Miracle Myth

Modern Spotred

SCORE: 640 | 350 COMMENTS | 151405 VIEWS | IN 326 FOLDERS

Spotred says... #1

iceyyou hi, hope you're felling better realize I'm replying late. Anyway, glad to hear that you're back and looking forward to hear what you have to say. Been busy myself so I haven't had much time to write / play, just occasionally updates and testing.


chrisgordon thanks! Jeskai is definitely an option, and I'm always happy to see more players giving Myth a chance. Would be interesting to hear about your discoveries! I'm not going anywhere, so this is the place to seek updates planning to attend a tournament this weekend (if I got time).


BobTheStrong Hi. It has become much more streamlined providing more one mana spells that triggers Myth and can easily be cast with Snappy. Though push hits Myth as well, so you need to be more wary of when you're animating the Myth. I believe the deck stays the same power-wise, spellskite in the main can help vs Push and removal in general.

March 1, 2017 11:23 a.m.

I have a suggestion for testing. In an aggro heavy meta would you change ___?


-2 Spellskite+2 Timely Reinforcements


+2 Spellskite-2 Timely Reinforcements

Reason: 90%+ you will gain 6 life and put 3 1/1 Soldiers into play. I like gain six life and force your opponent to find two more burn spells or creatures to kill you over a security policy to fight infect or bogles. Timely Reinforcements also can be snapped back and trigger the myth realized.

March 2, 2017 9:38 p.m.

Spotred says... #3

Marcus_Licinius_Crassus good question. Actually, the deck used to run that setup and it's a perfectly fine alternative.

I like Spellskite because its effect is so widely applicable and it can protect Myth from removal.

In a aggro meta both cards can be useful game one. While Timely is the strongest card versus the right matchup, it's also the least flexible of the two.

For instance I tested versus Shadow Jund yesterday and boarded inn Timely G2. However the card ended up stuck in my hand; reason being That Shadow Jund almost always has lower life total than you. In that game I also drew and played out Spellskite, which ended up winning the game as they couldn't cast Temur Battle Rage with it on the field.

March 3, 2017 12:59 a.m.

Thank you for the response.

A unique deck like yours has meta dependent setups (and I respect this). I love that you gave the deck some real love. When you do top 8 a massive GP with deck the TappedOut community and your LGS will be the few groups who know the effort you took to tune this.

March 3, 2017 1:59 a.m.

Spotred says... #5

Marcus_Licinius_Crassus Anytime!

Yeah, I believe the deck has lots of meta tuning options, and I trust each pilot / person who choose the deck to do the right decisions for their meta. I could and should probably make a "net-deck" version, as the list shown here reflects my personal testing and tuning.

Like for instance, my meta has lots of Tron and Esper variants (including me). This is why Cryptic Command, Spreading Seas and Spellskite sees maindeck play. It would be perfectly viable to swap this cards around. Like, versus a more aggresive meta, you could as you said swap the Skites for Timely, take out one or two copies of Cryptic and include the BSkull and EE, and change the Seas for some counter magic / removal.

As I've said, and I'll say it again I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. This is my deck, and I'm not the kind of person who deviate from a path or idea. Always loved playing something unique and succeed with it. Unfortunately my time is a bit limited, juggling work, gf and all that jazz, but I'll eventually get more results to talk about.

March 3, 2017 2:37 a.m.

Spotred Have you thought of composing an article to mana deprived, gathering magic, or reddit with a net-deck version and 2-3 suggested builds to help would be pilots pre tune for their local and regional metas?

March 3, 2017 3:26 a.m.

Spotred says... #7

Marcus_Licinius_Crassus Actually, that hasn't crossed my mind.. Guess I haven't been confident in that it would be something people would've been interested in. Wouldn't hurt reaching out to one of them I suppose.

However I'm frequenting Reddit /r/modernmagic, where I've been commenting on Myth discussions for the most part, hehe.

March 3, 2017 4:36 a.m.

marc_buzzelli says... #8

Why is this list not running Mentor? seems like an auto include. Other than that looks like a very fun list! I just started building Shu Yun commander so Myth is a new card to me, but seems very very fun.

March 10, 2017 4:04 p.m.

Spotred says... #9

marc_buzzelli it would seems so at first glance, but I think they probably would end up conflicting with each other. A Myth can trigger another or a Mentor, but the Mentor can't trigger the enchantment. Think they're better off in their separate shells.

I do however have two spots that I haven't really decided on, so I might give it a test. Though, Liliana, Epser Charm or Ashiok are first in the line at the moment.

March 10, 2017 4:51 p.m.

entheogeneral says... #10

How would this deck do against Affinity?

March 23, 2017 12:02 p.m.

Spotred says... #11

entheogeneral I consider Affinity a favorable matchup mostly due to Lingering Souls and cheap removal. Pre board you have access to sweepers, GQ's and Stony Silence which makes the odds even better. The biggest concern is pre board is Ghirapur AEther Grid and Blood Moon.

March 23, 2017 12:43 p.m.

entheogeneral says... #12

Okay, thanks. I just have an Affinity deck and now I have a grasp on what to look out for. Fun deck though, neat concept.

March 23, 2017 2 p.m.

kingreisi says... #13

Hou..i really like your deck!Thanks for the insight.

April 2, 2017 11:52 a.m.

Spotred says... #14

kingreisi Cheers! Good luck with yours!

April 2, 2017 1:22 p.m.

tlhunter07 says... #15

How do you make your description that good??

April 29, 2017 8:01 p.m.

Spotred says... #16

AtomicEmpire Time, for the most part. Been working on it for a while. Used a mix of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects. Together with the options available on the site.

April 30, 2017 5:24 a.m.

dehuan says... #17

I've been playing esper as my pet deck for the last several weeks in a similar fashion and I agree that hand disruption is the way to go since we're not playing draw-go. I find collective brutality to be quite a necessity to success with how much synergy it has with the rest of the deck.

May 3, 2017 3:20 a.m.

Spotred says... #18

dehuan yeah, it's really the glue in tap-out Esper. Brutality is nice but I think it depends on the meta. If you face lots of burn / aggro it's good. But in my case Tron / Eldrazi is rampanta matchup where Brutality is dead, so I'd rather have access to a counterspell of some sort.

May 3, 2017 5:40 a.m.

dehuan says... #19

I agree with you but I think it stands to reason that in general, our decks are just not at all good against eldratron. Rather than breaking the synergy of the deck by tossing in a set of countermagic, I tend to just eat the imminent loss if I face against eldratron and hope for the best. However, I'm a strong advocate for 2x collective brutality mainboard and I do wish you'd try it out also and I'll try to give you a few reasons why. I used to do 3x iok 3x ts but I changed it to 2x iok 2x cb and kept the thoughtseizes as 3. I'm sure you have found iok as extremely dead draws but cb never really is. We don't really have any methods of life gain and it does fulfill that little niche that can save lives. It is creature removal and jank duress in one but it helps us reach for common cards like cryptic or coco to name a few which are out of range for iok as well. And most of all, it allows for a faster clock by letting us pitch souls on turn2. We've both been in situations of turn 3s and I believe we both can agree to the major difference between hard cast and a flashback souls. Cheers esper fam

May 3, 2017 6:29 p.m.

Spotred says... #20

dehuan yeah, there is no point denying that. However I'm not sure if I like the "discard the mathup mentality" - though I'm aware that it is a viable strategy. It's worth to take a look on the deck and see whether or not you dilute the game plan by improving those matchups.

I'm curious about our lists. I went to your profile and saw that you're running a more creature oriented approach with Geist and Tasigur. If this is your shell I can see the appeal in CB as it lets you pitch excessive Geists and fuel delve for Tasigur. Which is sweet.

In comparison my list is built with Myth Realized in mind. I haven't got the time to write down the theory, but Failure / Comply has potential in my configuration. First of it's a fine target to pitch with Liliana's plus ability. Secondly it counts as two spells which allows me to buff Myth twice. Finally it can "counter" through Cavern of Souls which is nice. Also the aftermath part can buy a turn versus Storm, stop Ancestral Visions or delay a threat - buying time for hand disruption or discard through Liliana / Esper Charm.

Haven't been able to test it enough. But I do hear you on CB. If I compare those two in my shell, I can see the appeal of having a stronger game versus Burn, Affinity & company decks. F/C on the other hand improves my combo & big mana mu's. Decisions..

May 4, 2017 1:52 a.m.

dehuan says... #21

I can see your point on this since midrange is supposed to try to cover all bases but I feel that due to the limitations of the esper colors, it actually cannot. So I believe having a splash of countermagic sort of runs against the synergy of the deck when the deck doesn't actually play countermagic. In addition, the reason I believe we don't need to change the gameplan for eldratron is because my answer typically is 1. thoughtseize anything I can't really answer for yet. 2. Path it 3. Snap and path/thoughtseize it 4. Lili -2 it. And hope all goes well and I can get a fast clock on them before they topdeck an ulamog or walking ballista. But honestly, eldratron is still mostly a loss for me. Between the imminent turn 2+ chalices on 1 that shuts down half my deck followed by knot thought seers and reality smashers, I just can't. Everyone hates tron for a good reason. My answer is play a different deck against tron.

May 8, 2017 8:34 p.m.

tazleon7 says... #22

esper control is strong indeed... :P

June 2, 2017 7:26 p.m.

Spotred says... #23

tazleon7 Hehe. Realize this deck isn't really "control" anymore, feels more like midrange tbh.

June 3, 2017 4:55 a.m.

tazleon7 says... #24

fair enough personally i would play into the control side more use like maybe 2 cryptic commands :) i like the deck tho, just think a little more control would do well

June 3, 2017 5:14 a.m.

Spotred says... #25

tazleon7 I might add some number of CC back in. The build has been through a lot, and lately I've enjoyed the "making the opponent hellbent" with Liliana and Esper Charm plan. Cryptic and Liliana really strain the mana base, but maybe two copies are fine. Might add the old 4 CC list somewhere for reference purposes.

June 3, 2017 6:08 a.m.

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