
R/U/W artifact deck I made awhile back. Designed to get lots of artifacts out so my cards with metalcraft get extra bonuses.

Here I have deck matchups against various modern decks. (this is my personal testing against these decks. Your mileage may vary) I will update this list as I find more decks to test against.

Good Matchups- Mono Black Control, Jund, Esper Artifacts, Bant Midrange, Living End, Gruul Aggro, Naya Zoo, Abzan Midrange, Soul Sisters, Mill, The Rock, 8 Rack, Azorius Control, Splinter Twin

Fair Matchups- Storm, Caw Blade, Pod, Grixis Control, Mono U Tron, Selesnya Tokens, Bant Exalted, Mono White Knights, Hatebears, Mardu Midrange, Jeskai Aggro, Boros Knights, Puresteel Modern, Reanimator

Bad Matchups- G/R Tron, Infect, Red Deck Wins, Slivers, USA/Jeskai Control, Merfolk, Scapeshift

Deck Breakdown

Etched Champion- The champion really shines when I get three artifacts out. Colored spells can't touch him, and I can swing directly at my opponent. With multiple Tempered Steel out, he gets even bigger and hits for more.

Porcelain Legionnaire- A 3/1 with first strike I can get out on turn two if I give up some life. Can kill most things he swings at or blocks.

Thoughtcast- Nice draw power that I can cast for next to nothing if I have plenty of artifacts out.

Vault Skirge- A 1/1 flier with life link. Being evasive helps get in extra damage, and keeping me alive with the life I get.

Memnite- Great card for any artifact deck. Him being a zero drop means i can just throw it out, while having mana still to use for other stuff. He also gets metalcraft going quicker.

Signal Pest- Great for boosting my attackers. Being evasive as well helps. If I have more than one out, they pump each other and makes my attackers bigger too. With Tempered Steel, it gets crazy fast.

Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer- By himself he's fairly good being a 5/4 with first strike. When I get 3 artifacts out is when he becomes very dangerous. Gives all my guys +3/+0, which means all my guys become huge threats.

Wurmcoil Engine- A great bomb to drop on the field. With life link, deathtouch, with a 6/6 body, he's a big threat. If it dies, I get a 3/3 artifact wurm token with life link and one with deathtouch. Makes my opponent question weather or not they should kill this big guy or risk being pounded by two 3/3 tokens.

Scuttling Doom Engine- Another bomb that is great when it hits the field. When it dies, my opponent takes 6 to the face, and the big guy can't be blocked by anything with power 2 or less. Makes weenie decks hate this card.

Ornithopter- A zero drop creature with flying. Nice little chump blocker at first, but when I get a few Tempered Steel out it becomes a big threat.

Mox Opal- Provides mana ramping if I get three artifacts out, allowing me to get stuff out faster.

Dispense Justice- Great removal that can hit a attacker. Gets even better when I get three artifacts out, allowing to hit 2 attackers instead.

Tempered Steel- Best pump card for artifacts. Once it is out, all my artifact creatures get big. With more than one, they become huge, and puts a lot of pressure on my opponent.

Dispatch- Can tap down something normally, but with three artifacts, it becomes a one drop removal spell. Can get rid of any creature that poses a threat to me.

Shrapnel Blast- Great card for killing of a creature or hitting my opponent in the face.

Darksteel Ingot- Just like Darksteel Relic, it helps with metalcraft and can't be removed except by exile. On the plus side it taps fpr mana, which helps me get stuff out faster.

Energy Chamber- Can add +1/+1 counters to my artifact creatures to get them bigger and make each one it's own threat.


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When Mox Opal got banned this deck as well as my interest in modern died. With Modern Horizons 2 however we got enough new toys that I feel affinity can make a comeback I've tweaked the list and currently playtesting the hell out of this now to try and come up with the best way to make it work. As always suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Also sideboard is a mess right now. Still tweaking it as well.

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92% Competitive

Date added 12 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 4 Rares

26 - 4 Uncommons

19 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.88
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders Modern, Fav standard or modern, Modern-Midrage, Aggro, Rogue Modern Decks, Budget, Decks To Remember, Interesting Decks, Other Players', Taylor's Deck
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