
Artifact (1)

Instant (1)

This is the most recent iteration of my cat tribal deck. I've been playing and tweaking it since purchasing the precon when it was released, and this has become my favorite deck. The deck started out with more of a go-wide focus, but I found that I usually only have about 4 or 5 cats on the field at a time, so I trimmed some of the unnecessary "go-wide matters" cards. This deck plays pretty aggressively, dropping Mirri and other cats in the early game, tossing some equipment on them, and hitting for tons of damage. Most of the time, I close out games using Triumph of the Hordes, but its not hard to take an opponent out with only a few beefed up cats. The Maybeboard for this list is really the "cards I'm gonna add but don't want to buy right now" board. Suggestions are always welcome.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Adorned Pouncer 4/4 B, Beast 3/3 G, Cat 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Cat 2/2 W, Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Cat Warrior 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Rat 1/1 B w/ Deathtouch
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