Minotaurs of the Mardu Clan

Standard* David_Lawson


Saberxbro says... #1

Get rid of In Garruk's Wake and Worst Fears

Felhide Petrifier is useless here, deathtouch doesnt really matter when you're playing aggro

Chandra's Fury wouldn't be as good as another lightning strike and a Crater's Claws

4x Gnarled Scarhide

4x Ragemonger

You may want to try Mogis's Marauder, because even though he isnt a minotaur, he grants intimidate

July 29, 2015 10:56 p.m.

Saberxbro says... #2

You should really be running Kolaghan's Command mainboard.

If you want to go full on aggro;

Titan's Strength and Temur Battle Rage work wonders together

July 29, 2015 10:57 p.m.

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