
**Cows shifting to PIONEER...!

Currently for testing...**


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My take on the tribal Minotaur deck. I'm a fan of tribal decks ever since Onslaught Block and the succeeding blocks with tribal themes.

This is my aggro-type Standard Minotaur Tribal Deck. Cheap and weak looking Minotaurs like Gnarled Scarhide and Deathbellow Raider are for early beaters. Everything starts getting broken when the horde leaders assemble - the Minotaur Lords!!

Rageblood Shaman grants trample and +1/+1 boost to the entire horde, while Felhide Petrifier turns them into a death squad army. Ragemonger decreases casting costs, allowing more Minotaurs to drop faster. And finally, Kragma Warcaller grants haste and a +2/+0 boost that can actually deliver the alpha strike of the horde.

In order to keep the horde going, disruption spells like Thoughtseize and Duress hampers opponent's plans and help get rid of things (such as hexproof guys, enchantments or big monsters) that the horde can't deal with in the battlefield.

Now, the tribe's threat even gets better with the latest splashed card, Collected Company!! Since most bulls are cmc 3, casting it at opponent's EOT and grabbing and landing more cows makes the battlefield more brutal!!

Sideboard options may vary, but typically it is meant to deal with decks that currently run around in our respective LGS. Dark Betrayal is an all-star in dealing with anything black, from Siege Rhino to Butcher of the Horde and anything else. Stain the Mind is to get rid of combo pieces like Jeskai Ascendancy and it's components. Drown in Sorrow is for aggro decks and it also barely affect the horde since most of them has 3 toughness.


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95% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #40 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

24 - 10 Rares

17 - 2 Uncommons

9 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.37
Folders Taurs, Other Peoples' Decks, Minotaur, Black Red, Standard, cool decks, aggro , j, good decks, Favorites
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