fetches and our tendency to dump cards into the yard I'm running both of these to help make it more likely that I draw at least one of them per game to fish the lands out. I like Ramunap because I can also cheat him back into play if I ever wanted from the graveyard, whereas I can't with Crucible. I might cut one or the other depending on how games go.
    3. Sheoldred, Whispering One

      • Besides being a cool card in general, she is for games where things have been slowed down and I need steady advantage gain. I've yet to have a game come down to her, which might lead to her being cut, but for now she hasn't hurt my chances at winning either.
    4. Mirror-Mad Phantasm

      • I have no real reason to include him other than I like him. He's just such a odd card and I love him for it. I'd happily lose a game because he ends up in the top 5 cards of my deck.
    5. Coalition Relic

      • In a combo deck like this each bit of mana counts. I've often had just enough mana to win because of Coalition Relic, and 3 mana for it's effect isn't bad when it can give 2 mana on the turn I need it. If this ever gets replaced it will be by the likes of Mana Vault or Mana Crypt.
    6. Lotus Petal

      • Same reason as above, plus this gives me the turn 1 win fantasy land hand. Even if it never happens, I like the fact that it exists.


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    97% Competitive

    Date added 7 years
    Last updated 3 years
    Exclude colors WR
    Splash colors UBG

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    13 - 0 Mythic Rares

    56 - 0 Rares

    23 - 0 Uncommons

    8 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.94
    Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
    Folders Current Decks (2021)
    Ignored suggestions
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