Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

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Spotred says... #1

frusciante7 It's too early for me to tell, as I'm still testing her. So far she has done her job when drawn.

That being said, I think Avacyn is list sensitive. In my deck she fits nicely, where the flash allows me to represent interaction. The deck seeks to establish its threat turn 1-3 and then interact. I don't want to have "tappout" haymakers like Elspeth and Gideon game one diluting that gameplan.

While she isn't easy to flip, the opponent has to deal with her before attacking when accompanied by spirit tokens. In a pinch I can activate a 0/0 myth or GQ my own Collonade - which are scenarios that have occurred during playtesting.

May 23, 2016 5:31 p.m.

Yeh well I found out spending 5 mana on a 4/4 flyer that will simply get Terminated isn't what the deck (and I) wanted to do. So I switched back to Gideon.

Oh and on a side note : Goblin Dark-Dwellers is just beast with 3 copies of Ancestral Vision. If anyone wonders, then the answer is 'yes, you should play them.' If you have Resto too it'll simply get nuts!

May 24, 2016 2:55 a.m.

Spotred says... #6

frusciante7 Well, she do have "flash", which doesn't really punish you as hard as spending five mana on your own turn. But I do see your point. However, as I said, I believe she's "list sensitive" and you can't really jam her in any UWx deck and feel good about it. The card must serve a purpose, and clearly, it didn't work for your build. I feel that she has several strong points for my list, and I'll keep testing till the card underperforms.

I know, but I'm not in red so that's another topic. AV however, is something I've looked at but currently liking Serum Visions more.

May 24, 2016 9:22 a.m.

Yeh sorry I got off topic with the Jeskai thing :)

I actually found out, even for a control deck/player, that AV was very VERY slow. Now I had a decent part of burn so I wasn't going on a real heavy control list, but 3 turns is a LOT when you face affinity / zoo / infect / any aggressive deck.

Therefore, as sad as it makes me, I'm not a big fan of AV in modern and I'm quite disappointed with it so far. Now just like TiTi, I think there must be a deck to build around it to make it works per-fect-ly in the format :)

May 24, 2016 10:31 a.m.

Spotred says... #8

frusciante7 I agree, AV feels way too slow for a main deck card. You absolutely don't want to draw it versus those aggressive matchups, however I do agree with the Harbinger Control lists that have started to utilize AV in the side as means to grind out the likes of Jund and Grixis.

Also I recently saw a Reddit post making a point about how the first four turns in modern are so important. Which is why I've decided to test Spell Pierce in the main - trying to have better G1s against combo & burn.

May 24, 2016 12:58 p.m.

Thack says... #9

I think that you could test a card like Seeker of the Way in this kind of deck. It could be pretty good against burn and zoo and stuff like that.

May 26, 2016 2:17 a.m.

Spotred says... #10

Thack Maybe in a deck with bolts, but not in this type of shell - Way too many sorcery speed cards, making prowess predictable. Mentor is a card, but that's a completely different deck and strategy. At this point I'm not going to test something that don't fit in my deck's gameplan.

May 26, 2016 2:55 a.m.

iceyyou says... #18

First and foremost, awesome list. Been playing around with it online - and it has been amazing. No-one sees it coming! I do have one question, however - that being around the inclusion of spell queller. In a currently creature heaver meta, i've found that replacing it with either remand (to fight jund) and or mana leak has been more effective - so why have you chosen spell queller? Quite interested to hear your response, and thanks for the great deck!

July 26, 2016 9:48 a.m.

Spotred says... #19

iceyyou Cool! Always curious about how many who actually picks it up, great to hear that it has been performing for you. My next step will be to pick it up on MODO when EMN comes out.

On the Spell Queller topic, I wrote in the "grip" section;

Queller is a highly flexible card acting both as a lightning rod for removal - relieving the pressure on Myth & Colonnade, a piece of interaction and a evasive beater. The spirt is great against combo decks, punishing them for being light on creature interaction. The fact that it can forgo the 'can't be countered' clause can be relevant, and there are some interesting plays that can be made like exiling your own Lingering Souls flashback.

I think the main point here is the lightning rod argument, since it drains the opponent from removal making it easier to swing with Myth. The most difficult archetype for this deck is Combo. Having meaningful interaction game one versus these kind of strategies is to me very important, and the spirit have lots of game in this scenario - as it also applies some pressure.

Game one versus Jund is more or less 50/50, and I do not see how much of an improvement Remand / Leak will do here. G2-3 you'll easily board out the Queller for more top end - like Baneslayer & Gideon.

All this being said, I haven't been able to test it that much yet, and it might end up under performing in the long run. I'm anticipating my copies in the mail and going to a FNM this week so we'll see how it goes.

July 26, 2016 10:41 a.m.

iceyyou says... #20

Thanks for the more elaborate response! I suppose that's down to our local meta's - I don't see much combo (even at local tournaments), and it's very creature heavy around here - which means spell queller wouldn't be on the board for more than a turn for me to grab something to deal with the threat I just exiled. I'll keep testing with it though, and let you know if there is anything I find from my games :)

Thanks again

July 26, 2016 7:23 p.m.

Spotred says... #21

iceyyou That makes sense. In a creature meta it'll naturally have a tougher time. The matchups I'm anticipating a improvement g1 would be against Infect, Company, AD Nauseam, Living End, and to a small degree Tron & Burn.

However, I can see those two slots as flex honestly - same goes for the Spell Pierce. It's up to personal preference and meta.

Would love to hear any observations!

July 27, 2016 4:40 a.m.

verynice47 says... #22

Mausoleum Wanderer on the side or mainboard could be an option.

August 1, 2016 5:11 p.m.

Spotred says... #23

verynice47 Probably would've been a nice addition if the deck was a bit more spirit oriented. As for now I don't really want to go for any less spells, as it'll make it harder to grow a solid Myth. The Quellers only got the inclusion due to their lightning rod nature, and the fact that they can counter spells at instant speed. Thanks for the suggestion though!

August 2, 2016 3:24 a.m.

verynice47 says... #24

Spotred Fair enough, I didn't really think about the myth.

August 2, 2016 3:49 a.m.

iceyyou says... #25

Changes I have made:OUT- 1x Narset, 1x cryptic command, 1x Vendilion CliqueIN- 3x Remand

Been testing it thoroughly now for a week or so online, and that change alone has shot win % up against abzan and Jund game 1, whilst still allowing for great combo disrupting power. Also, due to the lack of card draw, remand just seemed like a great substitute - Myth trigger + Counterspell + draw a card. Would definitely advise at least testing that change :)

August 3, 2016 9:16 p.m.

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