A modern Grixis control deck, looking to trade one for one or two for one in the early game against most matchups then ending it late game with Creeping Tar Pit, Cruel Ultimatum, or Rakdos's Return
This deck designed to be control based and use counters and bluffing to get spells through and prevent opponents from getting theirs
The deck also sideboards into Splinter Twin which can be a great surprise against many opponents
Dismember good killer for indestructible or high toughness creatures also can cast for
Electrolyze kills early creatures very well and is a cantrip also can take out two 1 toughness creatures
Victim of Night its like Doomblade but better
lighting bold no explanation needed one of the best modern spells
Mana Leak counters early game and mid game plays very good for 1u
Remand stops in an emergency also can stop your owns spells to get them back combos well if Snapcaster Mage gets countered
Spell Snare a one of good gotcha spell counters many relevant threats
Cryptic Command what doesn't this spell do, counter, draw, unsummon a creature full of counters, tap all pre-combat one of the best spells in the deck
Counterflux excellent counter stops storm combo, also flat out wins a counter war
Utility spells
Kolaghan's Command kills things, gets Snapcaster Mage or Vendilion Clique, kills artifacts against affinity]], takes out a card in the control mirror good all around
Rakdos's Return takes out their hand punches there face very good against most match ups and if uncountered pulls you very quickly ahead
Snapcaster Mage gets back all the good spells also a useful body in a pinch
Cruel Ultimatum an excellent back breaker
Vendilion Clique takes a card from them or gets rid of one you don't want also an effective beater
Desolate Lighthouse filter for late game lands you don't need
Stensia Bloodhall late game incremental advantage good against control
Creeping Tar Pit good win con with a decent clock against control or a defensive deck it can easily get through
sneaky sideboard plan
Deceiver Exarch and Splinter Twin surprise I'm playing twin good sneaky plan not very risky to tap out against control on turn 3 and if I can get a surprise twin off excellent win con. This transformation sideboard plan can get most opponents if you win game one
Vandalblast hello all artifacts you no longer have
Pyroclasm good sweeper against tokens or agro, because in early game i don't have the mana to always trade multiple spells in one turn
Dismember one more as backup
Gainsay control mirror always nice to have counters many relevant cards in a mirror