Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

SCORE: 640 | 350 COMMENTS | 151405 VIEWS | IN 326 FOLDERS

EverythingIsK says... #1

any thoughts on new jace? Maybe he could find some use?

And also wanted to tell you that I finally dropped the swords in my mardu build and put in 4 Stormbreath Dragon. I'll get you some results after tonight.

August 16, 2015 1:47 p.m.

Spotred says... #2

EverythingIsK he' crossed my mind several times, but running him with any more copies than one requires altering changes to the list. I'm quite happy with where the deck is now, and don't see new Jace adding much. One of the strongest traits with how the deck is tuned is that I can control when opposing removal is relevant, which is quite powerful. Jace will probably dilute this trait.


I see. Feel a little bad about how much I "sold" the swords, but eventually they got squeezed out by the meta. That's an interesting approach, but be careful with 4 five drops.

August 17, 2015 1:37 a.m.

bukowskii87 says... #3

Spotred Thanks for the in/out list I will take advantage of this. I've built the deck and play on cockatrice with it. I have enjoyed it and look forward to updates:)

August 20, 2015 3:13 a.m.

Ardynt says... #5

This is one of the most well thought out and intelligently explained deck that I have ever seen. I commend you.

August 22, 2015 1:54 p.m.

Spotred says... #6

Ardynt thanks for the compliments, much appreciated! Means a lot receiving a comment like that.

August 23, 2015 11:13 a.m.

Spark0fPrimus says... #7

Very nice! Love Myth Realized. I recently took a different approach at realizing the Myth, though it's more a budget build so yours definitely wins out. Keep us posted on your (hopeful) successes with this deck, I really want to see that Myth stand a chance at beating some face!

October 18, 2015 5:52 a.m.

owlbesure says... #8

Hi, I've been playing Esper Control for a little while, herehere's my deck. Your deck looks awesome and I'm thinking of building it, but I don't have any Cryptics currently. Would you say it's still workable if I sub in 2x Snapcasters and 1x Clique for the 3x Cryptics?

October 21, 2015 8:56 a.m.

Spotred says... #9

Spark0fPrimus Thanks, glad I'm not alone in liking the card! This deck has been - and still is - an ongoing project of mine, and my goal is to make it the best it possible can be. Though, one thing is certain, I've learned that it can definitely beat some face! I'll be updating and tweaking as frequently as I can.

owlbesure Esper is a neat, it's my second favorite color pairing! Thanks a lot, means much hearing that you consider building it. I'd say test it! If you decide to go that route I'd add the fourth Souls instead of the Clique - remember they trigger Myth Realized twice. Snapcaster Mage could ideally be two copies, three could work as well - it's a powerful card! With this change you might want to reconsider Narset, as you'll have less powerful spell to abuse. This being said, Cryptic Command is highly recommended in the deck as it has a lot of utility, one being to clear the way for a solid Myth.

October 23, 2015 1:40 a.m.

Cupcakemix says... #10

I love playing this type of deck i have my own U/W deck using Myth realized and at FNM its been great! It's been able to fight off top tier decks so i think if some one could top 8 with a deck like this it would be amazing! Not only cause then these cards would be worth more ;)

November 3, 2015 12:54 p.m.

Spotred says... #11

Cupcakemix That's great to hear. I'm always glad when others brewing with the card as I truly believe in it's strengths, people just need to give it a chance in a shell which supports it - like UW, Esper, and Jeskai. My goal is definitely to one day get the list to a top 8, make it the best it possible can be. Well, I'm with you on that - sitting here with a playset in foil!

November 3, 2015 4:19 p.m.

Korlus says... #12

I really like the deck concept, but I'm not certain about the Aven Mindcensor in the sideboard. What matchups to you bring them in for?

I got here because I'm actually building a mono-white semi-casual aggro deck (Heroic Replacement) utilizing Myth Realized and wanted to see what others were doing with it.

Do you find you run enough counterspells to protect it from removal? What are your backup plans vs. Abrupt Decay? Just colonnade beatdown?

Have you considered White Sun's Zenith as an alternate/additional finisher? It's surprisingly good mid to late game as you stall and need some removal for attackers (e.g. Snapcaster Mage, Dark Confidant etc) and doubles as a finisher later on. Casting for 5-6 mana can kill creatures like Tasigur and goyf, and casting it following a good Revelation will usually be game-winning.

Do you find one Sphinx's Revelation is enough?

November 4, 2015 7:43 a.m.

Spotred says... #13

Korlus Great questions, and I'm glad that you found the list interesting enough to ask them.

When it comes to the Mindcensors they're there mainly for the Tron mu - which is really hard. You could say it's so lopsided that it might be more worthwhile to drop them, but I like increasing my chances. Other than that they also answer Scapeshift, Amulet, Knightfall, and Gifts/Chord decks.

The Abrupt Decay point is something which is always brought up when Myth Realized is discussed, but after playing with the card since release I don't look at it so "black & white";

How I've built the deck is to attack the opponent from different angles, making it hard to streamline answers against me. While Decay answers Myth nicely, it falls flat against the others threats - Lingering Souls (which seems like you overlooked) and Celestial Colonnade. I believe the card is strong due to its immunity to sweepers, and how it allow you to control when opposing spot removal is relevant. It's a card you shouldn't solely rely on, but a card which amplifies your main game plan - casting spells to control the game.

When it comes to Sphinx's Revelation and White sun this is something I've thought about lately. Gideon Jura never impresses me and Jace AoT doesn't feel right. What I've theorized recently is to add Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, replace the Sphinx's with the fourth Cryptic Command, add the fourth copy of GQ and Souls, replacing Temple and Shadow. Reason for this is to emphasize on the sweepers, and the synergy between Cryptic and Myth. White Sun is interesting, but I'm not sure if the list needs it as the late game already is so strong. The card feels "win more", where Sphinx's still feels like the better late game card in this shell.

November 4, 2015 2:18 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #14

Love the deck, love your page layout.

The little banners give it that extra touch.

Interesting take on Myth Realized that I should've noticed sooner. :)

November 11, 2015 4:06 a.m.

Spotred says... #15

BoCaliv that's some nice words, thanks a lot!

Better late than never! It's a good card, lots of possibilities. As long as you understand what makes it strong, and build properly it'll end games.

November 11, 2015 5:15 p.m.

Hornklov says... #16

This deck looks great! +1 from me :) how about adding Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip? Seems like he would fit in.

November 16, 2015 5:58 p.m.

Spotred says... #17

Hornklov thanks! It's an interesting proposition - I've been thinking about it.

What he has going for him in this shell is how discarding Lingering Souls and Think Twice is an option. Also he might make Logic Knot worth running in multiples. The "Flashback" is also valuable.

What I'm skeptical of is the changes I need to do in order to fit him inn. I can see myself cutting Narset, Tamyio, a copy of Verdict and move Clique to the side. Also, I believe he's much better in Grixis Control where he has a much better shell. It's a possible inclusion but I'm not sure what it'll give the list other than "threat diversity". Which, might be desirable.

November 17, 2015 7:18 a.m.

binksy says... #18

Hey I've been trying a brew of this as well but with a bit of a different approach, more all in on the board wipe side with playsets of verdict and terminus (which may be swapped out for wrath to keep curve). The idea is play myth boost it with Think Twice for t2 and 2 (or anticipate/thought scour etc.) then wipe on four and keep control using counterspells from then on in. There are a few problems though which you've probably noticed... I) not getting a myth in the opening hand 2) get killed by turn four I don't know if you've encountered this as your build is a bit more creature based. As alternate finishers I've tested Tamiyo a bit (lockdown w/ versict pump myth) and sigarda, do you think the splash for bant is worth it? Anyway, I love your brew and wish you every success with it Jarlath (+1)

November 18, 2015 1:18 p.m.

Spotred says... #19

binksy interesting, that's definitely one of the possibilities with Myth due to it's natural immunity. However, the issue with relying too heavily on sweepers is how polarized they are - in creature matchups they're awesome, but in non-creature mu's like Tron they fall flat. That's the reason why I chose three main and one side, which still is more than usual for UW. One card that would be interesting with them is Quicken.

1 and 2 are easily the reason for the black splash in order to utilize Lingering Souls. The tokens both act as additional threats or defense, while triggering Myth twice!

I've just recently added Tamyio to the list, so all I have is my theory on her. What Ive written on her is:

1x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

In a color-pairing that lacks spot removal Tamiyo's first ability becomes desirable. Tapping any permanent for a round adds flexibility to either lock down a threat or deny mana - great alongside Ghost Quarter. As previously explained Lingering Souls urges the opponent to "go wide" in order to push damage through, and when she hits the field the aggressor has to consider whether a "wide attack" is worth it or not. This "combo" delays the game, which in turn establish opportunities for a well-timed sweeper. Finally, the setup with Cryptic Command's tap-all is magical Christmas land.

Not sure, I do think Esper and Jeskai is more desirable. Hard to say without a list, but Simic Charm and Sigarda are good.

November 18, 2015 1:55 p.m.

binksy says... #20

Apart from sigarda what drew me to bant was Bant Charm which has some great versatility but looking again as you pointed out the second ability on sonic charm is actually really good (answers abrupt decay unless I'm mistaken). One thing I forgot to mention earlier that I have done a bit of testing with today is Thought Scour which is incredibly versilile, card advantage if you catch flashback cards on yourself (and in my budget brew sets up spell mastery for Swift Reckoning) and screws over serum visions on opponent, not to mention that it fuels Myth. As it stands I actually just cut it back to UW because my checkland budget didn't work well with the splash, but after hearing your argument for lingering souls I might try a black splash (with the one Polluted Delta I happened to pull in a pack a few weeks back). As you said UW lacks spot removal and I was a bit drawn to Esper by the prospect of Utter End. As a final point, what are your thoughts on Pact of Negation?

November 18, 2015 6:23 p.m.

Spotred says... #21

binksy yes, it'll "counter" AD - Valorous Stance is also an option. Thought Scour is interesting, but mainly when combined with the popular delve cards.

Yeah, I absolute recommend testing the Souls! It's powerful and synergize nicely with Myth.

I like Pact of Negation. I actually wrote a post regarding it over at /r/modernmagic a while back. I believe it's strong in control as well, not only in combo. Though I can't fit it in this list.

November 19, 2015 12:18 p.m.

Rage74 says... #22

Have you thought about putting in Gifts Ungiven for all of your one ofs?

November 27, 2015 6:13 p.m.

Spotred says... #23

Rage74 not with this setup. It would need some of the cards that'll normally be in the gift package.

The reason why I have so many one offs is because of my brewing process. The counter suit could just be 3 leaks an 2 remands, though so far it has served me well so it stuck.

My newest test is to replace the second remand with Shadow of Doubt. They both cantrip, and serve similar roles - gain advantage in the buildup.

November 28, 2015 3:52 a.m.

cutthroat_x says... #24

I love myth realized. If your having trouble closing, consider 4x Artful Dodge. Has great synergy with myth

December 13, 2015 6:57 p.m.

Tomazinhal says... #25

Hey, I've been following this list for quite some time. And control list in general.
Would you consider playing with Ojutai's Command? It would do better work if you were to use more Snaps and a little Jace.
Have you considered this line of building?

December 15, 2015 3:33 p.m.

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