Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

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Snowmen1 says... #1

oh darn. alright.

June 19, 2019 8:03 p.m.

Spotred says... #2

swagfrog I’ve tested a lot of different configurations the last days and jammed the deck against Humans as I believe they’re the baseline to beat. I’ve found that four mana sweepers feels a little slow and that the deck can run 8 cantrips (taken inspiration from Esper Mentor decks popping up).

I realized that the sweepers were there for go wide strategies, and those decks normally won’t bring creatures above 4 toughness. The deck naturally fetch basics in order to stay at a healthy life total, so reaching those numbers for Dead of Winter was easier that I thought. I also added two copies of On Thin Ice as they counts as a snow permanent.

Now Dead of Winter takes care of the critters while Path and OTI takes care of the bigger creatures. I think this configuration with a three mana sweeper makes sense now that I’ve trimmed the land count for Opt .

June 28, 2019 7:09 a.m.


I admire your hard work and dedication to keeping this deck alive. The deck seems to have started with a great idea (Myth Realized) and then transformed with every modern legal set. I wish you the best of luck on every tournament you enter. This deck needs more publicity and making it into the top 8 deck circulation(s) would do wonders to making this a mainstream build.

July 2, 2019 12:35 a.m.

Spotred says... #4

Marcus_Licinius_Crassus that means a lot, thanks! It’s kind of nice looking back and see how the deck have changed over the past four years. Definitely some new additions recently that have boosted the deck’s game plan significantly. Unfortunately, I’m not able to play too often, so it reaching that level of publicity solely on my back might be a stretch. However my next goal is to build this deck on MTGO and maybe some 5-0’s will put it in the spotlight.

July 3, 2019 11:28 p.m.

Meganollan says... #5

Hi, I found this deck from the faithless brewing podcast and I really like this list. I did play something similar before I moved on to Esper-Mentor in modern.

BUT I heard that you had something similar in Pioneer, any chance that you could upload or post the list? I really like the idé of Myth in pioneer :P Best regards, John

January 15, 2020 7:52 a.m.

Spotred says... #6

Meganollan Hi! That’s cool! Yeah I do (ofc), but the build is a work in progress. Testing lots of stuff to see what feels good. So far, I’ve found that the Dovin’s Acuity tech really fits the deck. The Faithless Brewing guys did mention Gideon Blackblade as a possible threat, but here I’m testing Riddleform atm. Gideon is probably better, but it’s a testing process at the moment.

Esper Mythseize Pioneer

January 15, 2020 12:47 p.m.

Skycrusade says... #7

Please I HAVE to know how you altered those myth realized or who did it, please

February 24, 2020 4:17 p.m.

Spotred says... #8

Skycrusade These are an idea for foil peel alters I had. I requested them from an "alterist" named CandyGandhi. Made a Reddit post about it some months ago

February 27, 2020 6:51 a.m.

pedrofausto says... #9

Hi, there! Nice write-up. I folow this guide for a long time since I'm an esper lover and Myth Realized fan also.

I would like to say a few things: 1. Don't you think that 4 seizes could hurt us too much? I know the with 4 guile this somehow mitigated but perhaps a 2 IoK/2seixe split could be better? 2. Dont't you miss low cmc counterspells? Your list don't have any meaninful interaction on turn 2. 3. I miss more draw-go pieces and card advantage by itself. Perhaps Opt is better? It's instant, which could grow myth on their EoT. 4. How about Force of Negation to protect Myth? 5. How about hall of heliod's generosity ?

Keep up if the good work!

July 31, 2020 11 a.m.

Spotred says... #10

pedrofausto Hi. That’s nice to hear. I’ve been on this project for quite a while so always fun to see people follow the ride.

  1. That’s a good question. The main reason why I’ve been on four Siezes for so long is due to how many important 4+ cmc spells we like to counter. This is especially true against the Tron decks. I’m testing a lot lately thanks to MTGO and a new inclusion Mazemind Tome together with Guile really makes playing four Thoughtseize less of a risk.

  2. There’s a lot of different ways to build this deck. Going a more counter heavy setup might be viable. I’ve developed my preferred style of Myth-play over the years, so personally I don’t miss them. I like the hand disruption angle more than I like the cheap counters. I don’t really understand what you mean with no meaningful interaction on turn two - hand disruption and push is live on turn one.. If you mean a two mana counter spell I’ve been experimenting with Deprive lately as a synergy piece with Mystic Sanctuary

  3. This, I believe, is a personal preference. I’m just one person so there’s a limit to how many builds I can test. A more draw go oriented setup could definitely work, but I probably won’t test it as long as I’m liking what I play.

  4. I’ve considered Force of Negation a couple of times. Definitely could see myself playing it in the deck sometime. Probably could replace two-three slots. It doesn’t really protect the Myth on your own turn though.

  5. If you play other enchantments like Shark Typhoon and Omen of the Sea I could see it as a one of. Currently liking Mazemind Tome a lot. It smooth out the critical turn 3-4, works as a value piece mid-late game, provides life gain against aggressive decks and can be bounced by T3feri for a reset.

I hope that was a good enough reply. I like your ideas and believe you could make a build like that. One thing I could do is to make different builds of the deck and link to them form here. But this page will always portray my version of Mythseize :)

August 1, 2020 6:37 a.m.

Spotred says... #11

pedrofausto I've been thinking about your reply quite some time now, and decided to give give some more counter magic and draw go elements a chance. After testing Archmage's Charm and some other counters I've landed on a setup that feels quite nice. So, thanks for the questions it helped me realize that counter magic has its place in the list.

August 18, 2020 3:33 p.m.

Zombot says... #12

I love myth realized. What about adding thing in the ice as a board clearing effect to get your monks through and end the game right there?

December 19, 2020 8:50 a.m.

Spotred says... #13

Zombot Thing in the Ice is a common suggestion. I’ve tested it in the past, but Myth and Thing doesn’t pair too well as they don’t trigger each other. That said, I have two flex slots in the list for “Threats”, so I could experience with it again.

December 21, 2020 7:22 a.m.

I am digging the alters. Nice!

January 9, 2021 10:43 p.m.

Caran_Lyg says... #15

Why not go for the full set of the monk? How about Riddleform? Good for quick blocking people’s flyers and you scry.

January 26, 2021 5:42 a.m.

Caran_Lyg says... #16

I still don’t understand why people love using Remand it draws you a card but brings back their spell to their hand they can use again later. I don’t see why use it if there’s no interaction for it.

January 26, 2021 5:45 a.m.

Spotred says... #17

Caran_Lyg Myth is great in this deck, but you don’t want to draw more than 1-2 copies throughout the game. Having the full playset increase the risk of drawing too many late game. Riddleform is cool enough, but a little too situational for modern power level.

You need to be experienced with Remand in order to understand its usefulness. The reason why you play it in this deck is mainly because of Myth - a card that cares about drawing cards (more cards = potentially more counters). Two mana counters also works really well with T5feri. Casting him turn five, and counter your opponents answer with Remand is a huge tempo win.

January 26, 2021 2:10 p.m.

Caran_Lyg says... #18

Spotred, I guess so. I don’t like the idea of bringing back a card to the opponent that they can use later on without any type of consequence like them taking burn damage the more cards they have in hand or your, you get the picture. 2 drop counter for T5feri? Deprive.

January 26, 2021 8:10 p.m.

Caran_Lyg says... #19

Looks like you have enough blue sources to accommodate double blue.

January 26, 2021 8:13 p.m.

Spotred says... #20

Caran_Lyg The consequence is that they wasted their whole turn casting a spell while you get to draw a card and play a land - in many cases it will essentially be like a two mana Time Warp. You can’t be too focused on they getting their card back. The card’s role isn’t to be a counter, it’s to disrupt the opponent while furthering your own game plan.

In this deck, the plan is, in its simplest form;

  1. Find Myth Realized + T3feri.
  2. Get to five+ mana and cast T5feri.
  3. Find disruption (preferably Cryptic Command).
  4. Win with Myth.

Drawing cards is essential for the consistency of this plan. That’s why Remand is preferred over any one-for-one counter spell (Deprive is cool with Sanctuary, but doesn’t fit this strategy at all)

January 27, 2021 4:38 a.m. Edited.

Caran_Lyg says... #21


January 27, 2021 5:46 p.m.

I’ve been watching your deck since it’s in inception. Huge fan. I’m curious what you plan on doing with the ban T3f. Are you going back to the “Mythseize” shell?

February 15, 2021 4:47 p.m.

Spotred says... #23

Fantastic_Mr_King They did not ban T3feri in modern. They did however ban Mystic Sanctuary, currently considering how that impact the build. If they ban T3feri at some point I probably will go back to Mythseize yeah.

February 15, 2021 5:31 p.m.

super_flo says... #24

super cool deck.

a) basically every deck has some creature removal. shouldn't 2-3 test of talents be in the main? to be sure its save to commit to myth realized.

b) lurrus good vs discard, enchantment hate, + a value engine (dont overdo it with non-interactive cards like bauble). with myth realized we hardly control the board for our walkers anyway.

c) delay is only consistent vs counterspells. mana leak and rune snag are valid cards too

April 7, 2021 6:22 p.m.

Spotred says... #25

super_flo Thanks. I haven't been able to update the deck description yet, but I'm currently back at the Day´s Undoing setup. I will explain this in more detail in the primer, but the goal here is to basically loop Undoing over and over. This means that a) I shouldn't need much protection for my Myths other that T3feri, Delay and the combo. b) Lurrus is good, but not for this build - T3feri is a must include. c) Delay has synergy with T3feri. Which counter spell to use in modern is based on personal preference (until actual Counterspell gets printed). I like Delay.

April 8, 2021 6:30 a.m.

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