[Primer] Mina & Denn's Rampaging Roil | V-DSK
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 176 | 87 COMMENTS | 26481 VIEWS | IN 54 FOLDERS
Thanks for the helpful comments joshuaizac, you make good points about valakut and boundless realms. I might cut them later, but will try them out first just to see what happens. Maybe I can also squeeze in some more basics.
Your tips are great considerations, and they have crossed my mind before. It's more about if I want to go the ramp/fetch route or not. That I have to give some more thought.
Thanks for your time!
November 10, 2016 2:46 a.m.
Nice deck I like what you did with it, I was planning on building a Mina and Denn deck in the near future. I'm going to try and build a budget version though, but definitely going to use your deck for reference. Looks like it will be a fun play :-) +1
November 22, 2016 5:19 p.m.
carpecanum says... #5
Even in a mono-color landfall type deck i like Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse for the ability to play 2 lands in one round. To bounce a land you could use Darigaaz's Caldera or Rith's Grove is you choose a second commander with "partner". You don't even need to play it, just use the color identity (wastes a card in your deck though, i just thought it was a cute idea).
December 1, 2016 3:22 a.m.
Hey carpecanum,
Thanks for your time. I've considered evolving wilds and terramorphic expanse for this deck, but I've chosen to go for the panorama's instead as they don't etb tapped and they can produce colerless mana (which I need for some of the eldrazi in the deck). However, your comment about fetch lands and landfall is still true. I might squeeze in some more fetch lands if I find room (can't just cut basics, as I need enough for cards like valakut and wave of vitriol).
I do see an issue with your partner plan to enable the lairs: mina and denn do not have partner so it is not possible do add a second commander.
December 1, 2016 5 a.m.
Beebles thanks for the inspiration.. here is the outcome. Who Invited Them? let me know what you think
December 6, 2016 6:10 p.m.
Here's my version of a deck with Mina and Denn in the lead.
Lemme know what u think.
December 10, 2016 7 a.m.
Hi! Big fan of land decks here :)
I'm missing Skyshroud Ranger and Walking Atlas to help with further bouncing of lands :)
Quirion Ranger might be nice too, especially in combination with your Burgeoning
Cloudstone Curio can open up a lot of things, not only lands, but any ENTB effect really ;)
If you're into land stuff, I'm playing a Karametra deck, feel free to come have a look if you like :)
December 10, 2016 9:24 a.m.
Hey Jestrix,
Thanks for your feedback!
I like the thought of running Quiron Ranger. Good memories of that card, but I haven't considered it yet. Fits very well in the theme of the deck and would also combine well with those creatures that tap to get a land into play. I'll give that some thought.
I also never realized Cloudstone Curio works on lands. Interesting option. Got some things to ponder on now ;).
I'll have a look at your list as well
December 11, 2016 9:57 a.m.
Hi there, love the deck. I run a Mina and Denn landfall deck myself -> Mina and Denn's Wild Adventure Please check it out if you don't mind.
Have you considered Storm Cauldron? It allows you to land lands more landily, bounces your lands for you with minimal efforts, and can really disrupt your opponents' strategies all by itself. It might be a bit tricky to use, but I've loved the card as I find it too hilarious not to use.
Since you play a lot of tokens, what about Champion of Lambholt? She herself can get massively huge with just a few creature drops and in turn makes your creatures incredibly hard to block. I usually will play her and Avenger of Zendikar off of a Tooth and Nail for an instantly huge board.
Last suggestion: Genesis Wave. I don't know how big into the ramp game you are as much as the "shuffle-lands-around-constantly" game but with a couple of haste effects, Genesis Wave is an easy way to drop a bunch of lands and threats all at once.
Anyways, love it, glad to see it. Keep it going.
June 27, 2017 11:40 p.m.
Hey Paavvukun,
Thanks for taking the time to look at my list and to give me some suggestions. Did you also see cards you would cut? I hope to return the favor and look at your list when I have some more time on my hands.
About your tips:
- Storm Cauldron: this was in the first version of the deck but I removed it at some point for it being too situational. However, the "too hilarious not to play" argument is strong. I will reconsider this card ;).
- Champion of Lambholt: a good card for sure. However, I do not consider it a must play as I don't want to push the token stuff too far. Also, for tokens I prefer surprise effects over build-up ones.
- Genesis Wave: yes, I love this card as well. I did not put it in because I thought I played quite some non-permanent cards. But I checked, and I'm at 14 right now, which is actually not that high. I will consider adding the wave to this list.
Again, thanks for your time
June 28, 2017 4:08 a.m.
Ugh, see, you're asking me to do the hard part - cutting cards - lol. Hmm, I'm not a personal fan of Perilous Vault, but that's because I hate exiling my own stuff, but RG doesn't have much in the way of boardwipes (aside from Jokulhaups-type effects) so you can't be too picky. Other than that, Avenger of Zendikar?...? Reason being, it's a 7-drop if you don't cheat it into play, and if you do, it's typically at sorcery speed and the token army it brings with it is usually just "wrathed" off the board within the round. From my own games, I might be able to drop a land or two to make them a bit bigger, but at times it doesn't feel worth it (I still run it myself, but it's getting close to the chopping block). However, your deck is all about shuffling the lands around so your land drops are way more consistent.
I know all that doesn't sound super convincing, but your list is really tight. Hope this is something worth considering :)
June 30, 2017 12:03 a.m.
Hey Paavvukun! Thanks for your thoughts. I was away for a while, so sorry for the late reply.
- I actually really like Perilous Vault in this deck as exiling my own non-lands is not as bad for me as for other players. I run almost no ways to recur anything other than lands, so if they're exiled or in the graveyard is kind of the same.
- I see your point about Avenger of Zendikar. I've heard that criticism before and it might actually be good option to cut. Despite that I still really like the card, even if it usually ends up being just wrath-bait. I haven't played it enough to be bored of it yet ;).
- I already found room for your Genesis Wave tip! I feel it is more at home here then in the deck I used to run it in. So thanks!
I will look at your list now.
July 6, 2017 9:14 a.m.
Jimmy_Chinchila says... #16
Nice build! +1
Some possibilities you may like: Exploration, Slippery Karst, Animist's Awakening, High Market (token sac), Inkmoth Nexus, Blinkmoth Nexus, Oblivion Sower, Into the Wilds, Buried Ruin, Tectonic Edge, Greenwarden of Murasa, Sensei's Divining Top (for Courser of Kruphix)
August 13, 2017 7:01 a.m.
Hey Jimmy_Chinchila, thanks for looking at the deck and for giving some tips!
Many of the cards you mention I have considered or tested before. But in my tweaking an balancing I've decided on other similar cards most of the time. Let me give you some thoughts I have about the cards you mention:
- Exploration doesn't do a lot for the deck spot, as we already get our commander to do it. It's useful, but not required. Burgeoning does have that additional edge.
- Slippery Karst is great. However, the land base in this deck is super tight. I now play the HOU desert instead because of the synergy with Scavenger Grounds and I don't have room for more cycle lands atm.
- Animist awakening is a worse Genesis Wave or Traverse the Outlands in my experience and not worth the spot.
- High Market is usefull, but not s useful as the other utility lands. I prefer Radiant Fountain for lifegain in this deck.
- I used to run Oblivion Sower, but it whifs quite often. And in play it's just a big vanilla creature. I felt it wasn't strong enough in this deck.
- The nexi are good cards, but I don't run that many ways to make them bigger. I don't see enough synergy here to make me cut existing lands
- Buried Ruin and Tectonic Edge are useful, but again, it would be hard to find room in the deck for them. I already have 3 other lands I would to iclude ;) (see my last update)
- talking about that update, I've just cut Sensei's Divining Top and put back in Rishkar's Expertise. Top is indeed nice, but most of the time it doesn't provide me the cardadvantage I need. It might find its way back someday, if I find something to cut for it.
Again, thanks for the tips. It shows me there is just so much cool stuff to throw in a land deck that it comes to to making difficult choices ;). Hope I've given some insight into my decion making.
August 13, 2017 7:29 a.m.
hoardofnotions says... #18
Lifegift could be better than the jaddi offshoot
August 15, 2017 4:50 p.m.
Hey hoardofnotions, good to see you again,
I really like Lifegift and I would love to try it out. However, I don't think I want to replace offshoot with it. That card is mainly there because it's a defensive 1-drop to deter aggressive decks, while still being relevant to our strategy. It also has the benefit that I more often end up with 2 landfall cards before I drop my commander.
For me Lifegift competes more with other 3-drop landfall cards, like Retreat to Kazandu, Courser of Kruphix, Grazing Gladehart or even Tunneling Geopede.
I will try it out and see how it performs. Thanks for the tip!
August 16, 2017 2:25 a.m.
If only I could upvote comments ;). Thanks realBorborygmos!!
August 19, 2017 4:09 p.m.
Curlededly says... #22
I'm working on a similar deck and I have a few cards that I'm curious if you ever considered. If so, why leave them out? If not, what do you think?- Budoka Gardener - Centaur Vinecrasher for Recycling Compost - Dragonmaster Outcast because tokens - Scute Mob - Ground Assault - Liege of the Tangle - Rathi Dragon for handling flyers - Traproot Kami for handling flyers - Ulvenwald Hydra for handling flyers
November 15, 2017 4:08 p.m.
Hey Curlededly,
Thanks for your comment and for looking at my list for inspiration! Im happy to give answers to your questions.
- budoka gardener and similar cards are great in this type of deck as they allow for all kinds of shennanigans. Running a high number of lands limits your spots however and the tap-to-put-lands-into-play package is just not as appealing to me personally as the other themes I selected. Also, on their own they are just like Exploration: nice to have, but not necessary with mina and denns first ability most of the time.
- I tried centaur vinecrasher, but I found that there arent enough lands in my grave consistently for it to shine, so it was a dead card in most games I had it. And I dont want to rely on my opponents for it to be playable. If you build your list more toward dredge or land destruction, that card would be a much better fit.
- There is a clear reason for me not to run dragonmaster outcast and scutemob: they are buildup effects that usually paint large a target on your head without giving you enough advantage that would justify that cost. I generally dislike these type of effects in edh, and prefer effects that have immediate impact on the game over ones that need turns to become strong. That allows me to have more influence over when I become threatening. You could argue that dragonlair spider and dragon broodmother are similar, but at least those are threats themselves already and have more utility In this deck think. I do like to give the dragonmaster a try, which I didnt do yet.
- I never tried liege of the tangle, but it falls in a similar category for me as the previous 2 cards: it takes a lot to get going and as a vanilla 8/8 it doesnt have a big impact right away. In this deck I really wanted to focus on surprise big tempo plays. You could still do that with the liege, by adding a bunch of haste enablers for example.
- Although the iconic tempest dragon is dear to me, I dont think a Rathi Dragon is good enough for edh. It still is just 5/5 flyer that requires you to sac 2 mountains (which I rarely have turn 4), which isnt that great in multiplayer tbh. If my meta would become more flying heavy Id probably put back in eldrazi monument or things of that nature. And if I wanted more ways to get lands in the grave I would rather play zuran orb for example.
- I really like traproot kami. I actually wasnt aware of that card and I can see that being a good option if your meta is aggro-heavy. Solid one-drop with potential late-game uses.
- Ulvenwald Hydra is already in the deck, and I really like it. Big body with reach, tutors any land, and is green, so can be tutored easily as well, turning all creature tutors in this deck into land tutors.
- Ground assault could be an ok spot removal choice if you need answers to key creatures. I went for other options in that category, and I would probably go to beast within before picking ground assault.
Hope these answers helped you a little. Dont hesitate to share your list if you are ready with it!
November 15, 2017 7:19 p.m.
savagetrooper says... #25
Awesome deck! +1. You've inspired me to make an eldrazi version of mina and denn. I'm thinking of that eldrazi that grabs an opponents lands from exile and they enter into your battlefield. That sounds so fun!
joshuaizac says... #1
i like the decklist...a few cards seem to lack synergy though (hard to tell for sure without playtesting but;) ....
6 basic & 2 non-basic mountains seems low for Valakut, even with all the zone-swapping of lands...
Boundless Realms can be amazing but again...with 13 basics on your current list....without testing idk for sure...but i feel like this might be dead draw or only partial value half the time.
Animist's Awakening is worth a thought, though i've seen it swiff big too many times...
Explorer's Scope kind of cool, but also hit and miss.
Sword of the Animist is pretty cool in general...might be worth a though.
and....Realm Seekers, because it doesn't care about basics is awesome!
I know you said you're going more draw than fetch...but I still felt these were worth mentioning.
anyways....good stuff +1, hf & gl
November 9, 2016 6:33 p.m.