Mine Die = I win / Yours Die = I win

Modern* Phat_Shadow


Mr_Fuji says... #1

i like the change to the deck, the mill part before just didnt jive, maybe this will cut out the useless ones you never really used when it had the mill in it. and Diregraf CaptainMTG Card: Diregraf Captain is a beast. pretty awesome deck.

February 1, 2012 5:50 p.m.

AgntOrange says... #2

I like Moan of the UnhallowedMTG Card: Moan of the Unhallowed for any zombies. Also, Drowned CatacombMTG Card: Drowned Catacomb and Darkslick ShoresMTG Card: Darkslick Shores?

February 1, 2012 6:02 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #3

Thanks! I'm also going to take out 4 Islands and put in 4 multi-color lands for blue/black as soon as I get them. But that'll all come later.

February 1, 2012 6:02 p.m.

AgntOrange says... #4

If I were you, I'd probably -6 islands, -2 swamps, +4 Drowned CatacombMTG Card: Drowned Catacomb, +4 Darkslick ShoresMTG Card: Darkslick Shores. Of course, that's assuming you own them.

February 1, 2012 6:07 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #5

I don't own them yet but something tells me I soon will. Thanks!

February 1, 2012 6:12 p.m.

Mr_Fuji says... #6

Darkslick ShoresMTG Card: Darkslick Shores= $10 PER CARD lol and Drowned CatacombMTG Card: Drowned Catacomb = $5 PER CARD lol

February 1, 2012 6:13 p.m.

AgntOrange says... #7

They may seem expensive, but lands are ALWAYS a good investment. They'll always have value (especially those colors) and you'll always have a use for them.

February 1, 2012 6:15 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #8

Yeah...they are on high demand though because of all the amazing blue/black cards that are releasing with the new series.

February 1, 2012 6:15 p.m.

Zenthara says... #9

A few things: Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan, though it itself is not a zombie, can create many zombies very quickly. Havengul LichMTG Card: Havengul Lich can really help out by bringing back your fallen lords or bombs (Grimgrin, Corpse-BornMTG Card: Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan). Also, your sideboard needs to be 15 cards. But aside from that, I am a personal zombie fan and love the way this deck runs, so +1

February 1, 2012 6:17 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #10

Havengul LichMTG Card: Havengul Lich would be nice and I'll probably add her if I get her in a booster or what-not. But I don't think it's worth buying right now. And I've considered Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan but the fact that he's not a zombie will intefere with my Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave. That and the fact that I own Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave and not Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan. But thanks for the comment!!!

February 1, 2012 6:24 p.m.

Zenthara says... #11

Yea I see what you mean, sideboard maybe?

February 1, 2012 6:28 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #12

Yup...I just changed it. Thanks! I will also add Havengul LichMTG Card: Havengul Lich and/or Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan to (at least) the sideboard if I ever get them. I just don't like adding cards like that if I don't have them or I don't have any intention of buying/trading for them.

February 1, 2012 6:31 p.m.

LetteredFox says... #13

Since all your creatures are zombies trade DisentombMTG Card: Disentomb for Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant in your sideboard.

February 2, 2012 7:53 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #14

Totally didn't notice that...thanks!

February 2, 2012 8:04 p.m.

cartwheelnurd says... #15

Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil? maybe on the sideboard, but it's such a great card. also swap 1 Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave and 1 Diabolic TutorMTG Card: Diabolic Tutor into the sideboard for 2 Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant in the mainboard

February 4, 2012 11:55 a.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #16

Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil and Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant are both good "typical" black cards. But I really don't mind having cards in my graveyard with this deck, so they wouldn't do me much good. They give me cards to feed my Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper. I also like having my Vengeful PharaohMTG Card: Vengeful Pharaoh in the graveyard more than having him on the field. I usually discard him from my hand with Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil if I can or if my opponent casts a spell requiring me to discard. If not, I just hold on to him and play him when I have enough mana, then sac him with Grimgrin, Corpse-BornMTG Card: Grimgrin, Corpse-Born if he's out.

I've played with this deck several times so far (free style with friends...not at FNM yet) and I've only lost once. However, these exact cards aren't in my deck yet. I still need to get the GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler's and the Drowned CatacombMTG Card: Drowned Catacomb's.

February 6, 2012 10:51 a.m.

runner15 says... #17

I've built this already ... you're doing it wrong ;-)You need at least 24 creatures, this deck is rush down no time to sit around! Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead is a waste, it's too slow to get what you want out of it; maybe just 2, not 4 (the zombies don't get haste!).

Don't you hate when people do this ...

Play test the one on my account ...

Vengeful PharaohMTG Card: Vengeful Pharaoh will actually screw you, if he's in the graveyard, and his ability triggers ... guess what you draw. If you're in need of an answer next turn you're screwed. He's only good on paper IMO. His is not a may ability, you must.

4x Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger; this is a must. Period.

4x Diregraf GhoulMTG Card: Diregraf Ghoul

2-3x SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender

4x Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict (add more Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil and Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter(2) to make up). This allows you to sack Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger for damage while making it stronger. Plus Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader is really popular right now.

Grimgrin, Corpse-BornMTG Card: Grimgrin, Corpse-Born can kill Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger as well ...

Like I said there's no time to waste, add Turn to FrogMTG Card: Turn to Frog to the side board for worm coils and Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusaders; they never see it coming. Mine took 2nd place on Tuesday out of 23 people (no sideboard for control ... I forgot, lol)

February 8, 2012 5:21 p.m.

runner15 says... #18

Consider this (happened to me on Tuesday):

Diregraf CaptainMTG Card: Diregraf Captain is out, you have 5 mana.

Play Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger

Play Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict, sack Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger

You just did 5 damage, with out attacking.

The other guy is now at 2 life .. swing two GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawlers.If he blocks he dies, if he doesn't he dies ... wonderful.

Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger breaks games that are deadlocked (aggro on aggro). They don't want to block him, they don't want you to block with him.

February 8, 2012 5:31 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #19

I'm listening...but I have a few questions:

1) What cards do you suggest I take out? (besides 2xEndless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead and 3xVengeful PharaohMTG Card: Vengeful Pharaoh's that is)

2)What is the Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter for? I don't get the big advantage of that card.

3)Is SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender really necessary? I'll have at least 4 destroy cards in the deck plus the Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave.

February 8, 2012 6:53 p.m.

runner15 says... #20

Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter gets rid of Inkmoth NexusMTG Card: Inkmoth Nexus, Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run, Moorland HauntMTG Card: Moorland Haunt; you need at least two. I do because if they activate a Inkmoth NexusMTG Card: Inkmoth Nexus and pump with Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run I'll die. Moorland HauntMTG Card: Moorland Haunt is annoying if they have guys in the "yard".

Land "should" be:

1x IslandMTG Card: Island

12x SwampMTG Card: Swamp

2x Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter

4x Drowned CatacombMTG Card: Drowned Catacomb

4x Darkslick ShoresMTG Card: Darkslick Shores

That's 23, add a new card :-)

If you can't get the black/blue lands, then try the combo of swamps and islands.

-2 Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade

-2 Go for the ThroatMTG Card: Go for the Throat

+4 Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict

This makes some folks uneasy, if you don't like the fact you can't target, leave it as is. Try both.Remember you won't be able to touch Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader or Geist of Saint TraftMTG Card: Geist of Saint Traft

-4 Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead

+4 Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger

Again, endless is too slow, the guys you get don't have haste; if you only have two zombies when you play it you're sad

-3 Mana Leak

+3 Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil

The chick is good because she can sack your guys or theirs, and they have to deal with her. If you play her while the field is empty your sitting pretty if they don't have an answer. With one or two Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messengers as blocker(s) she's nuts.

-2 Diabolic TutorMTG Card: Diabolic Tutor

-2 Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave

+4 DistressMTG Card: Distress

DistressMTG Card: Distress turn two or three is great. Make them drop swords, planes walkers, etc. You also know whats coming for a few turns. I know how you feel about Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave, I didn't want to cut it either. But by turn 5 you're either trying to press an advantage or survive ... They never sack the creature that you want and undying is in now so ...

-1 Walking CorpseMTG Card: Walking Corpse

-1 Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper

+2 Diregraf GhoulMTG Card: Diregraf Ghoul

She comes in tapped but she only costs 1 ... I've not regretted her yet. I think only 3 Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reapers is enough. Feel free to disagree.

That leaves SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender. He's a 3/3 without a captain / lord on the field; with one or two he looks petty sexy. You're going to swing your GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawlers every turn; they can't block so you do it. When you have a Captain/Lord out SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender can kill a titan if they blocked with it. You always swing to make they think it's always safe to block. After that, they think about it a little longer if you have mana and cards. He costs 4 versus the 5 for Vengeful PharaohMTG Card: Vengeful Pharaoh. If you play with cards that put zombies back in your hand (Vapor SnagMTG Card: Vapor Snag or Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant) you can force peopel to play around the fact you have him in your hand.

Those changes make it pretty close to my build. In the end it's your deck. I mean you could even add MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod, you've got 8 creatures that are good to sac.

I would however get rid of the following for sure: Walking CorpseMTG Card: Walking Corpse, Diabolic TutorMTG Card: Diabolic Tutor, Mana LeakMTG Card: Mana Leak, Diabolic TutorMTG Card: Diabolic Tutor, Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave, Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead

February 8, 2012 7:39 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #21

Ok...so I've done a bit of thought and I'm accepting most of your recommendations with a bit of stubbornness:

I've ordered the 4xDrowned CatacombMTG Card: Drowned Catacomb's (I've been meaning to do that anyways) but can't yet justify spending the money on Darkslick ShoresMTG Card: Darkslick Shores or Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter. So for now I'll just play around with that and the swamp/island ratio.

Even after what you said and hearing it from a friend of mine (he saw your comment and agrees with you btw) I still can't justify wiping out my Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead. Though it starts off slow sometimes, if the game carries on it provides HUGE endgame insurance. Although, I have taken out one as well as taken out my 3 Vengeful PharaohMTG Card: Vengeful Pharaoh's to put in 4xGeralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger. Which would only make sense to add in some Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict in place of Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade. However, I'm going to play around with that idea because it is a big sacrifice for me not to be able to target.

I would LOVE to replace my Mana LeakMTG Card: Mana Leaks with Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil but (without trying to sound too cheap) I just ain't got the $$$$ for that big of a jump right now. So, instead, I am replacing them with SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender thanks to your recommendation.

As nice as DistressMTG Card: Distress sounds, I don't like the idea of taking out my Call to the GraveMTG Card: Call to the Grave and especially my Diabolic TutorMTG Card: Diabolic Tutor for it. The only move I've been tossing up along those lines have been replacing the Diabolic TutorMTG Card: Diabolic Tutor with Increasing AmbitionMTG Card: Increasing Ambition. One more mana cost, but the flashback makes it worth it imo.

And lastly, I am replacing my one Walking CorpseMTG Card: Walking Corpse with one more Diregraf GhoulMTG Card: Diregraf Ghoul (don't know why I didn't see that earlier...thanks). However, I still wanna keep my Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper count up to 4.

This is making a huge change to this deck but I think it'll be for the better. I hope so b/c I have spend just over $70 on cards tonight. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

February 8, 2012 10:24 p.m.

runner15 says... #22

Might I suggest one other set up I found interesting while play testing (I'll be trying this on Friday)

I dropped the Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict and DistressMTG Card: Distress and added

4x Vapor SnagMTG Card: Vapor Snag

4x UnsummonMTG Card: Unsummon

Reason being; some times the deck plays very slow; this fixes it. Also, people tend to sac creatures with undying. The only creature I can't touch is Geist of Saint TraftMTG Card: Geist of Saint Traft and they usually don't want to swing just to lose it.

It's very cheap control; I'm finding the results quite surprising! I can put a Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger back in my hand and replay it without counters! You can also take a SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender back! So they even work late game!

Block and kill Geist of Saint TraftMTG Card: Geist of Saint Traft, Vapor SnagMTG Card: Vapor Snag the angel; won a test game that way ... boss.

February 9, 2012 1:14 p.m.

runner15 says... #23

I still say the enchantments will ruin you. Let em know how they work. Might side Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead to keep up with green/white tokens.

February 9, 2012 1:15 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #24

I will consider both the UnsummonMTG Card: Unsummon via dropping Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead but I want to try it the way it is with the cards I've got. I like the way it is just by looking at the playtest though. I've even used Endless Ranks of the DeadMTG Card: Endless Ranks of the Dead on the playtest without regret. But we'll have to see how it works in a real game to figure that out.

February 9, 2012 1:20 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #25

Rooftop StormMTG Card: Rooftop Storm gives you infinite +1/+1 counters on Grimgrin, Corpse-BornMTG Card: Grimgrin, Corpse-Born with GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler.

February 10, 2012 4:02 p.m.

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