Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

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iceyyou says... #1

Oh, and still rocking the name countermyth ;) Looking to play this list at a local PPTQ in a couple of weeks. Will have more info then.

August 3, 2016 9:18 p.m.

Spotred says... #2

iceyyou Thanks for sharing your testing. Remand is definitely one of those cards that's just great alongside Myth. For example remanding your own Path to Exile in order to get extra two Lore counters are just a nice play. I can totally see trimming the "fat" and adding three Remands - your picks for the cut are reasonable.

My FNM went fairly well. Unfortunately only three rounds - and first match was versus a standard deck. But got to play versus Buswhacker Zoo (2-1) and Death's Shadow Zoo (1-2). The latter should've been a win, if I hadn't kept the greedy 1 dual and two Quarters hand. The aggro meta really convinced me to swap the Runed Halo mainboard with the second Timely Reinforcements from the side.

I might test the Remands at some point - after all they was in the list at some point previously. My only concern is that the cut removes only "late game" cards. Since we aren't running the usual haymakers, those cards are important value slots. I know lots of people doesn't like Narset, but she has won me many games in the grind. Also C Command is really valuable together with Myth. Anyway, I'll be thinking about it!

Neat! Really think the name fits the list rather well now (finally)! Would love to hear how the PPTQ went if you decide to bring the list!

August 4, 2016 2:13 a.m.

iceyyou says... #3

Made a deck tech and will be uploading a few games with it - also talked through some of my alterations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgMY5_F18KM

If you want me to remove the link, just say the word :)

August 7, 2016 10:36 a.m.

Spotred says... #4

iceyyou This is awesome! Great to hear your take on the list - looking forward to watch the matches. It's nice to have someone else who's interested in the deck, and actively wants to improve it. The more testing, the better it'll be.

I doubt every decision I make with the list is the correct one. So there is importance in having various builds. The Mana Leak and Remand points are interesting, and looking forward to see how that performs.

Creature interaction is definitely a good point, and I to removed the third Stony Silence for a Wrath of God - recall is a good choice as well. My only worry regarding this is how Stony is a decent card versus Tron, which is a difficult mu. On that note I noticed you're off the Crucible of Worlds. Thoughts on that?

By all means, glad you shared the link!

August 7, 2016 2:06 p.m.

iceyyou says... #5

I was just rarely casting crucible - and when I did need it, it wouldn't appear and I had no way of getting to it. It's a good card, but with four ghost quarter in the deck I felt the deck already had enough to disrupt land based decks (like tron). The wrath of god choice is a good one - always handy to have a third wipe against creature based decks.I also threw the third cryptic back in, as I talk about in the video.

Will hopefully have a couple of games up later :)

August 7, 2016 6:29 p.m.

Spotred says... #6

iceyyou yeah, I'be encountered that scenario. So that's a fine decision. I'm just such a fan of the singleton theory, hehe.

Cool, looking forward to it!

August 8, 2016 12:49 a.m.

iceyyou says... #7

Seeing a lot of combo in your local play? Thinking the surgical extractions side, and moving a skite to main, seems a bit wide. Like the addition of a second Gideon, and may try the thoughtseizes - but it does seem like we are slamming a bit much into the T1 slot here - starting with a thoughseize, serum visions and myth realized in opening hand means you are going to have to make a tough decision game 1. I prefer the seizes once I know what I'm looking for, so perhaps sideboard material rather than main? Also, where'd the spell Pierce's go? I really like them against combo and control :P

August 17, 2016 4:35 p.m.

Spotred says... #8

iceyyou Honestly, I can't tell. Not able to attend events frequently enough to anticipate what the meta will look like. I've seen everything from Tron to Shadow Zoo - it's varied. I'm attending a PPTQ this weekend so have my thoughts in motion..

The second Surgical was just added as part of a thought process. I'm afraid of Dredge, and it can prove useful against Tron and Finks. Not entirely sure what to include in these slots yet. Yeah, Gideon has been good, and has various matchups where he's useful - more applications than the Baneslayer, especially when I'm now testing the Bskull.

So, I decided to get rid of the Sphinx's. The reason why is that I never feel we reach enough mana - compared to a 26 land deck the land drops are far too inconsistent. It's a bit scary going that low on card draw, but at the same time I wanted the third Snare back.

When thinking about it Thoughtseize fulfill almost the same role as Pierce. What I like about it, is the proactive nature of the card and that it can 'scout' for us - allowing more informed Myth attacks. That being said, I still believe that Pierce is a good card for the list, it's just a matter of me wanting to test a theory.

You're absolutely correct. The deck definitely has a pit between the one and three cmc slot. Though I'm not sure if there is a flaw in that. I always prioritize leading with a Collonnade, so I like being able to have two spells ready T2. The scenario you described is wide but going Myth - Sieze - Visions seems like a rather strong line to me. At the end you've seen and removed a threat from their hand, drawn and 'scry two' based on that information, ultimately sitting with two counters on Myth.

Finally the Spellskite is just me putting sideboard cards in the main again. This move frees up a sideboard slot, but it might be better to add something else. Though what I like about it is that it really interfere with a lot of decks and that it can protect both Myth & Queller.

August 18, 2016 1:42 a.m.

Bob_Da_Epic says... #9

I hope you get the matchup sections done, I'm very interested in those. Also, if you gear hulk Blessed Alliance, will you be able to choose all 3 modes? Or just the one?

October 8, 2016 1:12 p.m.

To Mr_Sausage:

How it works is that you choose an intial mode, which doesn't cost any mana, then you pay the escalate cost to activate the other modes.

October 8, 2016 1:50 p.m.

Bob_Da_Epic says... #11

Oh alright. Wasn't sure about that. Thanks. And sorry for this Spotred.

October 8, 2016 1:54 p.m.

Spotred says... #12

Mr_Sausage no worries! Epser Charm and Cryptic Command is the best targets for the card - so much value right there.

Regarding the matchup section, I hope I'll get to it eventually. Just unsure how to approach it as the modern meta tends to change frequently. I hope I can manage to solve it by talking more generally.

For now I have added a section for my sideboard swaps versus my local meta. At the bare minimum I'll have an inn / out guide versus the current top meta in the mu section.

October 8, 2016 2:21 p.m.

mr_funk says... #13

especially considering you are maindecking 1 Crucible of Worlds, why not at least 1 or 2 Ghost Quarter in the main or side? that can be backbreaking for a deck like tron or any 3 color deck. even most 2-color decks in modern dont even play more than 6 or 7 basics, if that. especially considering you're playing Path to Exile, to further weed out their basics.

October 13, 2016 11:55 a.m.

Spotred says... #14

mr_funk Absolutely, I've always been at the full playset of Ghost Quarter. Think you've just overlooked it.

October 13, 2016 1:36 p.m.

mr_funk says... #15

whoops. guess i did! haha. my bad! deck looks good.

October 17, 2016 9:36 a.m.

A couple things. I love the quality of the presentation. The original artwork, and flow of the Primer is amazing. You sir make a good looking product. Once I was in the weeds with the deck, I did notice that you put some major TLC on this deck. I would love for you to play or ask someone to represent this deck at a modern GP because Myth Realized needs a lot more brewing and TLC before it can be Tier 1 OR 2.

October 18, 2016 3:22 p.m.

Spotred says... #17

Marcus_Licinius_Crassus Thanks for the kind words, means a lot! Unfortunately not a fully fleshed out product - as my writing comes and goes, but glad that it's understandable enough to be useful for others not familiar with the deck.

I would love that as well! Though, I'm just starting out with going to more serious events, so my field experience is a bit lacking. Attended a local tournament last Sunday - went 2-4-0, and did some pretty rookie mistakes which the result reflects.

The problem is - as you say, Myth Realized needs a lot more testing than a single person is able to provide, and I don't have the time to be an active magic player. However, I'm not going anywhere and I will keep working on the deck and my own play. My goal is that the deck someday will provide some results that people are willing to talk about.

Again, thanks for the comment!

October 18, 2016 3:59 p.m.

Spotred says... #19

Drcfan good catch, the list has changed a bit since I wrote that. I'll tweak the description.

November 18, 2016 10:26 a.m.

Tomazinhal says... #20


I made a deck in the Frontier format that uses Myth Realized and uses a little bit of the same gameplan. Just thought you'd like to take a look -> Jeskai Myth Control [Frontier].

Please continue your awesome work!

December 13, 2016 1:11 p.m.

PkCometStorm says... #21

I like the idea of this, the only problem I see is the quantity of more high cost counters. I would consider something to replace disallow and one or two less cryptics for something cheaper, like spell snare and remand or some more hand disruption. Three drop counters are not super reliable against most of the premiere decks of modern like infect and death's shadow.

January 12, 2017 2:58 p.m.

Spotred says... #22

PkCometStorm I've been busy so I haven't updated the description with the changes.

3x Fatal Push replacing 2x Spell Snare & a copy of Collective Brutality.

2x Disallow replacing one Collective Brutality and one Negate.

Don't think Snare is necessary with Fatal Push in the list as it is much better versus those decks you've mentioned. The two Disallow's are there for Tron, Bant Eldrazi, Breach and the like. I think the split is fine, but will figure it out once the tournaments starts again.

January 12, 2017 5:16 p.m.

iceyyou says... #23

Hey there, been away for quite some time due to illness - back on this deck now and will be able to have a more in depth review of card choices and match-ups soon - watch this space :P

January 21, 2017 12:14 p.m.

chrisgordon says... #24

I'm very impressed with your presentation of this deck and I think the idea is interesting. I think that I'm going to start testing a Jeskai variant of this deck utilizing Myth Realized as the win condition, but please keep us updated on your results!

February 1, 2017 1:24 a.m.

BobTheStrong says... #25

How much better has the deck gotten since fatal push?

March 1, 2017 11:05 a.m.

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