This deck is vaguely remeniscent of the
Immolating Souleater
/Kiln Fiend/Death's Shadow decks of last season that appeared at the very end.
Quite a bit is going on in this deck, as you may have noticed. I will give a quick breakdown on the inclusion of some of the cards, and I will hope the rest are relatively apparent.
Artful Dodge
- Makes the big guys unblockable. Precursor Golem is nuts with this, as is Charmbreaker Devils. Game over with both. It works well with the other creatures, too.
Assault Strobe - allows for a turn 3 win with
Immolating Souleater
. Other applications include making everything else nuts. 18 damage with Precursor Golem. 16 with Charmbreaker Devils
Fling - A different piece that allows for a turn 3 win with
Immolating Souleater
. This card also makes other cards nuts. Flayer of the Hatebound loves this card. Attack, fling, undie, 13 damage to the dome. Acts a game ender if necessary.
Cackling Counterpart - AMAZING with Precursor Golem, as is the rest of the deck, obviously. Also, have you ever been about to lose a Flayer of the Hatebound (not that anyone has ever actually played with the card) for the first time but then made a clone of it at instant speed? Well now you have the ability to block a creature and deal 10 damage directly to the opponent in one swift move. Getting back multiple instants/sorceries per turn with Charmbreaker Devils is also fun.
tl;dr - the creature-enhancing spells in the deck make everything awesome, allow for potentially super fast games, and are crazy with Precursor Golem.
Flayer of the Hatebound is no logner in here; I'm just too lazy to edit the description at the moment.