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Stiflenought Mimic Gimmick

Legacy Combo Competitive Tempo UB (Dimir)




Updating deck description with same description I used for the Legacy foruns:

So, my deck is a Rogue deck as it is called by my playgroup, but it is effective in a sense where it has a virtual chance of defeating every Tier 1 deck at least once!

It is basically an U/B Shell with a Phyrexian Dreadnought + Stifle combo with a few variations, like replacing Torpor Orb which would certainly fit this build for the unusual Eldrazi Mimic who can provide another body on the field and also serve as a win-con as well as a combo piece, because you can either set it up to become a 12/12 and hit for the win or you can sac it to keep your Dreadnought on the field.

Current Tournament Results using this build:

CLM#8 [Spellbox-SP] (Legacy League - 9th place w/ this deck): CLM#8 League: UB Mimic Stiflenought - 9th Place

Spellbox Monthly Legacy Tournament - 1st place (3-0-0 9pts Nov/2016)

Results were good to me because it was my first League ever and because I was able to play against and also defeat some of the best decks in the format! The field was very aggressive and filled with Tier 1 decks only like Lands, Grixis Delver, Shardless BUG, Reanimator, Belcher, Elves, Miracles, Death & Taxes etc. so it was a great field to test this deck against several scenarios and different strategies. Considering I don't even own any Dual Lands, I think I did well for the first time and luckily I got to win the first tournament on the store right after the league ended, even though we had a fewer people this time...

*Cards on Maybeboard are options I consider for sideboard or some I still need to acquire.

I've always been a huge fan of Stiflenaut, because Phyrexian Dreadnought is my favorite finisher, but my intentions when building this deck were more like the idea of returning to Legacy without having to spend a ton of money and still being as competitive as possible. So I decided to run my favorite finisher of all times on a deck featuring him and the new buddies from recent collections like Eldrazi Mimic which took my attention right when it was first spoiled.

This deck is surprisingly good and very much surprising for your opponents as well, because there's been a lot of time since they don't see a 12/12 trampler on turn 1 with several counterspells to back it up! And that pretty much sums up the deck: play your finisher ASAP, hold your counterspells to keep it alive and hit for the win! Of course it gets complicated, but that's why I mean to explain all the possible interactions here, but that's also when our brains have to work for it! lol

UB Stiflenought Mimic Homebrew

Main combos:

Phyrexian Dreadnought + Stifle

Phyrexian Dreadnought + Vision Charm

Eldrazi Mimic + Phyrexian Dreadnought

The key card here is Vision Charm because it can be used both to perform the combo protecting our Dreadnought by phasing it out in response to its trigger or to phase it out against enemy removal until your next upkeep!

There are several synergies in this deck and you can make very good use of any combo piece, you can get Eldrazi Mimic in play w/out fear because it will serve as a body on the field and also a serious threat when your Phyrexian Dreadnought comes into play, because you can either Stifle or Vision Charm after its ability and keep a 12/12 Mimic for the turn! You can even do this with multiple Eldrazi Mimic in play! I've used these synergies several times to beat people who didn't really knew what was coming...

Card draw is here mainly with Brainstorm, but we also have Baleful Strix which works as board control as well, Trinket Mage to fetch Phyrexian Dreadnought especifically and some other answers from our sideboard

Dark Ritual is here to enable a turn 1 Eldrazi Mimic + Phyrexian Dreadnought or even a Mimic + Thoughtseize for a turn 2 combo. It is also a very useful spell to attract counters! I had several games where my opponents would think I'm playing Storm or Reanimator because of the Lotus Petal and would then counter a turn 1 Dark Ritual just to fall short against a turn 2 Phyrexian Dreadnought + Stifle or something like that...

Thoughtseize, Force of Will, Daze and Spell Pierce are here to protect our combo, disrupt the opponent and give us information about their hands, use them wisely!

Duals are also not that necessary.. They would be awesome here. of course, but they won't make a huge difference and I currently can't even afford them..

I plan on getting Wasteland as well to turn this into something even more competitive, but this deck was created with budget restrictions and being honest, Ghost Quarter is running well enough for me.

Phyrexian Dreadnought:What to say about this card? It is my favorite finisher/creature/trampler/card EVER! I love the concept behind this card, first of all it is Phyrexian, which is awesome already, but then it is a DREADNOUGHT (what a cool name, cmon, be honest!) and a F*CKING 12/12 TRAMPLER FOR 1 MANA. The art is great, its idea of being a thing made of the scraps from the other creatures you have to sacrifice for it and all that, just amazing! I've always wanted a deck featuring this guy, so nothing better than my own Legacy deck using this kind of 'forgotten' combo.

Stifle:Dude, this is not just a combo piece. Seriously, people underestimate this card so much, I can't believe it. Stifle can do wonderful things in a game, you can counter a Planeswalker's ultimate, you can counter a fetchland (this one gets the *sshole award), you can counter Wastelands, you can counter the Storm trigger, etc.. AND on top of all that, this hugely versatile card is also a combo piece for this deck, which makes it even better, even if you can't get a good chance to use it against your opponent, it will not be a dead card on your hand because it is one of the main combo pieces of your deck.

Under construction~



Updates Add

I've just won the monthly Legacy tournament on my LGS using this build!

We had a few less people than the previous weeks because now it is no longer a league but only a monthly tournament, but I finally pulled it off and could win 3-0 today!

I played against UB Reanimator, High Tide and Lands, winning all 3 matches by 2-1.

*I'll replace the results from the previous league w/ the results from today


Revision 30 See all

(8 years ago)

-1 Darkwater Catacombs main
-1 Lim-Dul's Vault main
+1 Tainted Isle main
+1 Trinket Mage main
Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

23 - 6 Rares

8 - 4 Uncommons

17 - 3 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.00
Tokens Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders swag, Decks to try
Ignored suggestions
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