Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

SCORE: 640 | 350 COMMENTS | 151405 VIEWS | IN 326 FOLDERS

HoweYouDrewin says... #1

What do you think of replacing 2 of your verdicts with some combination of wrath of god, day of judgment, settle the wreckage, and damnation? A big contender for having so many board wipes is humans, but they play a meddly boi

February 15, 2018 6:17 p.m.

Spotred says... #2

HoweYouDrewin Ive considered it. Though I really dont want my sweepers countered by Stub and Geist decks. With Path, Push and Brutality I do think we have a fair chance to remove the meddling mage when needed. But yeah, this is a valid concern. I might change the third Verdict in the side to another-named-sweeper. Good call.

February 16, 2018 1:48 a.m.

htfilm says... #3

Just putting in my two cents here.

I personally think that Path to Exile is severely overrated. Sure, the land might not matter in some matches, but it WILL in most, especially with so many low-curve decks these days that would love a free land, like Death's Shadow decks, Young Pyromancer decks, and Affinity. It's also often necessary to kill mana dorks that come down turn one these days, and it's getting more important than ever before thanks to the threat of a turn 3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Path simply does not kill mana dorks, in an era when they are more common than ever. I accept it when there is no other reasonable 1-mana option besides things like Dismember, which I am fond of, but I see you are running Fatal Push as well. I would remove 1 Path to Exile to add a fourth Push. It still hits most of the meta: Tarmogoyf, Noble Hierarch, Death's Shadow, Dark Confidant, the aforementioned Pyromancer, and revolted, which is easily achieved by adding one or two more fetchlands, hits the new Bloodbraid Elf. I do recognize that Path is still the better option against Tron, Breach, and other go-over-Jace decks, and so I would add one in the sideboard, removing a Disdainful Stroke which serves the same purpose, but is one more mana.

Again, this is just my opinion and I recognize that you have had far more experience with the deck than I have, so if these are just the ramblings of a confused player, feel free to ignore this.

February 17, 2018 11:18 a.m.

Plus 1 from me! I've always loved Myth Realized and this seems like the perfect home for it, Have you tested Field of Ruin or Thing in the Ice  Flip?

I feel like ruin can serve the same purpose as Ghost Quarter but its not as hard on your own mana base

To me flipping thing around turn 6/7 would end the game on the spot if you hit myth on turn 1

February 22, 2018 11:20 a.m.

Spotred says... #5

htfilm I think these are found arguments, and I do see the reason for why a fourth Push would be beneficial. Not giving away free lands to the faster deck in the format seems good. I believe it's either a meta call or an analytic decision. Eldrazi Tron is my biggest concern, but then again the matchup is so poor that I'm not sure it's worth the third Path. I'm also worried about delve threats when cutting a path however, those are probably going down in popularity due to JtMS.

MrJohnyThanks and glad you think so! I'd love to have Field of Ruin in the deck, but I'm afraid the deck can't handle it. It's so mana intensive and requires double Black, White and Blue which is hard to achieve with colorless lands in the mix. I might try one, replacing either a fastland or filter.

Thing in the Ice  Flip has been a consideration quite often, but the list is so tight that I'm always just looking at trying one copy. At that point 'one copy' isn't really where you want to be with Thing, so I'm ending up ditching the idea every time - for example Geist of Saint Traft would be a better one of.

February 22, 2018 3:29 p.m.

Yea I see what you mean about ruin, wanting to cast spells with UU, BB and WW is not an easy thing to do consistently

Thing is kind of a double edge sword, when it hits it's amazing, and it's great in multiples but if you top deck it late game it could be a game ender. That being said 3 seems to be the correct number to run if you really going to do it but I couldn't even begin to suggest how to make room for it

February 22, 2018 4:03 p.m.

Spotred says... #7

MrJohny exactly. If I wasnt trying to incorporate JtMS in the list now, I think Field of Ruin would be worth exploring.

Three copies - if not four - sounds about the right number. Myth and Things sounds like a cool concept, but I think thats for another shell.

February 22, 2018 4:21 p.m.

Squirrelbacon says... #8

This list looks like a ton of fun! I've always been hopeful for Myth Realized but was never brave enough to play it. Just as a small question/suggestion, have you thought about adding some Apostle's Blessing to protect myth further from spot removal? I feel like in this list it would be better than counterspells as you can force through blockers then also!

You might also not have a problem with protecting myth due to all the discard, so it could be totally mute as well.

Best of luck and sweet list!

February 25, 2018 4:52 p.m.

TrueTribal says... #9

May I ask what matchup Esper Charm is in the sideboard for? Just wondering.

March 5, 2018 5:15 p.m.

Spotred says... #10

TrueTribal I prefer to bring it in versus midrange / Control / other grindy matchups. I do dont want them main as itll jeopardize G1 chances versus aggressive decks.

March 6, 2018 12:57 a.m.

Very cool build, and incredibly impressive description! +1

March 14, 2018 2:01 a.m.

jaylawlerrr says... #12

Myth Realized is the truth. I don't know why it's not played more...very underrated- especially in spell heavy Esper decks. I've always loved it. Very nice alters btw!

March 21, 2018 1:47 a.m.

Flooremoji says... #13

Disrupting sphere or whatever it is from the dominra block kills both storm and tron.

March 23, 2018 2:32 a.m.

raydigga232 says... #14

Brother, I have been making myth realized decks since it's creation. Sooo many versions. Up until I took esper myth to a 1k event with 44 ppl this past weekend, I had the deck posted here. I was even going to take it to the SCG Open on Milwaukee. I even bought JTMS and Cryptic. After getting crushed, I've decided I'm going to try a version of Jeskai. Here's why. It has a lot of bad match ups against the most abundant decks in modern. Burn and Ponza is back breaking. Blood moons annilate this deck.Jund is also really rough. Blood braid is insane value. Abrupt decays kill all ur threats. There's nothing more brutal than having a 6/6 myth get decayed and u have a hand full of useless counter magic. Even if u land a JTMS, BBE or bolt can still kill it and they make sure they keep one ready. Yes u can up jace to get it to 5, but their threat density on turn 4 is usually too much to ignore and 5 damage from say a goyf or Confidant + bolt is common. And bouncing a BBE with jace is horrific. Jace was supposed to be the saving grace powerhouse myth needed and it's often underwhelming unless u already have firm control. But some positive advice since I REALLY want to see you succeed: Think Twice and Doomfall. Holy crap Doomfall is good. It catches bogles, it kills Thrun when sided it in, exiles indestructibles like Ulamog, exiles Reality smasher no discard, OR at worst it's hand destruction to exile. There is seriously never a time where drawing it is useless, unlike inquisition or thoughtseize. Think Twice is this decks friend. At best its 2 cards and 2 counters on myth. At worse, discard it to Lily or collective brutality and u stil get a card and a counter. I hope this helps. Good luck!

March 27, 2018 3:24 a.m.

Spotred says... #15

raydigga232 too bad you deleted your deck here as I do not get as much information as if I could compare lists.

Anyway, based on your post it seems you ran your own myth brew with counter magic in the mix. Personally I do not think counter magic should be utilized in Esper Mythseize as your plan is different due to LotV. The Countermyth version, which is only UW, is much more suited for Cryptic, Think Twice and such. I would personally not try to mix the two builds, but thats based on my experience with the card since its printing.

So based on our differences in build I can not say I share the same experience with Jund & Burn. The former is about 50/50 and burn becomes manageable with Collective Brutality. However I can agree with that blood moon and land hate is a rough beating.

Jeskai is an interesting color pair for the card, but not for me to explore - good luck with that project. Doomfall is an interesting but and cute tech, might test a copy sometime.

March 27, 2018 4:08 p.m.

xEth0sx says... #16

Nice concept. Seems fun. +1. Couple suggestions: fatal push isn’t near as good as it once was. (Blood braid elf, meddling mage). I’d consider going down and bringing in the 4th path. Search for azcanta seems like a great addition to the list. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria has been a rock star in modern as well and is definitely worth a shot here.

June 9, 2018 9:34 a.m.

I would play Monastery Mentor- one of the problems with just Myth Realized as your only wincon (not counting Jace, the Mind Sculptor) is that you may not draw it when you need it; and with Myth Realized's very nature meaning that it isn't that good if you draw it late, a second wincon could prove very useful especially in matchups with lots of removal/hand hate.

June 26, 2018 2:59 a.m.

Squirrelbacon says... #18

I'm going to feel really sad after I say this as Monastery Mentor is one of my favorite cards, however, the main deck is significantly better without him than with him. It looks like it makes sense, but in reality for game one all he does is provide a target for spot removal. Including that, one if the best aspects of this deck is also how well it does into control due to LiLi and dodging most sorcery speed removal since myth is odd.

That said, it might work real nice in the side board as an extra threat!!

June 26, 2018 2:03 p.m.
October 26, 2018 12:03 p.m.

Spotred says... #20

captainamerica because of how fast the creature decks have become - Dredge, Humans, Spirits etc. When you miracle Terminus, it’s way better than any four mana sweeper. The list already had two Jace main. Adding the third and switching Serum Vision for Opt isn’t the biggest change / loss. If you end up with a Terminus in the opener, you can always feed it to Liliana or Brutality. Since Myth doesn’t get hit by sweepers you don’t have to worry much about the timing. Finally the miracle cost makes it possible to swing with Myth after the sweep, something I found I often couldn’t do after a four mana wrath.

I like it.

October 27, 2018 12:18 a.m.

wolfhead says... #21

those myth realized alters are so amazing!!

October 27, 2018 4:41 p.m.

mtgplayer100 says... #22

What about cantrips to smooth out your draws, make Snapcaster Mage better and get Myth Realized big quicker?

November 19, 2018 9:28 a.m.

Spotred says... #23

mtgplayer100 just testing something new. The Azcanta’s and Chart’s are the cantrip slots. Cantrips are definitely viable, just wanted to see how the list performed if I replaced those with tad stronger lategame cards.

November 19, 2018 4:35 p.m.

mtgplayer100 says... #24

Makes sense. Don't know about Chart, but Azcanta is definitely very strong.

November 21, 2018 6:56 a.m.

Spotred says... #25

mtgplayer100 yeah it is! If it sticks.. There are so many answers to it now that it might not be worth it tbh. Chart seems good in theory - discard to reach the Azcanta treshold and to pitch Souls or redundant cards like Terminus / hand disruption. The lack of cantrips makes hitting land drops a bit harder which is a concern I have.

November 21, 2018 4:08 p.m.

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