BUG Birthing Pod Toolbox Control

Commander / EDH T12H

SCORE: 104 | 113 COMMENTS | 29188 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

newtontke says... #1

I wish I could give you more than just a +1. I love EDH, and am constantly looking at decks on here for inspiration. This is probably my favorite deck I have found on here so far. I have been interested in The Mimeoplasm since I first built an EDH deck, but had the same issues with all of the builds that I found that you expressed. I am happy to see a new direction for a Mimeoplasm build. Great Job!

September 19, 2016 7:02 p.m.

newtontke says... #2

I also really appreciated all of your card choice explanations. I may even copy your style on that at some point.

September 19, 2016 7:04 p.m.

T12H says... #3

newtontke Thanks much for the upvote (first ever on this site) :) I really appreciate the comment! I will be trying to post a deck tech of this deck on youtube sometime in the next month and I will try to post the link here.

I agree that a lot of lists on here are somewhat cookie cutter lists. A lot of people try to build around the commander too much and I have the philosophy that your commander can be a compliment to your deck's strategy instead.

September 19, 2016 10:11 p.m.

I like your deck. I too started EDH with Mimeoplasm years ago and my version has evolved to into several different types of decks over the years. I really like "good stuff" and "toolbox" decks and my current build is focused on the commander like most lists are but I analyzed each card in the deck for its value without the commander and that is how I ended at the current list I have. I'm trying to find some time soon to go back through and see what is worth adding from the most recent sets and optimize the list but in the mean time I'm always open to feedback. Let me know what you think when you get a chance.

Judge Dredge

Commander / EDH Squirrel_of_War


September 20, 2016 12:12 a.m.

Thanks for commenting on my deck! That feedback helped out a lot. I added you to the 'special thanks' section of the description. I also made a few changes, check it out when you have time.

September 20, 2016 7:28 p.m.

nosohryuforyou says... #6

I really like the look of this list, and I appreciate you taking the time to write up such a detailed explanation of all the tools.

I do have a question, and I hope you'll forgive me if it's been asked before. Since the deck isn't designed around the commander, is there a particular reason you don't use Damia, Sage of Stone instead? Is it just that you prefer having a second, repeatable Body Double?

September 20, 2016 11:36 p.m.

T12H says... #7

nosohryuforyou Thanks for liking my deck!

And that is a great question that I think I am going to go back and write about in the description.Damia, Sage of Stone was definitely in the running to be my commander when I first decided to build Sultai colors. It came down to the CMC and the versatility of The Mimeoplasm. I can cast the big ooze twice before I can cast Damia once. Also Mimeo is just natural graveyard hate that you always have on the sidelines. It is crazy how many decks get hosed just because I am playing Mimeo. Karador, Meren, Scion,and any other graveyard strategy. Not only is he graveyard hate but if I really need an answer to something I usually can always find the answer in one of the graveyards in forms of creatures (Rune-Scarred Demon,Reclamation Sage, and many other great etb creatures). And that is why I choose Mimeo over Damia because of all that it brings instead of just drawing some cards if it dodges instant speed removal like Damia.

Anyways thanks for the great question and I will add that to the description soon :)

September 21, 2016 12:14 a.m.

nosohryuforyou says... #8

Thanks for the response! I think I never noticed that Mimeoplasm's ability isn't restricted to just your graveyard because that's how so many lists are built. That changes my opinion of him quite a bit. So obviously your detailed description / primer was a good idea :)

September 21, 2016 12:20 p.m.

Ocelot44 says... #9

You should make it nothing but Clones and Eternal Witness

September 30, 2016 1:34 p.m.

T12H says... #10

Ocelot44 it's funny because I originally made the deck with the strategy of just beating my opponents with their own cards and I had like 15+ clone effects and cards that stole my opponents stuff. But then it slowly become more toolbox and I added different etb effects that my best clones that stayed in the deck could copy. But yes Eternal Witness is the best by far!

October 1, 2016 12:09 p.m.

Profet93 says... #11


You mentioned in your description that you can use Sakashima the Impostor to clone Meren or Sheoldred. But if there are 2 of the same legendary creature on the field, wouldn't they both die or am I missing something?

October 1, 2016 6:51 p.m.

Ocelot44 says... #12


Read the card again. I think you'll figure it out ;)

October 1, 2016 7:03 p.m.

T12H says... #13

Profet93 Sakashima keep its name so I can have two merens out. One with Sakashimas name.

October 2, 2016 3:47 a.m.

Megalomania says... #14

This deck is beautiful so i'm giving you an upvote.

Have you considered using cards like Intuition and Buried Alive to get creatures/cards into your graveyard?

Some creatures which I think might be worth considering are Phyrexian Dreadnought and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon.

October 18, 2016 8:32 p.m.

T12H says... #15

Megalomania Thanks so much for the upvote and the recommendations :)

Intuition is a card that I have consider before! I think it would be really fun to make some interesting/good piles with it. I just rather have tutors that get exactly what I want. Also my goal isn't to fill the graveyard for my mimeoplasm with cards like buried alive. I kinda want my creatures in my deck to pod into them and when they die naturally I can get them back later with witness/or reanimation effects. That's why I don't do the skithiryx combo. It's not really my style. It's not really a stand alone card so it makes the deck not as flexible/versatile. I like long grindy games and not killing with one swing. :)

October 18, 2016 10:48 p.m.

T12H says... #16

Hey guys, I think everyone that has commented on this gets notifications if there are comments (may be wrong). I was hoping to get some thoughts on a card that I think some would consider awful.

Dream Cache

I've been testing it out. And so far it's really felt great every time I cast it. Throwing big creatures back in the deck to pod later seemed good and also being able to place lands on tops for oracle or reset devastation tide is nice.

Let me know any thoughts. :)

October 18, 2016 10:55 p.m.

I think it is decent. I would rather be able to choose graveyard to place cards like Pulse of the Grid but that's just my preference.

October 18, 2016 11:10 p.m.

T12H says... #18

Squirrel_of_War thanks :) yeah I play with Sultai Charm occasionally in the deck and the draw two,discard sometimes becomes relevant. :) also I have considered the Thirst for Knowledge. I just like the top of the deck fixing Dream Cache allows. It's not a card that's a staple to the deck. Just one I can put in and out when I just want to try new things so I don't get bored lol

October 18, 2016 11:17 p.m.

Baconmaster52 says... #19

I would love to build this deck, but it is way out of my price range. Do you have any budget alternatives to some cards? Like black sun zenith to damnation

October 20, 2016 9:40 p.m.

Baconmaster52 says... #20

I would love to build this deck, but it is way out of my price range. Do you have any budget alternatives to some cards? Like black sun zenith to damnation

October 20, 2016 9:40 p.m.

T12H says... #21

Baconmaster52 The really cool thing about this deck is that it was my first edh deck and it was totally a budget deck when I first built it and it was still very competitive. I just over the past 2-3 years have picked up a "money" card every 2-3 months or so. The money cards aren't what the deck is build around. It's built around recursion. And the best recursion cards are cheap. Here is a list of the "money" $20+ cards and their replacements.

Damnation: Life's Finale

Guided drake: Dragonlord Silumgar

Oracle of mul daya: Courser of Kruphix

Sheoldered: Progenitor Mimic

Dark confidant: Phyrexian Arena

Vampiric tutor: Worldly Tutor

Phyrexian tower: High Market

Demonic tutor: Diabolic Tutor

There are some cards that you can't replace though because they have such unique effects. I'd replace the top and rack for more ramp cards or lands because without them your consistency goes down. And I think if you want to do the self made Prophet of Kruphix combo you need to put some money down on seedborn muse. Jace is just amazing and you can replace it with pretty much more card advantage or a win condition of your choice :)

Irreplaceable cards:Seedborn museJace, the mind sculptor Sensi's divining top Scroll rack Volrath's stronghold

Just make the deck your own and put cards that you would like to use. The deck is built how I like to play which is very finesse. You could easily add more powerful ramp/big fatties to end the game faster.

Any questions just let me know

October 21, 2016 3:02 p.m.

KABO5e says... #22

Deadeye Navigator to re-trigger ETB's?

December 5, 2016 9:54 p.m.

T12H says... #23


Yeah deadeye is boarder line banable in my opinion and probably should be in the deck if I wanted to go 100%. But I'm kinda trying to make my deck as competitive as possible but also fun to play against at the same time. So I kinda have gone 70% the potential of this deck. I don't run combos and I have purposely chosen to not play cards like:


Consecrated Sphinx

Craterhoof Behemoth

Deadeye Navigator


Tooth and Nail

These are "easy buttons" to me and I like to "finesse" my way to victory. But yes deadeye should be in the deck if I was going 100% with the deck! :)

December 6, 2016 12:41 a.m.

KABO5e says... #24

Lol, fair enough. Temur Sabertooth is somewhat similar in helping with re-etb, albeit not nearly as effecient.

December 6, 2016 1:04 a.m.

T12H says... #25

Yeah I do like that one too. It's pretty nice with mystic snake too. But probably what the deck has the toughest time beating is dedicated combo decks. I don't really want to run anymore counter card (besides maybe cryptic). So been trying to figure out some ways to disrupt those kind of "unfair" strategies without also making an unfair deck lol

December 6, 2016 1:15 a.m.

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