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Μῑνώταυρος Minotaurs

Standard RBW (Mardu) Tribal




So close to infinite...

Will complete more of this later. Idea and critiques are welcome!

THIS IS NOT AN INFINITE COMBO DECK AS I FIRST THOUGHT. Sigh I should stop constructing so damn late. Sticking to it just being a Minotaur Tribal deck then. Will change the description later. You can essentially still get as many extra combat phase as you want if you have the mana for it (2 per extra combat phase).

Infinite Combo! At first I simply though Aurelia, the Warleader I is great in this deck. Then it dawned on me!

In your main phase, have enough mana to cast Aurelia, the Warleader and then Boros Charm for its indestructible creatures. Tap Felhide Spiritbinder for mana. Then Declare attackers. Declare Aurelia as an attacker, and since she doesnt tap due to vigilence, tap her for mana. ((If this is not legal then another creature will be required for the combo, for a total of 2 creatures, Felhide Spiritbinder, and Aurelia, the Warleader)). Declaring Auerelia attacking for the first time causes there to be another combat phase after this one. The other part of her ability is that this untaps Felhide and the other creature, which triggers Felhide's ability. Now use the mana saved from earlier to create a copy of Aurelia, and sacrifice the old one. For the remainder of the declare attacker phase have your untapped creature do his thing of attacking, surviving because of indestructibility from Boros Charm, and then go on to your next combat phase from the original Aurelia, the Warleader.

Now just repeat. (And a quick review at the same time). Tap Felhide for mana. Then declare Aurelia as attacking which creates another combat phase after this one and untaps Felhide and the other creature, which triggers Felhide's Inspired. As the Inspired triggers, tap Aurelia for the other mana, and make a copy of Aurelia. Since still declaring attackers, tap your still indestructible creature (your turn hasnt ended yet) as an attacker and attack away. Blockers, Resolve, and then onto the next combat phase.

Whats nice is that Boros Charm also makes your Springleaf Drum indestructible so that it is harder to stop the combo. Glaring Spotlight sacrificed during your first main phase before combat phase will also make your creatures unblockable and hexproof for the duration of the combo. So in theory, any way you can get your creature to attack and not die will help you to achieving victory.

I am quite the fan of Minotaur Skullcleaver . He has a decent CMC, haste, and swings for an initial 4. And because of battlefield entry ability, it makes it an ideal copy for Felhide Spiritbinder, especially since it isnt as prone to removal as some of the other minotaurs until its too late. Even better if you have Kragma Warcaller or other boosting minotaurs on the battlefield to make the Minotaur Skullcleaver copy even more powerful!

Things like Springleaf Drum not only gains you mana, but also helps Felhide Spiritbinder to not need to attack in order to tap out.


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Revision 3 See all

(11 years ago)

-3 Duress side
+1 Fanatic of Mogis maybe
+3 Glaring Spotlight side
+3 Oracle of Bones maybe
+3 Duress maybe
+3 Fall of the Hammer maybe
+2 Gild maybe
+2 Hammer of Purphoros maybe
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 7 Rares

16 - 9 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Standard, minos combo
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