Mirror's Pact [No Theros/M15!]

Standard Rune206


GarfieldKlon says... #1

You can sacrifice any creature you control when the exploit ability resolves, including the creature with exploit itself.

The Copy got the same ability ;-)

August 27, 2015 6:27 a.m.

kingorme says... #2

I love the concept of this deck. I'm terrible a making decks of my own so I am glad I saw this. I made this deck and ill be trying it out at FNM. +1

August 27, 2015 8:55 a.m.

drathys says... #3

Hi I love this deck, really fun and clever. I proxied it with a friend today, went pretty well. only thing is I'm not sure there's enough removal for demonic pact. quite a few times I couldn't remove it, which did not go well...I'm a new player and wondered if you could help me out with a few things? I presume that erebus' titan is to switch with pact in control decks that will not let you return it to your hadn when the time comes (this happened to me, basically the playtesting was the deck was ace but i kept killing myself with pact...)? also is there a budget option for ugin? thanks for the help.

August 27, 2015 6:49 p.m.

Connor.r.l says... #4

I know it doesn't fit perfectly with the curve but Rakshasa Gravecaller would be insane in here

August 27, 2015 7:26 p.m.

tidusblitz says... #5

I was thinking maybe instead of your Fleshbag Marauder you could maybe replace that with Nantuko Husk. Gives you the option to sac and it can keep those pesky 1/1's at bay. Plus if you're in a sticky situation you can always throw a Mirror Mockery on him for an easy 4/4 swing by earliest turn 4.

August 28, 2015 12:32 p.m.

Aleboth93 says... #6

You still have 20 cards in the sideboard, you must reduce them to 15 or it will be "illegal" :)

August 28, 2015 1 p.m.

Rune206 says... #7

Aleboth93 Ty for the comment! I had been throwing cards in there I liked but I narrowed it down to for this weeks FNM

August 28, 2015 8:46 p.m.

HalfLife4Mac says... #8

Okay, time for my FNM report:Overall: 1-3

Round 1: BYE

An exciting way to win...not, lol.

Round 2: 0-2 vs RDW Goblins

There is a family that occasionally shows up to my FNM that brings nothing but super foil-y RDW decks. Game 1 I got curb stomped by Rabblemasters/Piledrivers because everything I got out on the board got burned away before I could Mirror Mockery it. And the normally awesome Fleshbag Marauder was useless against a hoard of goblin tokens. Game 2 went a little better. I sided in some Mizzium Meddlers but my opponent still got me.

Round 3: 0-2 vs RDW Burn/Dash (again)

So if losing to one RDW deck wasn't enough, I played the sister of the previous RDW owner who also had a RDW but this one was less creature based, and more "Firecraft, Stoke, and Lightning Strike to your face" which is even less fun to play against.

Round 4: 1-2 vs Esper control

Game 1 was basically both of us trying to feel out each other's decks. We had both been slaughtered by the RDW family and were enjoying actually getting to play cards past turn 4, lol. He had me game 1 thanks to a crap ton of creature removal (downfall, ultimate price, etc) and he eventually dropped a dragon that got me in the air. Game 2 I sided in some crazy good Risen Executioners that really did some work for me. I won the second game thanks to some miscalculation from my opponent. I had like 10 mana, Demonic Pact set to kill me next turn, no bounce, and my opponent at 7 life. I ended up putting a mirror on the executioner (made him a 5/4 during combat thanks to the token) and when I played a creature (a meddler I think), it got killed. In doing so, there were now 4 creatures in the GY, which allowed me to use Shadows of the Past to hit for the final 2 damage. It was a really fun way to end the game. But Game 3, he hit all of his Ashiok and removal, and ulted Ashiok right before I was set to bounce a Demonic Pact before it killed me. I lost my bounce, and went out. But it was still a fun matchup.

Overall this deck was fun to play, and I'm going to tweak it ever so slightly and futz around with the idea of those Risen Executioners in the main board because they did some serious work for me and their innate resurrect ability makes them easy Exploit fodder. I'm going to keep playing this next week because against 2 RDW decks and a control deck, I never really got to see this deck in action like it should.

August 29, 2015 9:28 a.m. Edited.

Rune206 says... #9

HalfLife4MacYour FNM didn't go much better than mine haha. FNM Report: 1-3-0Round 1: 0-2 Vs. Goblins Hornet QueenManaged to control the tokens fairly well with Profaner of the Dead but couldn't bring enough damage to the face to bear and the deathtouch tokens weren't helping. It also didn't help that I didn't pull ANY Mirror Mockery during this matchup which ending up causing me to eventually become overwhelmed as I couldn't give a recurring answer to tokens. My fault for not mulliganing more decisively.

Round 2: 0-2 vs. GR Ramp DragonsThis was actually a good buddy of mine and we got matched up so I knew the deck extremely well but still did not draw any Mirror Mockery. With no continual forced sac or send to hand I was in trouble as Sarkhan hit the field and Xenagos the Revelers mana ramped out of control. This deck is weak when it comes to answering planeswalkers. I ended up losing to Satyrs the first match and a mana ramped Crater's Claw the second.

Round 3: 2-0 vs. Jeskai AscendancyThis guy was playing a pretty cool Jeskai deck with a neat ascendancy combo. His creatures were hitting for 6/6 or 7/7 every turn, but I was chump blocking with faithfuls, and had Profaner of the Dead out with Mirror Mockery so I was sending his dudes back to hand every turn forcing him to cast creature spells instead on non-creature spells. I ended up hitting him with Qarsi Sadist and Demonic Pact enough times to pull game one on a 4 dmg demonic trigger, and game two I Mizzium Meddler'd all his aura's and kept swinging for the win.

Round 4: 0-2 vs. Jeskai BurnThis deck inspired me to look at Jeskai in a new way. In Game 1, I died to Mantis Rider turn 3, Stormbreath Dragon turn 4, and Jeskai Charm turn five, Exquisite Firecraft turn six. Not a pretty game and Game 2 was almost identical except with more Exquisite Firecraft.

This deck maybe needs to be tweaked for my local meta play which tends to be more burn and agro oriented, but the original design DID work when I was able to field Mirror Mockery, but it's pretty disastrous when you aren't able. I may consider some Disdainful Stroke until Stormbreath Dragon rotates and Orbs of Warding to fend off the crazy burn that my local game store tends to see; not to mention the Tutelage mill that people run here. Had a TON of fun playing this deck though!

August 29, 2015 12:37 p.m.

lctofu says... #10

Very interesting! I'm intrigued and going to give this a whirl myself, perhaps with a few tweaks. Question for you: any reason you went with Mizzium Meddler instead of Dissolve? Perhaps just getting it rotation-proof? I've also considered one Pearl Lake Ancient in the side, perhaps in lieu of a third Erebos's Titan as another late-game threat. Or maybe find a way to side in a few Anticipate to help find Mirror Mockery? Any thoughts? Again, nice build--thanks for sharing!

August 30, 2015 6:09 p.m.

akikun says... #11

Very interesting deck. Mirror Mockery sounds like an incredibly fun card to use. What do you think of Ruthless Deathfang for this deck? it procs an extra sac for the enemy if they have a board of monsters, or would it be counter productive with the Exploit creatures?

August 31, 2015 12:12 a.m.

Rune206 says... #12

lctofu hey thanks for the feedback! I've thought a lot about putting in some dig or anticipate, waiting for the cards has been a problem. And I think the pearl lake ancient is a good call. Also, the Mizzium meddler is more of a local meta thing, a lot of people play burn at my store and he takes a lot of burn spells to the face quite nicely while giving me more defense.

akikun Ruthless deathfang is definitely something I thought about making this deck, and something I've been reconsidering. I want to put a dragon in this deck but I haven't been able to decide between Silumgar, the Drifting Death or Ruthless Deathfang.

August 31, 2015 11:55 a.m.

ShadowAura says... #13

I have been testing the deck, and I found running Ultimate Price over Self-Inflicted Wound worked in most cases. Where Wound takes care of multicolored green or white, Ult Price deals with Goblin Rabblemaster, Goblin Piledriver, and most Elf threats like Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen

September 2, 2015 11:25 p.m.

Killkow says... #14

+1 from me! I think the deck is very cool!

September 3, 2015 7:39 a.m.

Killkow says... #15

Maybe Dig Through Time or Treasure Cruise for that mid-late game refuel?

September 3, 2015 7:40 a.m.

HunterEste says... #16

over $100 kinda pushes it out of the 'budget' territory :( Otherwise, neat deck!

September 4, 2015 11:51 a.m.

Rudmed says... #17

Hey man,

Saw your deck and it is good to see another exploiter among us. I saw you debating Ruthless Deathfang so I wanted to pop in and say something.

I have a deck very similair to this, it's on my profile and a pain to link on my phone, and I had Ruthless Deathfang in it, two of them to be exact. I find him to be..slow and expensive. Now if you had him out with a Fleshbag Marauder with Mirror Mockery it would be fantastic. Two creatures removed for the price of 1. But to me it seems to be very reliant on drawing it and having it sit on the board. I love the card, it's just hard to get it so late.

Also if you have trouble against tokens. Virulent Plague at that point token decks oughta just fold.

October 12, 2015 5:37 a.m.

Aleboth93 says... #18

Temple of Deceit is no longer legal in t2. You should put the new dual land Sunken Hollow

October 12, 2015 11:20 a.m.

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