Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

SCORE: 640 | 350 COMMENTS | 151405 VIEWS | IN 326 FOLDERS

n00beh1 says... #1

Have you considered running greater auramancy to protect your myths? you can even do it on curve

December 4, 2018 8:17 p.m.

hungry000 says... #2

What are your reasons for not playing cantrips anymore? Opt in particular seems pretty important to me since it lets you draw Terminus on op's turn.

December 28, 2018 11:32 a.m.

Spotred says... #3

hungry000 it’s an experiment, which have worked nicely so far — the Azcanta and Chart’s are the four cantrip slots.

Compared to UW Control, Mythseize is a tapp-out midrange deck and such it doesn’t really depend on hitting Terminus “on beat”. With Chart, Brutality, Liliana and Jace you have multiple ways of dealing with Terminus in hand. Also the deck have lots of cards that’s really situational; hand disruption, lategame Myths, too few / too many lands. Chart a Course and Azcanta really helps with the quality of the hand. Satisfying the clause is doable with Lingering Souls and discarding Souls is also an option. Finally T1 - T2 is prioritized by Myth and Hand disruption and you mulligan most 1 land hands anyway.

I really think Chart + Azcanta have upped the power level of the list, but I won’t frown at someone who chose to run cantrips instead.

December 28, 2018 5:26 p.m.

shroom_dude says... #4

Man has been on the grind! Easy upvote.

January 18, 2019 7:23 a.m.

thegoat1 says... #5

Hiya, Would you happen to have a budget version of the deck in any way? I LOVE this deck and dont have the money for the landbase or the planeswalkers. Thanks in advance!!

March 11, 2019 12:32 p.m.

Spotred says... #6

thegoat1 not something I’ve worked on. But I might make a budget list once Modern Horizons releases. I hope that Counterspell will be printed, which might replace Liliana.

March 11, 2019 4:01 p.m.

hungry000 says... #7

thegoat1 I made a super budget version for a friend, if you want to take a look: Budget Esper Myth Realized It's based off of an older version of Mythseize, though.

March 11, 2019 5:46 p.m.

thegoat1 says... #8

Hey Spot, thanks for the quick replies. Im starting to feel, unless I am playing the deck wrong, that LiLi and Jace are doing about 80% of the work. Remove the threats to L and J and they become the bigger threat. It may also be a land problem that im hitting but it always feels like im ONE step behind the block. Id love to hear your input on what a good turn 1-3 looks like for this deck. I want Myth Realized to work so badly. love the card haha.

March 11, 2019 6:12 p.m.

Spotred says... #9

thegoat1 I'm not following you here, you first ask for a budget version and then ask list specific questions. Are you referring to my current list or a version you've put together based due to budget restrictions?

Regarding the the ideal 1-3 sequence I realize my page is a little outdated - don't have much time writing these days. But, ideally you want to have a Myth on the field t1/2 then cast spells to disrupt your opponent. A turn three Lingering Souls or Liliana is good, but the best scenario is if you land a t4 Jace with Terminus in hand.

This being said the current meta is a little rough for the deck, since Tron and Dredge is almost an auto loss game one. Burn is a 40/60 matchup in their favor. But, Phoenix, Death's Shadow and most flavors of Combo/Control/Midrage are even to great matchups.

March 12, 2019 7:10 a.m.

thegoat1 says... #10

Im sorry, youre right I made that hard to follow. Im running your "current" tappedout list for free on platforms like cockatrice and untap and was feeling that Myth, in terms of threat, is low compared to LiLi and Jace. (im a newer player, only about a year total of competitive gameplay)

March 12, 2019 10:28 a.m.

Spotred says... #11

thegoat1 I see, then I understand. I recently upped the land count to 24, so the manabase should be a bit more consistent. That being said the 24th land could be a cantrip instead.

Myth is an inevitability. This is a midrange deck, not control or aggro. Jace and Lili are threats alongside Myth, Souls and Colonnade. Having a diverse set of threats makes the deck harder to interact with - which is the point. That being said, Myth isn't a powerhouse card - it feels more or less like "Delver in modern". Sometimes it flips sometimes it doesn't. I think Counterspell would be something that'll boost the Myth plan, so here's to a "reprint" in Modern Horizons.

March 12, 2019 11:35 a.m.

ThoAlmighty says... #13

Deck looks sweet, +1 from me!

A few questions about how it runs, though:

  1. Do you find 4 Serum Visions is enough to consistently find any of your 4 Myth Realized?

  2. When you can't find a Myth Realized, are your Colonnades/Walkers enough to win the game or stall until you get one?

  3. With only hand disruption and no countermagic, how do you fare in combo matchups? Have you considered things like Negate and Damping Sphere in the sideboard for things like Storm, Tron, and Amulet Titan?

  4. What is your plan for beating Blood Moon or other lock pieces like Chalice?

March 25, 2019 3:58 p.m.

Spotred says... #14

ThoAlmighty Thanks, and great sequence of questions! Might add some of them to the FAQ section in the primer - lets see if I can answer them properly;

Do you find 4 Serum Visions is enough to consistently find any of your 4 Myth Realized, and when you can't find a Myth Realized, are your Colonnades/Walkers enough to win the game or stall until you get one?

  • While Myth Realized is the center piece of the deck, it isn't pivotal for the strategy. I like to compare Mythseize to Jund/Junk/GBx, and see Myth as a threat similar, but not equal to Tarmogoyf. While the games where you have a T1-2 Myth are more potent threat-wise, you still can navigate a win with the combination of Souls, Colonnade and the Walkers. I'm wary of putting all the eggs in one basket, which is why the list doesn't do a bigger effort in finding Myth. You can not rely on the monk avatar in every game. That said, I rarely side any out - only a couple when you face heavy grind/interaction i.e. GBx or Control. I've won games where I find Myth late thanks to the mana sink mode. However, I won't deny that it's a worse top deck than Goyf. This is an inherent flaw with the card that's hard to solve, but I think the "London mulligan" (if incorporated) will benefit the deck on that aspect.

With only hand disruption and no countermagic, how do you fare in combo matchups? Have you considered things like Negate and Damping Sphere in the sideboard for things like Storm, Tron, and Amulet Titan?

  • I believe that our combo matchup is quite good. I've rarely lost to Storm or other combo thanks to the combination of discard and Myth (which they struggle interacting with). I used to be on a counter heavy build with Cryptic Command and co. However, I found the proactive part of hand disruption to be more relevant for the build. For example; casting an Inquisition of Kozilek without the intent of taking a card in order to put a lore counter on the enchantment. Countermagic main deck also doesn't bond well with Liliana of the Veil. The sideboard is another story, and could (or maybe should) include countermagic. That said, my plan is also to rely on Unmoored Ego in these matchups.

What is your plan for beating Blood Moon or other lock pieces like Chalice?

  • For Blood Moon you have to rely on the five basics and hope that hand disruption catch the first copy game one. Post sideboard you should side inn Engineered Explosives and maybe try to Unmoored Ego it away. The same goes for Chalice, minus Ego. Here you want to grab chalice T1 with hand disruption and get Myth down T2 - in reverse order on the play. That said these lock pieces are really good against the deck, and I acknowledge that the list have few answers to them. My sideboard is focused on being favored against Burn and have a chance against Dredge/Tron post board.
March 30, 2019 4:01 p.m.

Flooremoji says... #15

Hey! Have you been playing against Phoenix latley? I couldn't find the matcup in your spreedsheets :) Decks looking brutal!

April 16, 2019 12:38 p.m.

Spotred says... #16

Flooremoji The spreadsheet is a bit outdated at the moment as I’m in a bit of a hiatus. Planning on doing a season refresh once WAR/Horizons/London Mulligan hits. Since the list and meta probably will look a little different

However, I’ve playtested Phoenix quite a bit, and I would say that it’s a positive matchup. Currently testing the MU with the new Teferi and the card is surprisingly potent.

April 16, 2019 3:07 p.m.

ArmouredDuck says... #17

How important is Serum Visions over opt? The concern is getting terminus on the enemies turn requires TTR and Serum and terminus on top (most likely Jace). That seems like a lot of hoops, but I'm unsure if the scry 2 before draw makes up for it.

May 6, 2019 10:57 p.m.

Spotred says... #18

ArmouredDuck Good question. I’ve always preferred Serum due to how it fixes your draws. But with TTR, Snapcaster becomes a much bigger role player and Opt is a better Snap-target in most cases. Also, with the London mulligan finding lands in the opener isn’t that big of a concern - a case which favored Serum Visions. I’ll test Opt and see how it performs. It’s worth a re-visit.

May 7, 2019 7:10 a.m.

wolfhead says... #19

thoughtseize on their drawstep sounds so good

May 8, 2019 2:48 p.m.

swagfrog says... #20

Have you thought about Dead of Winter and replacing your basics with snow basics?

June 14, 2019 2:58 p.m.

Spotred says... #21

swagfrog Yes, but not sure if it’s worth it without snow duals.

June 14, 2019 3:58 p.m.

Snowmen1 says... #22

really like this deck! do you think Kaya's Guile should rly be a four of? I think it is good, but being 3 mana it competes a lot with other 3+ drops like Kaya, Orzhov Usurper , Teferi, Time Raveler , Jace, the Mind Sculptor . I dont know though, because being able to have a edict effect and graveyard hate mainboard can go a long way...Im not sure of this. Let me know how it goes. it may be worth it to put a counterspell in the main, really good to have card selection for Snapcaster Mage , so even having one goes a long way. also a cool thing to note about Teferi, Time Raveler that Im sure everyone knows is that you can Time Walk people in a way by using him to cast discard spells on your opponents draw step so they cant cast the card they drew, you can also minus him and make your discard spells almost like a removal spell too which is gross. Love that this deck runs four with discard spells for this reason.

June 16, 2019 4:18 p.m.

Spotred says... #23

Snowmen1 glad you like it! I'm aware that four Guile's is unconventional, but the card is solving some problems that the list previously had — weakness to early creature aggression and lack of maindeck graveyard hate. Myth Realized isn’t a blocker early so having Kaya's Guile makes it much easier to survive the transition to the mid game where this deck starts showing its strengths. I just want to stress the card and see how it performs. However, it might be right to tune it back a copy or two. A counterspell might not be a bad idea if it comes to that - maybe a single Force of Negation .

Yeah. I'm aware of those aspects of T3feri. Which is why I recently upped him to four copies. I realized he's so good with the Myth plan that I wan to see him every game and redundant copies usually aren't dead draws.

June 16, 2019 4:55 p.m.

Snowmen1 says... #24

Yeah the deck is awesome. Glad to see you liked a few of my suggestions. One thing I would like to ask in addition: Are those Myth Realized available in paper, those arts look really cool.

June 16, 2019 5:29 p.m.

Spotred says... #25

No. Those are foil peel alters, so one of a kind.

June 16, 2019 5:35 p.m. Edited.

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